similar to: Rpart and bagging - how is it done?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Rpart and bagging - how is it done?"

2009 Jun 09
rpart - the xval argument in rpart.control and in xpred.rpart
Dear R users, I'm working with the rpart package and want to evaluate the performance of user defined split functions. I have some problems in understanding the meaning of the xval argument in the two functions rpart.control and xpred.rpart. In the former it is defined as the number of cross-validations while in the latter it is defined as the number of cross-validation groups. If I am
2007 Apr 16
My First Function: cryptic error message
Dear List, My first R function is a rip-off bagging algorithm from pg. 138 of Everitt and Hothorn's "Handbook of Statistical Analyses using R" (HSAUR). I'm using recursive partitioning to develop a set of useful variables in diagnosing ADHD. I'm running this in ESS in XEmacs 21.4.19, R 2.4.1 on Slackware Linux 11.0 with a 2.6 kernel. This is almost an entire script,
2011 Jan 26
Extracting the terms from an rpart object
Hello all, I wish to extract the terms from an rpart object. Specifically, I would like to be able to know what is the response variable (so I could do some manipulation on it). But in general, such a method for rpart will also need to handle a "." case (see fit2) Here are two simple examples: fit1 <- rpart(Kyphosis ~ Age + Number + Start, data=kyphosis) fit1$call fit2 <-
2002 Apr 29
I am using the rpart package and seem to have trouble with data sets that have columns with no data. I look at the column data in R and all values are NA. When this occurs, I get nothing back from the rpart function. Is there a way to get the rpart package to ignore these columns, without knowing what columns are empty? I have tried the na.action=na.omit and na.action=na.exclude, but neither one
2010 Dec 13
rpart.object help
Hi, Suppose i have generated an object using the following : fit <- rpart(Kyphosis ~ Age + Number + Start, data=kyphosis) And when i print fit, i get the following : n= 81 node), split, n, loss, yval, (yprob) * denotes terminal node 1) root 81 17 absent (0.7901235 0.2098765) 2) Start>=8.5 62 6 absent (0.9032258 0.0967742) 4) Start>=14.5 29 0 absent (1.0000000
2007 Jun 15
model.frame: how does one use it?
Philipp Benner reported a Debian bug report against r-cran-rpart aka rpart. In short, the issue has to do with how rpart evaluates a formula and supporting arguments, in particular 'weights'. A simple contrived example is ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(rpart) ## using data from help(rpart), set up simple example myformula <-
2009 Dec 14
RPART - printing full splitting rule number on tree plot
Dear R-users I am using RPART package to get regression trees. However having trouble getting the text function to put the full splitting rule number on the plot, instead to puts it in scientific notation. When a covariate has 1e4 or greater number of digits then the splitting rule number displayed on the plot is in scientific notation. But print.rpart displays the splitting rules in full.
2012 Mar 04
rpart package, text function, and round of class counts
I run the following code: library(rpart) data(kyphosis) fit <- rpart(Kyphosis ~ ., data=kyphosis) plot(fit) text(fit, use.n=TRUE) The text labels represent the count of each class at the leaf node. Unfortunately, the numbers are rounded and in scientific notation rather than the exact number of examples sorted by that node in each class. The plot is supposed to look like
2012 Apr 12
enableJIT(2) causes major slow-up in rpart
Hello, Due to exploration of the JIT capabilities offered through the {compiler} package, I came by the fact that using enableJIT(2) can *slow* the rpart function (from the {rpart} package) by a magnitude of about 10 times. Here is an example code to run: library(rpart) require(compiler) enableJIT(0) # just making sure that JIT is off # We could also use enableJIT(1) and it would be fine fo
2010 Mar 07
Is there an equivalence of lm's “anova” for an rpart object ?
Simple example: # Classification Tree with rpart library(rpart) # grow tree fit <- rpart(Kyphosis ~ Age + Number + Start, method="class", data=kyphosis) Now I would like to know how can I measure the "importance" of each of my three explanatory variables (Age, Number, Start) in the model? If this was a regression model, I could have looked at p values from the
2011 May 12
Saving misclassified records into dataframe within a loop
Greetings R world, I know some version of the this question has been asked before, but i need to save the output of a loop into a data frame to eventually be written to a postgres data base with dbWriteTable. Some background. I have developed classifications models to help identify problem accounts. The logic is this, if the model classifies the record as including variable X and it turns out
2009 Feb 03
Large file size while persisting rpart model to disk
I am using rpart to build a model for later predictions. To save the prediction across restarts and share the data across nodes I have been using "save" to persist the result of rpart to a file and "load" it later. But the saved size was becoming unusually large (even with binary, compressed mode). The size was also proportional to the amount of data that was used to create the
2011 Jul 29
help with predict.rpart
? data=read.table("", , sep=",", header = TRUE) ? library(rpart) ? fit=rpart (MV~ CRIM+ZN+INDUS+CHAS+NOX+RM+AGE+DIS+RAD+TAX+ PT+B+LSTAT) predict(fit,data[4,]) plot only reveals part of the tree in contrast to the results on obtains with CART or C5 -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: [R] help with rpart From: Sarah
2010 May 03
rpart, cross-validation errors question
I ran this code (several times) from the Quick-R web page ( but my cross-validation errors increase instead of decrease (same thing happens with an unrelated data set). Why does this happen? Am I doing something wrong? # Classification Tree with rpart library(rpart) # grow tree fit <- rpart(Kyphosis ~ Age + Number + Start,
2011 Jul 28
help with rpart
1. How can I plot the entire tree produced by rpart? 2. How can I submit a vector of values to a tree produced by rpart and have it make an assignment? Mark
2012 Oct 16
matriz de confusión de un arbol de clasificacion rpart
Hola a todos, Me gustaría obtener la matriz de confusión generada a partir de la validación k-fold que aplica rpart por defecto. Alquien podría decirme como poder recuperar esa matriz. He echado un vistazo a la documentación de rpart, pero no consigo averiguarlo. Gracias de antemano Saludos Víctor [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Sep 14
summary of rpart-Object in tktext window?
Hi, is it possible to put a summary of an rpart-Object into a tktext-window? Here is what I'm trying to do: fit <- rpart(Kyphosis ~ Age + Number + Start, data=kyphosis) tt <- tktoplevel() tex <- tktext(tt) tkpack(tex) tkinsert(tex, "end", summary(fit)) But since the summary of an object is a list, I always get back the following error-message: cannot handle object of
2006 Jul 18
Classification error rate increased by bagging - any ideas?
Hi, I'm analysing some anthropometric data on fifty odd skull bases. We know the gender of each skull, and we are trying to develop a predictor to identify the sex of unknown skulls. Rpart with cross-validation produces two models - one of which predicts gender for Males well, and Females poorly, and the other does the opposite (Females well, and Males poorly). In both cases the error
2007 Jan 29
comparing random forests and classification trees
Hi, I have done an analysis using 'rpart' to construct a Classification Tree. I am wanting to retain the output in tree form so that it is easily interpretable. However, I am wanting to compare the 'accuracy' of the tree to a Random Forest to estimate how much predictive ability is lost by using one simple tree. My understanding is that the error automatically displayed by the two
2002 Aug 27
unlist (rpart.object.list)
Hello, can me please help anbody how it is possible unlist a "rpart.object.list" i.e. from bagging(ipred) to plot this "unique" several rpart.objects . ..i make attempts with unlist, get really atomic elements, but need only the different tree's ! Thanks for advance & regards,Christian -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-