similar to: Asking, are simple effects different from 0

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 90 matches similar to: "Asking, are simple effects different from 0"

2013 Jan 27
decimal places in R2HTML
Dear R People: I have an AOV model that I get confidence intervals from via > confint(chick1.aov1) 2.5 % 97.5 % trtA 1.472085 1.607915 trtB 1.512085 1.647915 trtC 1.328751 1.464582 > I am using R2HTML to produce HTML output. However, the HTML code itself just has rounded values, i.e., 1.5 and 1.6. Has anyone run across this, please? Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
2012 Jul 27
Understanding the intercept value in a multiple linear regression with categorical values
Hi! I'm failing to understand the value of the intercept value in a multiple linear regression with categorical values. Taking the "warpbreaks" data set as an example, when I do: > lm(breaks ~ wool, data=warpbreaks) Call: lm(formula = breaks ~ wool, data = warpbreaks) Coefficients: (Intercept) woolB 31.037 -5.778 I'm able to understand that the value of
2008 Mar 19
How to get the P-values from GLM results?
Hello all, I have a question concerning how to get the P-value for a explanatory variables based on GLM. I'll run multiple regressions with GLM, and I'll need the P-value for the same explanatory variable from these multiple GLM results. I check the help and there are quite a few Value options but I just can not find anyone about the p-value. Could anyone help me with that?
2012 Jun 13
Tukey Kramer with ANOVA (glm)
Hello, I am performing a BACI analysis with ANOVA using the following glm: fit1<-glm(log(Cucs_m+1)~(BA*Otter)+BA+Otter+ID+Primary, data=b1) The summary(aov(fit1)) shows significance in the interaction; however, now I would like to determine what combinations of BA and Otter are significantly different (each factor has two levels). ID and PRIMARY substrates are categorical and included in
2012 Mar 18
ANOVA testing over nested MS term
I'm still relatively new to R but was wondering if anyone could help me force R to compute the f-statistic etc using the the nested term rather than the residual. In my particular case we were nesting a treatment effect by a replicated tank which was not non-significant enough (p>0.25)to be dropped from the statistical model. Here's my code:
2005 May 15
adjusted p-values with TukeyHSD?
hi list, i have to ask you again, having tried and searched for several days... i want to do a TukeyHSD after an Anova, and want to get the adjusted p-values after the Tukey Correction. i found the p.adjust function, but it can only correct for "holm", "hochberg", bonferroni", but not "Tukey". Is it not possbile to get adjusted p-values after
2007 Oct 22
Repeated Measures/Linear Mixed Effects function
I have three columns of data, Xc, Trt and fish. This was a repeated measures design with 6 measurements taken from each of 5 fish. Xc is the actual measurement, Trt is the treatment, and fish is the fish number. Data can be seen below (hopefully it is in the column format). I would like to look for differences between treatments in a repeated measures format. I used the following code
2011 Aug 15
Get significant codes from a model output fit with GEE package
Does anyone know how could I get the significant codes from mixed model output fitted with a GEE package? The output I got is the following: GEE: GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS FOR DEPENDENT DATA gee S-function, version 4.13 modified 98/01/27 (1998) Model: Link: Logit Variance to Mean Relation: Binomial Correlation Structure: Exchangeable Call: gee(formula = bru
2003 Jul 17
i need help in cluster analyse
Hello, My name is Rodrigo, I am using R program and I have a trouble. I am trying to do a dendrogram with genetics information. Let me explain... The Similarity Matrix was already did, and with this matrix I want to construct a dendrogram. So, the distance is done. I need to transform this matrix (that I have) in a dendrogram, I woud be very grateful if someone could help me. PS: I am sending
2009 Feb 27
testing two-factor anova effects using model comparison approach with lm() and anova()
I wonder if someone could explain the behavior of the anova() and lm() functions in the following situation: I have a standard 3x2 factorial design, factorA has 3 levels, factorB has 2 levels, they are fully crossed. I have a dependent variable DV. Of course I can do the following to get the usual anova table: > anova(lm(DV~factorA+factorB+factorA:factorB)) Analysis of Variance Table
2011 Apr 21
Accounting for overdispersion in a mixed-effect model with a proportion response variable and categorical explanatory variables.
Dear R-help-list, I have a problem in which the explanatory variables are categorical, the response variable is a proportion, and experiment contains technical replicates (pseudoreplicates) as well as biological replicated. I am new to both generalized linear models and mixed- effects models and would greatly appreciate the advice of experienced analysts in this matter. I analyzed the
2012 Jul 27
producing a graph with glm poisson distributed respons count data and categorical independant variables
Hello, I am working on my thesis and can't really figure out how to produce a reasonable graph from the output from my glm., I could just give the R-output in my results and then discuss them, but it would be more interesting if I could visualise what is going on. My research is how bees react to different fieldmargins, for this I have 4 different types of field margin (A,B,C & D) and
2008 Apr 15
glht with a glm using a Gamma distribution
Quick question about the usage of glht. I'm working with a data set from an experiment where the response is bounded at 0 whose variance increases with the mean, and is continuous. A Gamma error distribution with a log link seemed like the logical choice, and so I've modeled it as such. However, when I use glht to look for differences between groups, I get significant
2008 Feb 03
Effect size of comparison of two levels of a factor in multiple linear regression
Dear R users, I have a linear model of the kind outcome ~ treatment + covariate where 'treatment' is a factor with three levels ("0", "1", and "2"), and the covariate is continuous. Treatments "1" and "2" both have regression coefficients significantly different from 0 when using treatment contrasts with treatment "0" as the
1999 Nov 30
A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: text Size: 3126 bytes Desc: not available Url :
2019 Apr 17
IPv6 transport results in ICE with only IPv6 candidates
Hi, I'm using Asterisk 13.x and have defined a pjsip TCP IPv6 transport: [transport-tcp-ipv6] type=transport protocol=tcp bind=[2001:1234:5678:abcd::2]:5060 I also have an IPv4 version of that: [transport-tcp-ipv4] type=transport protocol=tcp bind= I've then configured an endpoint to use it: [outgoing] type = endpoint context = default dtmf_mode = none disallow = all
2010 Apr 30
extracting pairs from correlation matrix and p-value matrix
Dear All, I am working on a large matrix of dimension 20000x700 say 'mat'. I have calculated pearson correlation for the rows of the matrix and their p-values using rcorr function in library Hmisc. Now I wish to filter out those pairs who's PCC value is above 0.8 cut off and p-value is less than 0.05. >library(Hmisc) >mat_cor=rcorr(t(mat),type="pearson")
2019 Jan 09
hi guys I'm trying a typical, I'd presume, setup: two libvirt hosts with one lxc guest each. boxA: $  ovs-vsctl show 1a6a2e4f-11f3-48df-becd-03b59d00a1fb     Bridge "ovsbr0"         Port nm-team             trunks: [55]             Interface nm-team         Port "vnet12"             trunks: [55]             Interface "vnet12"         Port
2008 Nov 05
Problems computing 2-way-mixed-model ANOVA
Dear Experts, I am new to R and unfortunately cannot start with a simply statistical analysis: I manually determined the volume of the right and left hippocampus in a group of meditators and in a group of controls. My data-sheet looks as follows: observation subject group age gender hemisphere volume 1 am04 m 25 f left 3.637 2 am04 m 25 f right 3.713 3 ao08 m 47 m left 3.715 4 ao08 m 47
2010 Sep 17
odfWeave UTF-8 error and latin characters
Hello R masters, I have sent this same message to other lists and none so far could give some light. I was trying to use odfWeave to generate a report from R and Im getting an error that I think is related to latin characters. I looked around and did find some stuff related to this problem about Sweave but did not find a