similar to: ggplot2 - legend for fill coulours

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "ggplot2 - legend for fill coulours"

2008 Mar 25
ggplot2 - facetting
Dear All, After having overcome the issue of legends (thanks, Thierry, once more), I am trying to use facetting, but here also I can not find how to do this. I do not want to use qplot, but rather the more flexible options. However, it seems I am doing still something pretty stupid, because I always get an error, even if it seems I am doing everything like the examples. My code is below.
2012 Apr 25
FW: Combined grouped and stacked bargraph
Dear R list, It appears that my request from yesterday got a bit garbled. I have tried to rephrase and retype it - please let me know if you can help me - I am having some trouble drawing a bar-graph with two groups, both of which are stacked. I would like to plot the conservation status according to two classifications (i.e. my groups - IUCN status and national status), and for each of those
2012 Apr 24
Combined grouped and stacked bargraph
Dear R list, I am having some trouble drawing a bar-graph with two groups, both of which are stacked. A sample of my data (IUCN and national conservation status for marine and terrestrial species) look like this: Status IUCN Terrestrial IUCN Marine National CS Terrestrial National CS Marine NE 168 69 16 69 LC 41 6 148 6 NT 5 4 7 4 VU 4 2 7 2 EN 4 2 4 2 CR 1
2012 Feb 07
Lattice - different axis length
Dear all, I have a question about the lattice package, more specifically about the control of the x-axis length in the different panels. I use the following code to make the stacked barchart: barchart(country ~ climatechangefocalpoint + meteorologyservice + adaptationorvulnerability + cdmcarbonmarkets + energy + aviationmaritimetransport + forestry + pressofficer|period, data=graph5,
2005 Dec 15
Lattice graphics with combined plot types
The data is of two forms, ie one numeric and another ordinal ie 1.5 and <.5. The X Value is a factor. I'm trying to create a lattice conditioned plot with the following characteristics: 1) The plot is conditioned using the form (Conductivity~Day|Valve) 2) The plot should use a barplot for the ordinal (<.5) and dots for the numeric (1.5) 3) A line should be created specifying a
2009 Mar 23
changing order of lattice plots
Hi, This is another question relating to my 2 factor figure. densityplot(~End-Begin | Type * Chromosome, data=Mon, layout=c(5,12), xlab="Element Length",type="percent", col="grey60", strip=strip.custom(style=3, bg="grey90", par.strip.text=list(cex=0.5))) I would like to flip the plot so those at the bottom are at the top and so on. I have tried using a
2000 Jul 07
Question of programming style
This is really a question of how to program this *BETTER*. It works as I have done it, but is quite ugly. I want to do a 3d scatterplot of the upper triangle of a matrix, where the z-values are the values in the matrix, and the row and column indices are the y- and x-values. The complete (11 by 11) matrix is mmtop94.2. Here is my awkward code: mmtop94.2[lower.tri(mmtop94.2)] <- NA # Here i
2000 Feb 29
mapping of colornames into hsv: half way done
Ok, now we have the mapping of color names to color codes (see below) and conversion to rgb (something like Ben Bolker's function), but how to convert rgb to hsv? Thanks to Brian Ripley, Peter Dalgaard and Ben Bolker Details below Regards Jens etc/colors.big maps 455 names to rgb in S syntax etc/rgb.txt maps 657 names to rgb in C syntax, but unlike colors() it has mixed upper and
2011 Sep 15
Colour code y-axis labels on a dot plot
Dear R helpers I would like to be able to colour code the y-axis labels on a complex dot plot by a variable known as company (of which there are only two). The code is below and data attached. Thanks MarkM library("lattice") library(latticeExtra) # for mergedTrellisLegendGrob() # set size of the window windows(height=10, width=7,rescale=c("fixed")) ##read the data to a
2010 Aug 09
creating pdf of wireframe
Dear R list, I have written some code to produce several wireframe plots in a panel. They look good, but when I try to create a pdf, many (but not all) of the details I have specified are not reproduced. For example, the line width I have specified is not reproduced, and neither are the font sizes for the axis labels. I'm an R novice, so I could really use some guidance. Here is the code I am
2009 Dec 10
Detectar outliers en un gráfico de dispersión
Hola amigos, esta es mi primera duda, espero que no sea demasiado fácil. Tengo unos datos de dos variables y quiero mostrar recta de regresión y valor de correlación serie0 <- c(0.651, 0.712, 0.614, 0.645, 0.559, 0.647, 0.642, 0.534, 0.616, 0.621, 0.623) serie1 <- c(0.572, 0.641, 0.565, 0.596, 0.518, 0.604, 0.602, 0.501, 0.58, 0.589, 0.596) data <- cbind(serie0, serie1) colnames(data)
2009 Mar 23
lattice multipanel strip placement - with two factors
Hi, I'm making a multipanel lattice densityplot figure with 2 factors (3 and 20 classes in each factor) with the following statement (the type="percent" is there to prevent plotting the actual points which detract from the figure - is there another way of doing this?): densityplot(~End-Begin | Type * Chromosome, data=Mon, layout=c(5,12), xlab="Element
2008 Jul 20
fill in area between 2 lines with a color
Hi - I'd like to have the area between 2 lines on a x-y plot be filled with grey, but I haven't had any luck using polygon or rect. (In reality, I'd like to do this for twice - once for a low group and once for a high group - and then I'd like to plot a set of data points for a 'normal' group together with these 2 grey areas.) Here's a simple example of the 2 lines:
2010 Oct 20
histograms resulting from call to soil.texture
Hello, Using the dataset below I produce a soil.texture plot (R code for this included at the end). One will notice I have plotted the points based on whether or not they are in a region called 'upstream' or 'downstream'. I'm curious if there is a way to somehow extract counts of the number of points (red points and blue points) falling within each classification (e.g. silty
2012 Nov 30
(no subject)
Hello R usuer, The code given below superimposes a pie diagram on another plot containing some points. However, I would like to center the pie diagram on the xy location on the plot, but not on the center. is there any way to re-center pic diagram. Any suggestion or better alternative are highly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help. Regards, Bibke library(visualFields) library(car)
2011 Sep 15
Move the x-axis labels to the top of the dotplot
Dear R helpers I would like to move the x-axis labels, which plot automatically at the base of a dot plot to the top of the plot. Is there a way to do this? Code snippet below with(Cal_dat, dotplot(reorder(paste(Mine,Company), Resc_Gt) ~ Resc_Gt, fill_var = Commodity, pch_var = factor(Year), xlab_var = factor(Company), pch = c(21, 22, 23),
2009 Jun 22
Help needed: Fraction for Histogram > 1 ???
I have been trying to draw histogram for my manscript and found some strange things that I could not figure out why. Using the same code listed below I have successfully draw histograms for a few figures with fraction labeled on Y axis less than 1 (acturally between 0 to 0.1). But one dataset gives the Y axis label 0 to 5 as fraction. This is not true, as fraction are less than 1, although the
2011 Jun 24
try to generate graph for each element of my list
Dear all, I have the following problem. I have a List of time series dataframe.I'm trying to produce specific graph for each element of my list. The code is: This is my list: Lista_import<-lapply(Lista_import, function(x){ x2<-subset(x, select=c("ANNO","DICHIARANTE","PARTNER", "quota")) x2<-cast(x2, ANNO+DICHIARANTE~PARTNER) x2<-
2012 Dec 12
Problems with plot maps
Hello, I need plot map using ggplot() I use such code: library("ggplot2") library(cshapes) <- cshp() map <-[$COWCODE==369,] map_mp<- list( geom_polygon(aes(long, lat, group = group), data = map, fill = "grey70", colour = "grey60", inherit.aes = FALSE, show_guide = FALSE), scale_x_continuous("",
2010 Jul 06
grayscale wireframe??
I need grayscale formatting for a wireframe. The only col.regions that I can find are color palettes are all colored: rainbow(n, s = 1, v = 1, start = 0, end = max(1,n - 1)/n, gamma = 1, alpha = 1) heat.colors(n, alpha = 1) terrain.colors(n, alpha = 1) topo.colors(n, alpha = 1) cm.colors(n, alpha = 1) The code follows: X11() library(lattice) par(family="serif", cex=1.2)