similar to: Interaction Terms versus Interaction Effects in logistic regression

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Interaction Terms versus Interaction Effects in logistic regression"

2010 Apr 28
Interaction terms in logistic regression using glm
I recently became aware of the article by Ai and Norton (2003) about how interaction terms are problematic in nonlinear regression (such as logistic regression). They offer a correct way of estimating interaction effects and their standard errors. My question is: Does the glm() function take these corrections into account when estimating interaction terms for a logistic regression
2004 Nov 11
polr probit versus stata oprobit
Dear All, I have been struggling to understand why for the housing data in MASS library R and stata give coef. estimates that are really different. I also tried to come up with many many examples myself (see below, of course I did not have the set.seed command included) and all of my `random' examples seem to give verry similar output. For the housing data, I have changed the data into numeric
2007 Nov 15
not R question : alternative to logistic regression
I was just curious if anyone knew of an alternative model to logistic regression where the probabilities seems pretty linear to the predictor rather than having that S shape that probit and logit assume. Maybe there is there some kind of other GLM that could accomplish that. Any textbook references or suggestions are appreciated. I have most of the texts but if someone knows of a text that talks
2012 Apr 07
Resumen de R-help-es, Vol 38, Envío 13
2012/4/7 <> > Envíe los mensajes para la lista R-help-es a > > > Para subscribirse o anular su subscripción a través de la WEB > > > O por correo electrónico, enviando un mensaje con el texto "help" en > el asunto (subject) o en el cuerpo a:
2012 Mar 21
multivariate ordinal probit regression vglm()
Hello, all. I'm investigating the rate at which skeletal joint surfaces pass through a series of ordered stages (changes in morphology). Current statistical methods in this type of research use various logit or probit regression techniques (e.g., proportional odds logit/probit, forward/backward continuation ratio, or restricted/unrestricted cumulative probit). Data typically include the
2008 Apr 09
Endogenous variables in ordinal logistic (or probit) regression
A student brought this question to me and I can't find any articles or examples that are directly on point. Suppose there are 2 ordinal logistic regression models, and one wants to set them into a simultaneous equation framework. Y1 might be a 4 category scale about how much the respondent likes the American Flag and Y2 might be how much the respondent likes the Republican Party in America.
2013 Feb 06
calculating odds ratio in logistic regression with interaction terms
Dear all, How can i obtain odds ratio in logistic regression when the model contains interaction terms in R? how can i obtain OR for a special case? Thanks in advance for any help. Amin
2003 Oct 14
Updated package: Boolean v1.03
Version 1.03 of the R package boolean has been uploaded to CRAN and is now available. boolean implements partial-observability logit and probit models for testing Boolean hypotheses. It permits researchers to model the probability of the occurrence of a given outcome as a complex function of the probabilities that other outcomes will occur (or other conditions will be fulfilled). For
2003 Oct 14
Updated package: Boolean v1.03
Version 1.03 of the R package boolean has been uploaded to CRAN and is now available. boolean implements partial-observability logit and probit models for testing Boolean hypotheses. It permits researchers to model the probability of the occurrence of a given outcome as a complex function of the probabilities that other outcomes will occur (or other conditions will be fulfilled). For
2005 Nov 21
Multinomial Nested Logit package in R?
Dear R-Help, I'm hoping to find a Multinomial Nested Logit package in R. It would be great to find something analogous to "PROC MDC" in SAS: > The MDC (Multinomial Discrete Choice) procedure analyzes models > where the > choice set consists of multiple alternatives. This procedure > supports conditional logit, > mixed logit, heteroscedastic extreme value,
2008 Jan 03
GLM results different from GAM results without smoothing terms
Hi, I am fitting two models, a generalized linear model and a generalized additive model, to the same data. The R-Help tells that "A generalized additive model (GAM) is a generalized linear model (GLM) in which the linear predictor is given by a user specified sum of smooth functions of the covariates plus a conventional parametric component of the linear predictor." I am fitting the GAM
2018 Mar 19
Struggling to compute marginal effects !
Dear Oscar, and any other R-project person, Can you please help me to figure out the meaning of the following error message in red ? Error in eval(predvars, data, env) : numeric 'envir' arg not of length one I computed ordered logit models using 'polr' in R (I just followed the guidance a handout I found on about logit, probit and multinomial logit models) . The
2010 Oct 31
Questions about Probit Analysis
Dear All, I have some questions about probit regressions. I saw a nice introduction at and I mainly have two questions. (1) The first is almost about data manipulation. Consider the following snippet ################################################## mydata <- read.csv(url("")) names(mydata) <-
2004 Jun 12
ordered probit or logit / recursive regression
> I make a study in health econometrics and have a categorical > dependent variable (take value 1-5). I would like to fit an ordered > probit or ordered logit but i didn't find a command or package who > make that. Does anyone know if it's exists ? R is very fancy. You won't get mundane things like ordered probit off the shelf. (I will be very happy if someone will show
2004 Nov 30
(no subject)
Hello, I am trying to estimate a choice model with varying choice set for each individual. I would like to fit different kinds of model (logit ,nested logit, probit...). So far I have found that package *mnp* allows me to estimate a probit model with varying choice set. But for estimation of a logit model, I have only found function *multinom* of package *nnet* which does not seem to allow for
2020 Apr 13
Poor family objects error messages
Hello, The following code: > binomial(identity) Generates an error message: Error in binomial(identity) : link "identity" not available for binomial family; available links are ?logit?, ?probit?, ?cloglog?, ?cauchit?, ?log? While : > binomial("identity") Yields an identity-binomial object that works as expected with stats::glm The error in the first example mislead
2004 Jun 30
interval regression
Hi, does anyone have a quick answer to the question of how to carry out interval regression in R. I have found "ordered logit" and "ordered probit" as well as multinomial logit etc. The thing is, though, that I want to apply logit/probit to interval-coded data and I know the cell limits which are used to turn the quantitative response into an ordered factor. Hence, it does
2009 May 07
GAM ordered probit
Dear All, Anyone know if there is a package that fits Generalized Linear Models(GAM) to data with ordered dependent variable(response) ? Simon Wood's mgcv has probit, logit,... other links, however, I could not find a way to do GAM *ordered *probit. Yee's VGAM claims to fit ordinal proportional odds model(cumulative logit model) (see: but I
2005 Oct 12
linear mixed effect model with ordered logit/probit link?
Hello, I'm working on the multiple categorical data (5-points scale) using linear mixed effect model and wondering if anyone knows about or works on the linear mixed effect model with ordered logit or probit link. I found that the "lmer" function in R is very flexible and supports various models, but not ordered logit/probit models. I may conduct my analysis by turning my DVs
2016 Apr 14
help with OR confidence interval using probit link
Howdy everyone I?m trying to get Odds ratio and OR confidence intervals using a probit model, but I'm not getting. Do you think you can help me? I?m new with R L naive = summary(glm([,7]$age,family=binomial(link=probit))) naive_answer = c(naive$coefficients[,1:3]) #naive estimates for