similar to: using nrow to identify one row

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "using nrow to identify one row"

2008 Feb 11
Conditional rows
Hi, Given a simple example, test <- matrix(c(0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1), 3, 3) How to generate row indexes for which their corresponding row values are less than or equal to 0.2 ? For this example, row 2 and 3 are the correct ones. Thanks [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Jul 11
Hello I am a relatively new user of R and am struggling to use the 'network' package. I have a correlation matrix (produced using 'cor'), and want to draw a network where each item showing correlation above a threshold (say 0.5) is joined by a green line, and each item showing correlation below a threshold (say -0.5) is joined by a red line. Does anyone have any hints of how to
2008 Jan 11
Count unique rows/columns in a matrix
Dear List, i know there are some solutions for this in the archive, but they're not very good for numeric matrices, since they usually convert rows/columns to character strings. Is there an easy way to do $subject for numeric matrices properly, or i need to do it by hand? Thanks, Gabor
2008 Feb 01
re placing values in a matrix
useR's, Consider: y <- c(20, 25, 30) > m <- matrix(c(0.0,1,NA,0.5,1.25,0.75, 0.5, NA, > NA),byrow=TRUE,nrow=3,ncol=3) > m [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 0.0 1.00 NA [2,] 0.5 1.25 0.75 [3,] 0.5 NA NA For each numeric value, I want to replace them with their corresponding y-value. The result should look like (here, each row represents a variable rather than the columns):
2008 Jan 26
Which R version created a package?
Greetings, R-ians: I would like to know which version or R was used to create a given package. I think I remember seeing that topic discussed recently but cannot find it among my notes. Can anyone tell me how to determine which version of R created a package? Thanks. Charles Annis, P.E. <>
2008 Feb 18
Hallo, I am running R-2.6. on Windows. I have a code which uses library(convert). Can anyone tell me which package I need to install to run this code. Everytime I receive the error message library (convert) not found. Thanks, Corinna
2008 Jan 14
problems with .svg
Dear everybody! I am making a graph in R and employ pstoedit to expot the .pdf-output to .svg. When I open the .svg with firefox I get the .svg-code shown wit the following header: "Mit dieser XML-Datei sind anscheinend keine Style-Informationen verkn?pft. Nachfolgend wird die Baum-Ansicht des Dokuments angezeigt." Which information should how be included? Thank you in advance. Yours,
2008 Mar 04
Hi there! I use an gnome-terminal for using R. When I resize the termial to the maximum size, R uses only the left side of the window. Can I tell R to use the whole window somehow? Thanks, Martin -- Ihr Partner f?r Webdesign, Webapplikationen und Webspace. Martin Kaffanke +43 650 4514224 -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was
2008 Jul 08
Can R do this ?
I have a folder full of pngs and jpgs, and would like to consolidate them into a pdf with appropriate title and labels. Can this be done via R ? _________________________________________________________________ Easily publish your photos to your Spaces with Photo Gallery. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jun 21
S3 generics need identical signature?
Dear all, "Writing R Extensions" explicitly says that A method must have all the arguments of the generic, including ... if the generic does. A method must have arguments in exactly the same order as the generic. If the generic specifies defaults, all methods should use the same defaults. This is clear. R CMD check even checks for this. But then how is it possible that
2008 May 09
For Social Network Analysis-Graph Analysis - How to convert 2 mode data to 1 mode data?
Hi, Does anyone know of a package in R that has a function to convert network data (e.g. an adjacency matrix or ) from 2-mode to 1-mode? I am conducting social network analysis. I know that Pajek has this function under Net --> Transform --> 2-mode to 1-mode --> Rows. I have searched the documentation under packages 'sna', 'network', 'igraph', and
2009 Apr 06
Search for a graph package - see link
Hi to all, does anybody knows whether there is a package to plot those graphs. the thickness of the points and/or the lines should be represent the numbers of behaviours With kind regards Knut
2008 Dec 26
question about SNA in R, thanks!
Dear colleagues, I'm trying to have a look at the Assortative and Disassortative ( of the network I have. But it seems that the igraph hasn't mentioned that yet. I have to get the in/out degree of the vertices of each edge and calculate the Pearson's Correlation coefficient which seems to be quite a huge task for me. :( So I wonder if
2009 Sep 04
Running R on read-only file system, without temporary directory
Dear All, I would like to do run R without having write permissions to any directory on the system. It seems that I need to modify the R source code for this, to make R start without creating a temporary directory. So far, so good. But should I expect any more complications? Does R really need the temporary directory that much? Thanks, Gabor -- Gabor Csardi <Gabor.Csardi at>
2008 Mar 05
vertex labels in igraph from adjacency matrix
I am getting some unexpected results from some functions of igraph and it is possible that I am misinterpreting the vertex numbers. Eg., the max betweenness measure seems to be from a vertex that is not connected to a single other vertex. Below if my code snippet: require(igraph) my.graph <- graph.adjacency(adjmatrix = my.adj.matrix, mode=c("undirected")) most.between.vert <-
2009 Apr 07
Minimum Spanning Tree
Hi all, I'm very new to R and read a few tutorials, however I'm having difficulty trying to figure out how to plot a minimum spanning tree. I have a csv file that contains an n-by-n matrix of distances between strains of bacteria called matrix.csv. Looks like: id,strain1, strain2,strain3 strain1,0,.2,.8 strain2,.3,0,.7 strain3,.4,.6,0 I've been messing around with some information
2008 Feb 12
0.45<0.45 = TRUE (PR#10744)
Dear developer, in my version of R (2.4.0) as weel as in a more recent version (2.6.0) on different computers, we found this problem : > a<-(58/40-1) > a [1] 0.45 > b<-(18/40) > b [1] 0.45 > a<b [1] TRUE > a==b [1] FALSE > Something seems wrong here. but if we do > c<-0.45 > d<-0.45 > c<d [1] FALSE then everything is ok. If we use 59
2009 Oct 21
random numbers between 0 and 1
Hi, To generate random numbers between 0 and 1, do you use rnorm followed by dnrom? for ex, for 10 variables a = rnorm(10) > a [1] -0.87640764 -0.95842391 -1.33434559 -0.63844932 -1.69829393 0.80010865 [7] -0.01026882 -0.23887516 2.29912600 -1.38352143 > dnorm(a) [1] 0.27171985 0.25202507 0.16378878 0.32538464 0.09432211 0.28966637 [7] 0.39892125 0.38772103 0.02838403 0.15320103
2008 Mar 20
download webpage in R
Hi, everyone I want to download a XML webpage and save it as a file in my local machine. Is there any way to do it in R? Thanks a lot Gilbert [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Mar 14
test individual values in rows
Hi list. I have a numerical dataset 22,000 rows deep and 43 columns wide. I would like to remove those rows which contain only values less than 100 (ie if any value in the row is greater than 100 the row stays in the dataset). I am unsure how to test each individual value across the rows and then identify the rows which meet my criteria. Can anyone help? Thank you. Iain [[alternative HTML