similar to: empty array

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "empty array"

2004 Oct 01
multiple dimensional diag()
Hi I have two arbitrarily dimensioned arrays, "a" and "b", with length(dim(a))==length(dim(b)). I want to form a sort of "corner-to-corner" version of abind(), or a multidimensional version of blockdiag(). In the case of matrices, the function is easy to write and if a=matrix(1,3,4) and b=matrix(2,2,2), then adiag(a,b) would return: [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
2009 Feb 25
Strange behavior of savePlot
Hi all, I am using savePlot in a loop for saving several graph but I get some graph in 553x552, some other in 1920x1119. How comes ? My data are almost all the same (same label, same xlim / ylim, almost same data. Only the color changes). I save them in bmp. Thanks for your help. Christophe
2008 Jun 11
Finding Coordinate of Max/Min Value in a Data Frame
Hi, Suppose I have the following data frame. __BEGIN__ > library(MASS) > data(crabs) > crab.pca <- prcomp(crabs[,4:8],retx=TRUE) > crab.pca$rotation PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 FL 0.2889810 0.3232500 -0.5071698 0.7342907 0.1248816 RW 0.1972824 0.8647159 0.4141356 -0.1483092 -0.1408623 CL 0.5993986 -0.1982263 -0.1753299 -0.1435941 -0.7416656 CW
2011 Nov 06
Deleting rows dataframe in R conditional to “if any of (a specific variable) is equal to”
Dear list, I have been struggling for some time now with this code... I have this vector of unique ID "EID" of length 821 extracted from one of my dataframe (skate). It looks like this: > head(skate$EID) [1] "896-19" "895-8" "899-1" "899-5" "899-8" "895-7" I would like to remove the complete rows in another dataframe
2012 Oct 13
Problem with a submission to jss
Hi the list, I am about to submit an article describing an R package to the Journal of Statistical Software but I encounter a strange behavior of LaTeX: the numbering of the figure is correct (1. 2. 3. ...), but when I make a reference to a figure, the section (or the subsection) number appears instead of the figure number. I check if this behavior occurs with the file example provide in the
2017 Oct 10
[RFC] Add SeaHorn and Crab-llvm to Users.html
Hi folks, We would like to add SeaHorn <> and Crab-llvm <> to the list of LLVM's users on under Open Source Projects. The descriptions would be: 1. SeaHorn | An Algorithmic Logic-Based Reasoning Framework. 2. Crab-llvm | A static analyzer based on abstract interpretation for LLVM. I attach a
2007 Dec 09
Oriented object programming
Hi all Two questions: - I would like to learn more on oriented object programming with R. Is there any tutorial for that? - Without waking up a troll, I am not very familiar with diffusion list, I am more use to forum. On a diffusion list, how can I check if someone already asks a question? I mean, I went on CRAN-R website, I find the R mailing list archive. But is there a way to search
2005 Sep 01
More block diagonal matrix construction code
Folks: In answer to a query, Andy Liaw recently submitted some code to construct a block diagonal matrix. For what seemed a fairly straightforward task, the code seemed a little "overweight" to me (that's an American stock analyst's term, btw), so I came up with a slightly cleaner version (with help from Andy): bdiag<-function(...){ mlist<-list(...) ## handle case in
2009 Mar 01
probleme with savePlot (to eps)
Hi the list, I used savePlot to export some eps graph but it seems that the graph file hold a bug. I include the graph.eps in a LaTeX file. Running latex is ok. But the dvi file contain some mistake, the graph overprint on some text and hide it. Then, when I try to convert it to another format, I get : Ignoring remaining special text following unkown PS operator: "SDict" Remainder
2009 Jun 23
Long to wide format without time variable
Hi all, I am trying to convert a data set of physician death codings (each individual's cause of death is coded by multiple physicians) from long to wide format, but the "reshape" function doesn't seem to work because it requires a "time" variable to identify the sequence among the repeated observations within individuals. My data set has no order, and different
2012 Nov 06
LazyData: no / yes
Hi the list I have package foo0 with a big dataset 'myData'. In DESCRIPTION, if I use 'LazyData: no', then I get: - when I open a R session : memory used=20 908 - when I attach 'library(foo0)' : memory used=24364 - then I load the set 'data(myData)' : memory used=39 668 If I use LazyData: yes', then I get - when I open a R session : memory used=20 908
2012 Nov 06
Hi the list In the DESCRIPTION file of my package foo0, I have: Depends: foo1 Imports: foo2 Suggest: foo3 Enhence: foo4 If I understand correctly, to install foo0 on my computer, I need to already have foo1, foo2, foo3. foo4 is not necessary. I my R sesssion, when I will write: library(foo0), then the package foo1 will be attach. foo2, foo3 and foo4 will not. Is that correct? But what is
2012 Nov 05
exporting 3D dynamic graph
Hi the list, Using misc3d, we can export 3d dynamic graph in pdf format. Is it also possible to export these graph into a format that we can publish on the web? Christophe -- Christophe Genolini Maître de conférences en bio-statistique Vice président Communication interne et animation du campus Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Nov 19
Is it possible to be sponsored by R?
Hi the list, I am a member of the organizing comity of the French Statistics Association (SFdS)'s conference. We are looking for sponsors. Some software (SAS, RITME, ...) are represented. Do you know if there is any possibility to be sponsored by R (or by an association close to R)? Do you think I can ask to the R fondation? Sincerely Christophe -- Christophe Genolini Maître de
2010 Nov 04
Sorting data from one column with strings
Hello, I have tried to find this out some other way, but unsuccessful I have to try this list. I assume this should be quite simple. I have a dataset with 4 columns, "Sample_no", "Species", "Nitrogen", "Carbon" in csv format. In the species column I have many different species with varying number of obs per species Eg "Sample_no"
2005 Aug 31
Block-diagonal matrix
Dear R-users, Does anybody know how to construct a block-diagonal matrix (with the blocks being different matrixs, concerning the dimension and the values), without use loops ? Thanks all, Caio --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Oct 23
create diagonal matrix within a for cycle
? stato filtrato un testo allegato il cui set di caratteri non era indicato... Nome: non disponibile Url:
2009 Sep 09
Package that does not work until I re write the exactly the same code
Hi the list, I am writing a package in S4 and I do not manage to understand a bug. The "R CMD check" and the "R CMD build" both work. Here is links to the package (not on CRAN yet for the raison that I explain bellow): Then I install the package and I
2012 Mar 26
copy the columns based on the code
Hello, I have two different dataset, and wanted to join the two. For example I have a table of codes of cities, and other with with the codes of travels, [source for the destine]. what he wanted was to have a new data.frame with all the information city<-data.frame(city="Barcelona",cod=1) city<-rbind(city,data.frame(city="Madrid",cod=2))
2009 Dec 07
savePlot for Mac and / or Linux?
Hi all, In the package rtlu, I use the function savePlot. It is convenient since it let the user decide in which graphic format he wants his graph to be export. But when I run R CMD check, I get the following message : > rtlu(V1,fileOutput="First.tex",textBefore="\\section{Variable 1 to 3}",graphName="V1") Error in savePlot(filename = nomBarplot, type = type)