similar to: feeding merge.zoo a vector containing the names of zoo objects?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "feeding merge.zoo a vector containing the names of zoo objects?"

2011 Mar 13
problem with looping formula through table
Dear useRs, I am stuck with a piece of code and hope you could give me some pointers. My aim is to calculate the lm-regression coefficients of individual stocks against an index. I am interested in both the coefficient and the pval. While I could do this manually for a select hand full, I hope to scale this up say for 30+ stocks (DAX-30, FTSE-100 etc.) to eventually have a matrix of coefficients
2011 May 15
Hello, I have a few questions concerning the DCC-GARCH model and its programming in R. So here is what I want to do: I take quotes of two indices - S&P500 and DJ. And the aim is to estimate coefficients of the DCC-GARCH model for them. This is how I do it: library(tseries) p1 = get.hist.quote(instrument = "^gspc",start = "2005-01-07",end =
2011 May 12
DCC-GARCH model and AR(1)-GARCH(1,1) regression model
Hello, I have a rather complex problem... I will have to explain everything in detail because I cannot solve it by myself...i just ran out of ideas. So here is what I want to do: I take quotes of two indices - S&P500 and DJ. And my first aim is to estimate coefficients of the DCC-GARCH model for them. This is how I do it: library(tseries) p1 = get.hist.quote(instrument =
2011 Jan 29
Basic Help with Zoo objects and trading days
All, I have been just recently working with zoo objects for trading systems. Can someone please help with these basic questions? Given a daily time series downloaded using get.hist.quote() from the tseries package, ie...... startDate= as.Date("2000-01-01") endDate= as.Date("2011-01-29") frequency= 'd' s= get.hist.quote('IWF', start= startDate, end=
2017 Jul 30
Kalman filter for a time series
I found an example at shown below. But it seems the structSSM function has been removed from KFAS library so it won't run. Does anyone know how to fix the code so that it runs? library(KFAS) library(tseries) library(timeSeries) library(zoo) library(quantmod) getDailyPrices = function( tickerSym, startDate, endDate ) {
2010 Jun 09
Extracting Elements By Date
Dear R Gurus, Thanks for any help in advance! Date.frame: Returns.names X id ticker date_ adjClose totret RankStk 258060 258060 13645T10 CP 2001-06-29 18.125 1877.758 My data frame is in the above format. I would like to filter by period, per id (every 125 days) each consisting of 250 days, I.e. 1-250, 126-375, etc. One important thing to note is that not all
2010 Jun 08
Filtering out a data.frame
Sample Data.Frame format Name is Returns.nodup X id ticker date_ adjClose totret RankStk 427225 427225 00174410 AHS 2001-11-13 21.66 100 1235 "id" uniquely defines a row What I am trying to do is filter out id's that have less than 1500 data points (by date) First, I used total<-by(Returns.nodup, Returns.nodup$id,nrow) which subsetted by
2010 Dec 02
Downloading quote data from yahoo finance
Hi R users,   Thanks in advance.   I am using R 2.12.0 on Windows XP.   May I request you to assist me in the following please.   1. I am getting error while downloading quote data from yahoo finance.   The example code is below (taken from tseries help):   library(tseries)   con <- url("") if(!inherits(try(open(con), silent = TRUE), "try-error")) {  
2017 Jul 30
Kalman filter for a time series
> structSSM Is no longer part of KFAS. All you needed to do was: library(KFAS) ?KFAS and you would have seen that if you went to the index. A structural state space model is now built up from its components, much like in LM. Look at; ?SSModel -Roy > On Jul 29, 2017, at 9:26 PM, Staff <rbertematti at> wrote: > > I found an example at >
2012 Mar 10
Generating abnormal returns in R
Hello This is my first post on this forum and I hope someone can help me out. I have a datafile (weeklyR) with returns of +- 100 companies. I acquired this computing the following code: library("tseries"); tickers = c("GSPC" , "BP" , "TOT" , "ENI.MI" , "VOW.BE" , "CS.PA" , "DAI.DE" , "ALV.DE" ,
2010 Jun 04
R Newbie, please help!
Hello Everyone, I just started a new job & it requires heavy use of R to analyze datasets. I have a data.table that looks like this. It is sorted by ID & Date, there are about 150 different IDs & the dataset spans 3 million rows. The main columns of concern are ID, date, and totret. What I need to do is to derive daily returns for each ID from totret, which is simply totret at time
2010 Mar 17
Hi, Although my doubt is pretty,as i m not from stats background i am not sure how to proceed on this. Currently i am doing a forecasting.I used ARIMA to forecast and time series was volatile i used garchFit for residuals. How to use the output of Garch to correct the forecasted values from ARIMA. Here is my code: ###delta is the data fit<-arima(delta,order=c(2,,0,1)) fit.res <-
2003 May 30
Need help installing qtoolbox
I have windows version of R v1.6.2 I have downloaded the from My R command line is > install.packages("C:/Program Files/R/", .libPaths()[1], CRAN = NULL) and I get the following error message: updating HTML package descriptions Warning message: error -1 in extracting from zip file > Is there another way to
2012 Dec 15
virt-resize Fatal error: exception Guestfs.Error("e2fsck_f
We?ve been seeing this a lot lately on generic CentOS 6 rpm installs: rpm -qa | grep libguestfs libguestfs-java-1.16.19-1.el6.x86_64 libguestfs-java-devel-1.16.19-1.el6.x86_64 libguestfs-1.16.19-1.el6.x86_64 libguestfs-tools-1.16.19-1.el6.x86_64 libguestfs-javadoc-1.16.19-1.el6.x86_64 libguestfs-devel-1.16.19-1.el6.x86_64 libguestfs-tools-c-1.16.19-1.el6.x86_64
2011 Nov 23
How to explain interaction variable in Linear regression?
Hello everyone, Recently, I faced a problem on explanatory of *Interaction variable* in Linear Regression, could anyone give me some help on how to explain that? the response variable Y is significantly correlated with *Interaction variable X* which is consisted of Continuous predictor A and Categorical predictor B. The Categorical predictor B has two factors B1 (value=1) and B2 (value=0). The
2012 Jun 12
[LLVMdev] Why always abort in verifyFunction?
On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 5:44 PM, Joey Gouly <joel.gouly at> wrote: > Hi Xiu, > > The Verifier pass runs a PreVerifier pass, which does not honour the > action argument, > and will always abort on a broken module, (Line 106, > lib/VMCore/Verifier.cpp) > So the argument can not be used as described as the official document? I just want to make sure of that and
2006 Jan 11
Enterprise Rails Apps
Is there a place I can get a list of "enterprise" Rails applications? Apparently, even though I''ve looked at the wiki and cited the examples there, there are some at my organization who still can''t find proof that Rails is usable in an enterprise setting. Would you fine folks be able to tell me about some large-scale projects that could be classified as
2009 Dec 22
XAPI source code
Hi All I have downloaded the opensource xapi source code. I am not sure what the functins of the follow modules: 1 block_device_io 2 datamodel 3 xiu (I am puzzled by the name "xiu") 4 stats 5 rpc-light 6 rss 7 xb (I think the xapi needs not to talk to xenbus directly) 8 xsrpc (why it writes some "rpc" keys to path of "domain/<domid>" in the
2012 Jun 12
[LLVMdev] Why always abort in verifyFunction?
On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 10:11:01AM +0800, Michael.Kang wrote: > > > On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 5:44 PM, Joey Gouly <joel.gouly at> wrote: > > Hi Xiu, > > The Verifier pass runs a PreVerifier pass, which does not honour the action > argument, > and will always abort on a broken module, (Line 106, lib/VMCore/ > Verifier.cpp) >
2006 May 26
win32-dir, unicode
Hi, I''ve got a preliminary version of the pure Ruby version of win32-dir in CVS. However, I was hoping to work out the Unicode issue. Run this: from = "C:\\test" to = "?????" Dir.mkdir(from) unless File.exists?(from) Dir.create_junction(to, from) It works, but my explorer (and dos) window shows the name garbled. I don''t think it''s a font