similar to: warning message in a glm model

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "warning message in a glm model"

2015 Dec 15
How to efficiently share data (a dataframe) between R and Java
Dear all, thank you for your hints. I would prefer to do not use Rserve as Dirk mentioned. @Simon I have full control over the Java implementation - I can adapt the code that I use for the communication R <-> Java. > You can natively access structures on each side. The fastest way is to > use R representation (column-oriented) in Java - that is much faster > than any kind of
2008 Mar 13
Fit a logit curve to the data
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2008 May 12
Several questions about MCMClogit
Hello everybody, I'm new to MCMClogit. I'm trying to use MCMClogit to fit a logistic regression model but I got some warnings I can't understand. My input data X is 32(tissue sample)*20(genes) matrix, each element in this matrix corresponds to the expression value of one particular gene in one of 32 samples. And the Y presents the corresponding classes (0-non cancer, 1-cancer)
2008 Feb 20
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2006 Aug 31
what's wrong with my simulation programs on logistic regression
Dear friends, I'm doing a simulation on logistic regression model, but the programs can't work well,please help me to correct it and give some suggestions. My programs: data<-matrix(rnorm(400),ncol=8) #sample size is 50 data<-data.frame(data) names(data)<-c(paste("x",1:8,sep="")) #8 independent variables,x1-x8; #logistic regression model is
2010 Mar 08
Hi everyone, BEGINNER question: I get the error below when running hier.part. Probably i´m doing something wrong. Error in = X, y = Y, weights = weights, start = start, etastart = etastart, : object 'fit' not found In addition: Warning messages: 1: In = X, y = Y, weights = weights, start = start, etastart = etastart, : no observations informative at iteration 1
2005 Jan 28
GLM fitting
DeaR R-useRs, I'm trying to fit a logist model with these data: > dati y x 1 1 37 2 1 35 3 1 33 4 1 40 5 1 45 6 1 41 7 1 42 8 0 20 9 0 21 10 0 25 11 0 27 12 0 29 13 0 18 I use glm(), having this output: > g<-glm(y~x,family=binomial,data=dati) Warning messages: 1: Algorithm did not converge in: = X, y = Y, weights = weights, start = start, etastart =
2010 Apr 26
Unexpected warnings from summary() on mcmc.list objects
I am trying to get summary statistics from WinBUGS/JAGS output in the form of mcmc.list objects, using the summary() function. However, I get odd warning messages: Warning messages: 1: In = X, y = Y, weights = weights, start = start, etastart = etastart, : algorithm did not converge 2: In = X, y = Y, weights = weights, start = start, etastart = etastart, : algorithm did
2007 May 21
Source code of add1
Se ha borrado un texto insertado con un juego de caracteres sin especificar... Nombre: no disponible Url:
2005 Aug 05
question regarding logit regression using glm
I got the following warning messages when I did a binomial logit regression using glm(): Warning messages: 1: Algorithm did not converge in: = X, y = Y, weights = weights, start = start, etastart = etastart, 2: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred in: = X, y = Y, weights = weights, start = start, etastart = etastart, Can some one share your thoughts on how to
2005 Jul 02
Is it possible to use glm() with 30 observations?
I have a very simple problem. When using glm to fit binary logistic regression model, sometimes I receive the following warning: Warning messages: 1: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred in: = X, y = Y, weights = weights, start = start, etastart = etastart, 2: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred in: = X, y = Y, weights = weights, start = start,
2006 Jan 15
problems with glm
Dear R users, I am having some problems with glm. The first is an error message "subscript out of bounds". The second is the fact that reasonable starting values are not accepted by the function. To be more specific, here is an example: > success <- c(13,12,11,14,14,11,13,11,12) > failure <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2) > predictor <- c(0,80*5^(0:7)) >
2006 Jan 31
warnings in glm (logistic regression)
Hello R users I ran more than 100 logistic regression analyses. Some of the analyses gave me this kind warning below. ########################################################### Warning messages: 1: algorithm did not converge in: = X, y = Y, weights = weights, start = start, etastart = etastart, ... 2: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred in: = X, y = Y,
2009 Mar 27
deleting/removing previous warning message in loop
Hello R Users, I am having difficulty deleting the last warning message in a loop so that the only warning that is produced is that from the most recent line of code. I have tried options(warn=1), rm(last.warning), and resetting the last.warning using something like: > warning("Resetting warning message") This problem has been addressed in a previous listserve string,
2005 Jun 16
logistic regression - using polys and products of features
Hi I can get all my features by doing this: > logistic.model = glm(similarity ~ ., family=binomial, data = cData[3001:3800,]) I can get the product of all my features by this: logistic.model = glm(similarity ~ . ^ 2, family=binomial, data = cData[3001:3800,]) I don't seem to be able to get polys by doing this: logistic.model = glm(similarity ~ poly(.,2), family=binomial, data
2006 Jul 18
SpeexEncoder requires 320 samples to process a Frame, not 160
Hi guys I have tried compiling this attached code, I made all the buffers 320, there is no trace of a 160 buffer, but I get a " SpeexEncoder requires 320 samples to process a Frame, not 160" error. Maybe there's something I'm missing, here's my code: import; import; import; import
2010 Jul 22
GLM Starting Values
Hello, Suppose one is interested in fitting a GLM with a log link to binomial data. How does R choose starting values for the estimation procedure? Assuming I don't supply them. Thanks, Tyler
2006 Nov 12
segfault 'memory not mapped', dual core problem?
I encountered a segfault running glm() and wonder if it could have something to do with the way memory is handled in a dual core system (which I just set up). I'm running R-base-2.4.0-1, installed from the SuSE 10.1 x86_64 rpm (obtained from CRAN). (My processor is an AMD Athlon 64 x2 4800+). The error and traceback are *** caught segfault *** address 0x8001326f2b, cause 'memory not
2018 Jan 18
MCMC Estimation for Four Parametric Logistic (4PL) Item Response Model
Good day Sir/Ma'am! This is Alyssa Fatmah S. Mastura taking up Master of Science in Statistics at Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute Technology (MSU-IIT), Philippines. I am currently working on my master's thesis titled "Comparing the Three Estimation Methods for the Four Parametric Logistic (4PL) Item Response Model". While I am looking for a package about Markov chain
2007 Jul 25
question on using "gl1ce" from "lasso2" package
Hi, I tried several settings by using the "family=gaussian" in "gl1ce", but none of them works. For the case "glm" can work. Here is the error message I got: > glm(Petal.Width~Sepal.Length+Sepal.Width+Petal.Length ,data=iris,family=gaussian()) > gl1ce(Petal.Width~Sepal.Length+Sepal.Width+Petal.Length ,data=iris,family=gaussian()) Error in eval(expr, envir,