similar to: Problem with specifiying column widths in layout

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Problem with specifiying column widths in layout"

2007 Dec 18
How can I extract the AIC score from a mixed model object produced using lmer?
I am running a series of candidate mixed models using lmer (package lme4) and I'd like to be able to compile a list of the AIC scores for those models so that I can quickly summarize and rank the models by AIC. When I do logistic regression, I can easily generate this kind of list by creating the model objects using glm, and doing: > md <- c("", "",
2008 Apr 10
Problem with loading package Matrix
Hello, I recently upgraded from R 2.6.1 to 2.6.2. I uninstalled 2.6.1, installed 2.6.2, and installed the packages I regularly use. Everyting seems to be running properly, including most of the packages, but when I try to call the Matrix package, I get the following error: > require(Matrix) Loading required package: Matrix Error in dyn.load(file, ...) : unable to load shared library
2018 Sep 13
Routing(?) issue
Hello all I have weird problem i can't understand and don't know where to look. [root at chamber ~]# ip addr 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000 link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet scope host lo valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 ::1/128 scope host
2018 Sep 14
Routing(?) issue
W dniu 13.09.2018 o?22:19, Oleg Cherkasov pisze: > On 13. sep. 2018 21:02, Marcin Trendota wrote: >> >> There is nginx on port 80. >> I've turned off SELinux for testing purposes. >> >> [root at chamber ~]# nmap chamber -p80 >> [...] >> PORT?? STATE SERVICE >> 80/tcp open? http >> >> [root at chamber ~]# nmap -p80
2007 Oct 02
Adehabitat package question - trying to generate animal home ranges
Hello, I'm new to R and am trying to use the adehabitat package for home range and habitat selection analysis for some animal radiotelemetry data sets I have, but I can't get the home range functions (mcp & kernelUD) to work with my data. I think that my problem is that I don't properly understand how the package uses data frames and factors, and I may not be defining the id
2001 May 10
lookup function for density(...) objects
Hi folks: Is there a lookup function that returns the variate given the cumulative probability for an object returned by the density(...) function? > mydata _ as.vector(mymatrix) > mydata.density _ density(mydata) > mydata.p80 _ lookup(mydata.density, p=0.8) # is there any function to accomplish this task? Thanks. Rajiv. -------- Rajiv Prasad, Postdoctoral Research Associate,
2006 Jan 03
Summary functions to dataframe
I have written a few different summary functions. I want to calculate the statistics by groups and I am having trouble getting the output as a dataframe. I have attached one example with a small dataset that calculates summary stats and percentiles, I have others that calculate upper confidence limits etc. I would like the output to be converted to a dataframe with one of the columns as the
2007 Apr 11
Programming Problem (for loop, random # control, 3 dimentional graph)
Dear List, This is just a programming problem which i cannot seem to figure out. I am trying to get a set of power from a test (say, kolmogorov smirnov) out of a distribution (say, G-K distribution) as follows. I am trying to reduce to pain of writing the whole set of data points (p# below) using "for" loop. However, I seem to have some problem in it as the output "M" does not
2004 Mar 16
cygwin tar?
I've been attempting to create a new R package and recently removed the cygwin installation from my machine since R requires the use of the MingW tools for building an R package with C code. However, when I tried to build a source package, I found the following results: * removing junk files * building 'Rconifers_0.7-1.tar.gz' tar:
2010 Jul 28
Help with specifiying random effects in lmer - psychology experiment
<!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:"Cambria Math"; panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4; mso-font-charset:0; mso-generic-font-family:roman; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:-1610611985 1107304683 0 0 159 0;} @font-face {font-family:Calibri; panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4; mso-font-charset:0; mso-generic-font-family:swiss; mso-font-pitch:variable;
2008 May 05
axis and tick widths decoupled (especially in rugs!)
Hi! (a complete newby, but will not give up easily!) I was wondering if there is any way to decouple the axis and tick mark widths? As I understand they are both controlled by the lwd setting, and cannot be controlled independently? For example I might want to create major and minor ticks, which I now know how to do by superimposing two axes with different at settings, but what if I also wanted
2007 Jul 29
line widths of plotting symbols in the lattice
Dear List, Sorry, this is very simple but I can't seem to find any information regarding line widths of plotting symbols in the lattice package. For instance, in traditional graphics: > plot(1:10,lwd=3) > points(10:1,lwd=2,col=3) 'lwd' allows control of plotting symbol line widths. I've tried looking through the documentation for xyplot, panel.points, trellis.par.set,
2006 Nov 14
dividing vectors into bins with equal widths
Hi R-users, I am trying to divide a vector (say X) into equal frequency bins. If one uses the hist() function, then a histogram is plotted, but with bins of equal widths, and not with bins having the same number of data points. I have then tried the histogram() function as follows: histogram(X, nint=10, breaks=NULL, equal.widths=F) This works as I want. However, I can't extract which
2004 Nov 23
need some advice
hey all, I want to set up a phone network at home. I have to phone lines (one traditional line and another provided by my internet provider (voIP)). So what I would like to do is get a Digium box and connect my two lines to it and then use several cordless voip phones with the ability to transfert call from one phone to another. What kind of digium hardware i need to do this? also I will use
2008 Aug 06
grid layout scaling viewport width based solely on height
Hello all, I'm trying to write a function that produces a main plotting region with several square plots along the right side. Ideally the size of right side plots will scale only with the height of the entire plot, yet never overlap with another secondary plot. The following two snippets get close, however, as I resize the plot horizontally the right side plots (green squares) get smaller
2009 Apr 14
Controlling widths in write.fwf()
Is there a way to handle the widths of values being written to a file using wrtite.fwf() ? For example, I used read.fwf(file, width.vector) to read a file. After making the necessary data manipulation, I want to write the data to a new file in the same width.vector format. Is there a way to specify this? Thanks in Advance Aparna [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 Sep 13
Wishlist: axis() and line widths (PR#7223)
Full_Name: Tom Short Version: 1.9.1 OS: Win2000 & Debian Submission from: (NULL) ( WISHLIST: axis() has a default parameter of "lwd = 1". I want skinnier lines as the default. If I change the default lty, it doesn't change what axis uses. The following code produces a graph with a box around it, but the axis lines are twice as thick as the box around the plot, so
2005 Aug 28
Qt4 GUI to ffmpeg2theora
hey all, I did a Qt4 GUI to ffmpeg2theora with a nice progress bar, combobox, sliders and stuff. It supports most of ffmpeg2theora 0.13 features. It only run on nix for now cause Im on a trip and dont have access to a windows boxand neither a MacOS one but thanx to the Qt4 and ffmpeg2theora availabilty on the 3 plateforms it shouldn`t be tricky to make it work on there. When I get back home in a
2018 Sep 13
Routing(?) issue
On 13. sep. 2018 21:02, Marcin Trendota wrote: > > There is nginx on port 80. > I've turned off SELinux for testing purposes. > > [root at chamber ~]# nmap chamber -p80 > [...] > PORT STATE SERVICE > 80/tcp open http > > [root at chamber ~]# nmap -p80 chmura.<domain> > [...] > PORT STATE SERVICE > 80/tcp closed http Do a quick check with
2018 Sep 14
Routing(?) issue
Hi, this has nothing to do with CentOS but with your router which does not support using the public IP from inside your network (which is quite common). If the port is open on your router when you access it from another public IP then all is well. Regards, Michel On Fri, 2018-09-14 at 09:43 +0200, Marcin Trendota wrote: > W dniu 13.09.2018 o 22:19, Oleg Cherkasov pisze: > > On 13.