similar to: help with summary(polr_model)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "help with summary(polr_model)"

2008 Mar 15
again with polr
hello everybody solved the problem with summary, now I have another one eg I estimate > try.op <- polr( > as.ordered( ~ > log(y) + > log(1 + nfiglimin) + > log(1 + nfiglimagg) + > log(ncomp - nfiglitot) + > eta + > I(eta^2) + >
2008 Mar 02
regression output to latex
hello everybody i was seeking a converter beetween R regression output (eg with summary) and the conventional way to present regression output in paper: every model as a vertical vector with \beta, t beetween parenthesis below the first, and other statistics (R^2 etc) . I've seen hmisc and xtable, and if I didn't miss something, they don't include something like that. Thank you
2012 Feb 17
xen-unstable unable to boot on Wheezy
Dom0 is Wheezy 64 bit with kernel 3.2.0-1-amd64 version 3.2.4-1, xen from xen-unstable.hg changeset 24823:b75664e53905 plus these patch for not fail build: On boot start to load but after start ramdisk load server reboot without message on screen. The grub2 entry is: -----------------------------------------
2008 Jul 10
charaters problem
Hi folks :-) Mounting a shared ntfs volume in debian os, I see some files like this: L'?uomo di notte.jpg the real name is: L'?omo di notte.jpg So, when I try to open this file (from a client) a message error appear: "the file doesn't exist". How can I resolve this problem? Thanks Pol
2018 Oct 10
R lets one lock an environment with both an R function, base::lockEnvironment, and a C function, R_LockEnvironment, but, as far as I can tell, no corresponding function to unlock an environment. Is this omission on principle or just something that has not been done yet? I ask because several packages, including the well-used R6 and rlang packages, fiddle with some bits in with SET_ENVFLAGS and
2016 Oct 15
ciclo for para gráficos
Estimados Tengo un problema que resumo en lo siguiente: Primero hago un bucle for, algo como puede ser este esquema For( i in datos) { Preparo para gráfico 1 <- ??.. Preparo para gráfico 2 <- ??.. Preparo para gráfico 3 <- ??.. Preparo para gráfico 4 <- ??.. } Hasta aquí no hay errores (R procesa) Parte dos, preparo un gráfico para un elemento de la lista, donde están los
2002 Feb 14
Samba, NIS and Winbind
I'm going to install Samba as file server on a local networl with a NT 4 domain; before choosing i have to clear some ideas: Samba need users account and the same account must be known to linux, too? but, always i have to define users on linux,too? To define users on linux i can manually insert them in /etc/passwd or i can use NIS as source in the nsswitch to obtain account from the NT
2009 May 22
EM algorithm mixture of multivariate
Hi, i would to know, if someone have ever write the code to estimate the parameter (mixing proportion, mean, a var/cov matrix) of a mixture of two multivariate normal distribution. I wrote it and it works (it could find mean and mixing proportion, if I fix the var/cov matrix), while if I fix anything, it doesn't work. My suspect is that when the algorithm iterates the var/cov matrix, something
2009 May 22
EM algorithm mixture of multivariate gaussian
Hi, i would to know, if someone have ever write the code to estimate the parameter (mixing proportion, mean, a var/cov matrix) of a mixture of two multivariate normal distribution. I wrote it and it works (it could find mean and mixing proportion, if I fix the var/cov matrix), while if I fix anything, it doesn't work. My suspect is that when the algorithm iterates the var/cov matrix, something
2008 Mar 19
Error en nlm(logdgenexpn, p = c(vmomest[[1]], vmomest[[2]]), x = x.genexp, : valor no finito provisto por 'nlm'
Dear useRs, I am analysing the behaviour of MLE for the two parameters of a kind of exponential distribution, leaving as initial values the estimators moments produced by the variation coefficient. I do using simulations, giving them an accountant, r. But running my codes remains a problem with the nlm function. To review details wearing On one of the lines put status
2007 Mar 22
Wine-users mail storm - long explanation
Hi All, >>>Clarification: I'm getting a flood of wine-users emails. Yes, I'm seeing this too. I spent all day today trying to understand why this is happening, and failed, but I think I have just now figured it out. As far as I can tell, the flood of messages are all the messages that were posted to the newsgroup since the last time the newsgroup and wine-users mailman list
2013 Aug 20
Problem compiling 2.2.5
I'm trying to upgrade a very old sparcstation running Solaris 8 which is running dovecot 1.x for few users. All I have for the task is good old gcc 2.95.2. The poor sod complains because it can't compute the sizeof(unsigned char prefix_text[]) at line 13 of log-error-buffer.c. Can I help it by - say - putting a constant between the '[]'? Or is it unfair? :-) I don't think
2019 Apr 11
External Authentication
On Thu, 11 Apr 2019 10:54:13 -0700 Vex Mage via samba <samba at> wrote: > Hello, I've done a lot of reading and searching however; I could use > some guidance. I just started working for a school in which there are > a few Windows labs as a Linux systems administrator. Our workstation > sysadmins have asked me to look into a Samba issue for them, Windows >
2010 Mar 02
[LLVMdev] parameter attributes and function types
On Mar 1, 2010, at 20:28, Eli Friedman wrote: > On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 8:20 PM, james woodyatt <jhw at> wrote: >> I'm sorry to pester about this, but I was really hoping somebody could straighten me out about this. The Language Reference really does seem to be ambiguous about this, and I'm willing to compose a patch to fix it, but I need to know what the
2006 Dec 31
HoMM 3 - SoD not working under FC6, but does in FC5
I am able to run HoMM 3 (3DO version) SoD expansion with the 3.2 update and the No CD crack on FC5. However it doesn't run on FC6. I tried disabling SELinux and that did not have an appreciable effect. I tried wine versions 0.9.24, 0.9.25 and 0.9.27. Here is the output on the terminal session: Script started on Fri 22 Dec 2006 09:12:34 AM CST ]0;heroes@heroes:~/.wine/drive_c/Program
2007 May 05
NA in wilcox.test
Hello, I'm trying to compare the allozyme data from two taxa. I have several columns of data (19 loci) for each species. I want to do a Mann-Whitney U-test or the wilcox.test (two sample Wilcoxon). When I try to run my code (the first two columns are 1:name of the species, 2:name of individual) I get the error message: "Error in wilcox.test.default(CaScSc, CaScCo, alternative
2005 Sep 16
Max value for table having 2 joins
Hello there, I''m stuck! I''m trying to write a mini app to track versions of songs that have been sent out to members. I have the following tables/models: songs/song has_many :releases versions/version has_and_belongs_to_many :members belongs_to :songs members/member has_and_belongs_to_many :versions songs ===== Song1 Song2 Song3 members ======= John Paul George Ringo
2002 Jun 28
Urgent XP/Samba Problem.
Hi all, Until last night my XP Pro clients and my Samba PDC (2.2.3a) on RH7.3 existed quiet happily together once I'd changed the requiresignandseal to off and made the other changes. Last night I made a change to the config which failed so I rolled back to my previous working config file. Now my XP laptops can not connect to the domain - they report can not find domain controller or can not
2006 Jun 25
Where should I put an Bugreport of OggEnc
Hi There, I have a problem with OggEnc v1.0.2. Can you tell me, where to put or to post a bug report? The problems eare with some speciel charakters - used in Europe (Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Austria, etc..) Some Examples: Hin Vordende Sod & S? ^ 02_Bruderov paa H?gstadtun.ogg ^ 03_Huldradans - Hin Gr?nnkledde.ogg ^
2023 Jan 28
CentOS9 Stream - boinc client??
On 1/26/23 20:25, Philip Wyett wrote: > On Thu, 2023-01-26 at 13:16 -0600, Bill Gee wrote: >> I have been running boinc client on CentOS7 hosts for some years. C7 is >> getting close to end of life. Time to upgrade to C9 ... >> >> But I cannot find a package for the boinc client. "dnf search boinc" >> returns nothing. >> >> I have enabled