similar to: Cannot allocate large vectors (running out of memory?)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Cannot allocate large vectors (running out of memory?)"

2002 Nov 22
Need help with pipe()
Hello. I have an R program that calls gawk (GNU Awk 3.06 for Windows) from within pipe() to preprocess a large file before it is read into a data frame with read.table(). I've recently upgraded from Win98SE to WinXP, and have also upgraded from R1.5.0 to R1.6.1 over the past month or so. This program worked before the upgrade(s), but now fails. I observe the following sort of behavior with
2003 Aug 16
Prediction Intervals (reposting)
(I'm reposting this message because the original has not appeared after about 2 days. Sorry if it shows up twice.) Hello. First, thanks to those who responded to my recent inquiry about using contour() over arbitrary (x,y) by mentioning the interp() function in the akima package. That worked nicely. Now for a new question: I would like to use a pair of prediction intervals to
2005 Mar 28
Generating list of vector coordinates
Hi. Can anyone suggest a simple way to obtain in R a list of vector coordinates of the following form? The code below is Mathematica. In[5]:= Flatten[Table[{i,j,k},{i,3},{j,4},{k,5}], 2] Out[5]= {{1,1,1},{1,1,2},{1,1,3},{1,1,4},{1,1,5},{1,2,1},{1,2,2},{1,2,3},{1 ,2,4},{1,2, 5},{1,3,1},{1,3,2},{1,3,3},{1,3,4},{1,3,5},{1,4,1},{1,4,2},{1,4,3}, {1,4,
2002 Jul 21
Date arithmetic fails (PR#1819)
Full_Name: Ronnen Levinson Version: 1.5.1 OS: Mac OS 10.1 Submission from: (NULL) ( The value returned by strptime behaves badly after arithmetic operation and/or combination. > a=strptime("2002-06-01 12:15:01","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") > a [1] "2002-06-01 12:15:01" > a+0 [1] "1932-04-25 21:46:45" > a+3600 [1] "1932-04-25
2003 Aug 13
Contour plot for arbitrary (x,y,z)
Hello. Is there an easy-to-use contour plot function analogous to scatterplot3d that can draw handle a dataset of arbitrary (x,y,z) triplets? That is, say x, y, and z are each measured quanties, and exhibit neither order nor regularity. I looked at the lattice package function "contourplot" but it seems complicated, and it's not clear from the documentation whether it can
2005 Mar 26
Trouble with expression() in R-win 2.0.1
Hi. The following statement works fine in R-win 1.8.0, but yields a syntax error in R-win 2.0.1 (and possibly in other versions after 1.8.0): plot(c(1,2),main=expression(a==b==c)) I note that the following workaround executes successfully in both versions of R... plot(c(1,2),main=expression(a*"="*b*"="*c)) ...but I don't really understand
2008 Mar 28
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 3.0 Gb
Hello, I have read recent posts on this topic (Dr. Ronnen Levinson's Monday 02:39:55 pm), but before I install a 64 bit system, and purchase more RAM, I want to make sure I understand this interesting issue. I was attempting to plot a data frame containing Dow Jones stock information: > length(Date) [1] 19957 > length(Close) [1] 19957 > head(DowJones) Date Open High
2002 Aug 23
Legends and Fonts
Hello. Is it possible to set specify the font used by legend()? I would like to specify a fixed-width font so that I can line up parts of vertically stacked curve labels. For example, it would be nice if I could align the names, ages, and weights in the following three curve labels: Bob age=7 weight=100 Alexander age=13 weight=150 Susan age=20 weight=130 Is there perhaps a clever
2002 Aug 05
Formatting POSIXt values in plot axis labels
Hello. I have an XYY series that I would like to graph with matplot() or some other single function that will do the trick. The X in question is a vector of POSIXt values obtained from strptime(). Is it possible to tell matplot() how to handle POSIXt x values? I have examined the examples at , but would prefer not have to overlay the
2005 Apr 27
Closing RGui help windows
Hi. I often wind up with many help windows cluttering my RGui screen when running Windows R 2.0.1. Is there an R instruction to close one or more help windows, or an RGui command to close all help windows? Yours truly, /Ronnen. /P.S. E-mailed CC:s of posted replies appreciated. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Apr 27
Plotting polynomial fit
Hi. Is there an analog to abline() that can be used to plot a polynomial fit? For example, I can draw the straight-line fit fit <- lm(y ~ x) via abline(coef=fit$coef) but I'm not sure how to draw the polynomial fit fit <- lm(y ~ poly(x,2)) I do see the function curve(), but not how to prepare an expr for curve() based on the coefficients returned by the polynomial
2002 Jul 21
Trouble With Dates; Recommended Reference?
Hi. I'm having a little difficulty with R1.5.1. To wit: (1) Can anyone explain the following behavior? > a=strptime("2002-06-01 12:15:01","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") > a [1] "2002-06-01 12:15:01" > a+0 [1] "1932-04-25 21:46:45" > a+3600 [1] "1932-04-25 22:46:45" (2) Can anyone recommend an introductory R text other than that
2008 Jul 20
Erro: cannot allocate vector of size 216.0 Mb
Please, I have a 2GB computer and a huge time-series to embedd, and i tried increasing memory.limit() and memory.size(max=TRUE), but nothing. Just before the command: > memory.size(max=TRUE) [1] 13.4375 > memory.limit() [1] 1535.875 > gc() used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb) Ncells 209552 5.6 407500 10.9 350000 9.4 Vcells 125966 1.0 786432 6.0 496686 3.8
2009 Sep 10
Order a vector and move to new vector
I currently have a data frame with a Fund ID and NAV value. Is it possible to order the data frame and move to separate columns in a new data frame or matrix in R without using a for loop? I suppose I'd like to use a built in function to make it faster because I will have around 60,000 entries to sort and my current program takes too long to do this. I know how to use order, but is there a
2018 Jul 12
OpenSSH slow on OSX High Sierra (maybe due to libcrypto)?
Hi all. Is anyone else seeing issues with OpenSSH being slow on OSX High Sierra? In the interests of better test coverage I set one up, however the OpenSSH tests take much longer on it than on much older machines with much slower CPUs. It seems to be due to the vendor-supplied libcrypto being about 20x slower at bignum operations than nominally the same version of LibreSSL compiled locally. If
2018 May 29
auth: Error - Request timed out
Hello List, i use dovecot 2.2.22 and have the same problem described here: I can confirm that sometimes there is a problem with connection to mysql-db, but sometimes not. Reasons for failing are still under investigation by my mates. My current main problem is, that this fail seems to be a one way ticket for dovecot. Even if
2002 Aug 19
(1) With MSVCRT.DLL (version 4.20.6164) from installed in rw1051\bin directory, as per RWinFAQ 2.14: RGUI caused an invalid page fault in module MSVCRT.DLL at 017f:78014b90. Registers: EAX=0093007a CS=017f EIP=78014b90 EFLGS=00010246 EBX=017a2360 SS=0187 ESP=0091eee4 EBP=0091ef10 ECX=ffffffb5 DS=0187 ESI=00000000 FS=5bbf EDX=81d7d520 ES=0187
2010 Feb 12
rate limiting
Hi, i am using squid as a transparent proxy. i have added this 3 lines to my rules file ACCEPT $FW net tcp www ACCEPT loc $FW tcp 8080 REDIRECT loc 8080 tcp www - ! i want to limit the number of connection that are made from every pc on the network to the proxy server. if i change the 2nd rule to ACCEPT loc $FW tcp 8080
2010 Apr 05
Creating R packages, passing by reference and oo R.
Dear All, I would like some advice on creating R packages, passing by reference and oo R. I have created a package that is neither elegant nor extensible and rather cumbersome (it works). I would like to re write the code to make the package distributable (should it be of interest) and easy to maintain. The package is for Bayesian model determination via a reversible jump algorithm and has
2005 Nov 15
cannot.allocate.memory.again and 32bit<--->64bit
hello! ------ i use 32bit.Linux(SuSe)Server, so i'm limited with 3.5Gb of memory i demonstrate, that there is times to times a problem with allocating of objects of large size, for example 0.state (no objects yet created) ------------------------------------ > gc() used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb) Ncells 162070 4.4 350000 9.4 350000