similar to: degrees of freedom extraction

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "degrees of freedom extraction"

2008 Mar 10
ltm package question
Hello All, I was wondering how I can get the overall Pearson chi^2 test of model fit with its df and p value in the LTM package for the 2PL models. Thanks, -- Davood Tofighi Department of Psychology Arizona State University [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Mar 04
simulation study using R
Dear All, I am running a Monte Carlo simulation study and have some questions on how to manage data storage efficiently at the end of each 1000 replication loop. I have three conditions coded using the FOR {} loops and a FOR loop that generates data for each condition, performs analysis, and computes a statistic 1000 times. Therefore, for each condition, I will have 1000 statistic values. My
2008 Mar 07
triple integral: adapt package question
Dear All, I have a function f(x,y,z)=exp(x^3+y^4+x^2*y+x*z^2+y/z) over D, where is D={ (x,y,z)| 0 <z<Inf, 0<y<c1*z, 0<x<c2*/y}. x,y,z are all vectors and c1 and c2 are constants. I tried the "adapt" package and I get some error. This is the error message: "Error in function (z, y, x) : argument "x" is missing, with no default" I included my R
2008 Mar 15
Hello, I'm using filehash on the windows XP and it has been working fine with the newest R version 2.6.2. However, on the windows vista, when I ran the same code, I got the following error: > dbCreate("simdb") #create simdb database [1] TRUE > db<-dbInit("simdb") #initiate an object of database Error in sprintf(gettext(fmt, domain = domain), ...) : object
2008 Mar 04
simulation study using R [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Davood, I developed an MC simulation model for wind hazard analysis last year. I found three important issues to increase efficiency: 1) Reuse most variables in each loop 2) Write results (1000 stats) to external files, perhaps one file for each condition. (a good ID for each file can be implemented using "paste") 3) Develop a function to process the results stored in the external
2011 Nov 20
ltm: Simplified approach to bootstrapping 2PL-Models?
Dear R-List, to assess the model fit for 2PL-models, I tried to mimic the bootstrap-approach chosen in the GoF.rasch()-function. Not being a statistician, I was wondering whether the following simplification (omit the "chi-squared-expressed model fit-step") would be appropriate: GoF.ltm <- function(object, B = 50, ...){ liFits <- list() for(i in 1:B){ rndDat <-
2008 May 12
Collection of lm()s
Hello, I would like to create a subscriptable collection (presumably a list) of lm() models. I have a data frame DX containing 6 groups of data. The general idea is (NOT RUN) ... for (i in 1:6) { DXS = subset( DX, <whatever>); LMX[ i] = lm( <formula>, data = DXS); } Now access model results by subscript ... e.g. coefficients( LMX[ 2]). Or would it be [[ 2]]? I
2017 Jun 21
Problem with shortestPath in igraph and qgraph
Hard to follow data analysis without data. Try making your example reproducible [1][2][3] and post in plain text (a setting in your emailer). Read the Posting Guide mentioned in the footer to avoid other posting pitfalls. [1] [2] [3]
1999 Mar 22
Bind failed on port 137
Has anyone had this one? My log.nmb file gives: 1999/03/22 11:29:48 netbios nameserver version 1.9.18p10 started Copyright Andrew Tridgell 1994-1997 1999/03/22 11:29:49 becoming a daemon Added interface ip= bcast= nmask= bind failed on port 137 socket_addr= (Address already in use) make_subnet: Failed to open nmb socket on interface for port 137.
2007 Dec 18
Is cp then mv the default?
Hi, I noticed there is an "-inplace" option on rsync web site's man page. So this seems to mean "copy then move" is the default behavior. Has this been the default all the time? I am running a pretty old version, see below, and I need to have the "copy then move" feature to ensure partial files are not accessed while they are being updated. [qt_prod@cflxqs55p
2001 Mar 05
Socket addr error in the smbd start - HPUX
Mrs, I´m a Brazilian and i don´t speak english very well, but i need try , ok . I need your help. Well, i want install the samba 2.0.7 in HP-UX 10.20. The install process is not completely ok, but install. This is the message in the install process : _______________________________________ /var/tmp/AAAa23547/catalog/samba/samba-ROOT/configure[101]: Syntax error at line 129 :
2017 Jun 20
Problem with shortestPath in igraph and qgraph
hello, I have a graph and i use qgraph package to calculate centrality parameters. Now I want to know the maximum value of shortest path for each vertex with discarding the Inf value in short pathes. For this I use the ShortestPathLengths of centrality function in qgraph. but when I want to get the maximum the result is wrong. here is my code: cen<-centrality(Q)
2007 Jan 30
Error message when building a package
I'm trying to build a package. The machine is PowerPC G4 with Mac OS 10.4.8, and I'm using R2.4.1. I get "R CMD build roots" working, and it created roots.tar.gz. But I get the following message when I run "R CMD INSTALL -l ../myrlibrary roots.tar.gz" ====================================================================== * Installing *source* package 'roots'
2017 Jun 18
error for using igraph library: 'edges' must be numeric or character
hello, i want to use igraph for drawing graph of my data. First time i try do it and it was successful. but now i want to test again i got this error: "edges must be numeric or character". this is my edge list(this is output from R): From To 1 US20100331312 2 US20100331341 3 US20100330919 US20100041339 4 US20100330919 US20100195590 5 US20100330919
2007 Mar 06
acronym tag
Hello, is there an acronym method in php markdown extra ? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Mar 14
Fwd: makeconf issue on R-devel 2006-03-12 r37524
I sent the message below to r-sig-mac yesterday, but having no reply I decided to explore a bit myself and found that editing: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.3/Resources/share/make/ yzzy: diff 3c3 < include $(R_HOME)/etc/Makeconf --- > include $(R_HOME)/etc${R_ARCH}/Makeconf restored the functionality of R CMD INSTALL. Is this a known issue?
2006 Jun 20
RE Network UPS Tools - ID string
Hi John, I've forwarded your info to the nut development list, and to Carlos who's in charge of the megatec driver. This one, which is only available in the subversion development tree, and soon in 2.0.4, will replace the fentonups driver. So you're encouraged to test it and report back. Arnaud Quette -- Linux / Unix Expert - MGE UPS SYSTEMS - R&D Dpt Network UPS Tools (NUT)
2000 Jun 02
graphical parameters in plot
I'm using plot to make a simple plot but I want to control where the tick marks go on bot axes. The graphical parameters xaxp and yaxp seem to be ignored by the plot function so I tried setting them using op <- par(no.readonly=T) par(xaxp=c(-2.4,-2.2,5), yaxp=c(-2500,10000,6)) plot(...) par(op) but they are still ignored. Next I tried to use the axis function as follows op <-
2011 Aug 27
Degrees of freedom in the Ljung-Box test
Dear list members, I have 982 quotations of a given stock index and I want to run a Ljung-Box test on these data to test for autocorrelation. Later on I will estimate 8 coefficients. I do not know how many degrees of freedom should I assume in the formula for Ljung-Box test. Could anyone tell me please? Below the formula: Box.test(x, lag = ????, type = c("Ljung-Box"), fitdf = 0)
2010 Apr 03
Multilevel model with lme(): Weird degrees of freedom (group level df > # of groups)
Hello everyone, I am trying to regress applicants' performance in an assessment center (AC) on their gender (individual level) and the size of the AC (group level) with a multi-level model: model.0 <- lme(performance ~ ACsize + gender, random = ~1 | ACNumber, method = "ML", control = list(opt = "optim")) I have 1047 applicants in 118 ACs: >