similar to: Error in ma.svd(X, 0, 0) : 0 extent dimensions

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Error in ma.svd(X, 0, 0) : 0 extent dimensions"

2007 Nov 13
Difficult to set a quiet formula in maanova
Hi, I am trying to run an analysis with the package maanova and I am not getting success. I suppose that I am wrong on set up the formula, so the issue may not be related to R, properly. I have two varieties of plants (V1 and V2). A group of each ones were treated and another was not treated. After treatment, in three different time RNA was collected from treated and from not treated plants for
2012 Feb 06
multiple comparisons in nested design
Dear professors and collegues I need to perform a analysis of dates from a nested experimental design. From "Bioestatical Analysis" of Zar "Bimetry of Sokal" & Rohlf "Design and Analysis of Experiments" of Montgomery I have: Sum (mean(x)_i - mean(x)_T)2 / (a-1) -> var(epsilon) + n sigma2_B + n b (sum alfa_i)2 / (a-1) Sum (mean(x)_ij - mean(x)_i)2 /
2008 Feb 26
Help needed to analyse a factorial microarray experiments! Newbie Question
Dear R-users: I am using the package MAANOVA to analyze microarray data and have encountered problems when trying to get interactions. I am a newbie in both, R and maanova, and I do not have good knowledge in statistical methods. I have four effects: Effects Levels Var 2 Ind 2 Trat 2 Time 4 Sample 3 <-- biological replicate Spot 4 <-- technical replicate I had
2005 Dec 20
Using MAANOVA functions
Dear R-users: I am using the package MAANOVA to analyze microarray data and have encountered problems when trying to plot data. I have tried emailing a MAANOVA discussion group, as well as the author of the package, and have not yet received a response so I am hoping that someone on this listserv can be of assistance. There are several functions in MAANOVA (riplot, resiplot) which call the
2004 Jan 05
install on windows
I'm trying to install packages on windows XP and I have trouble with command Rcmd build (R version 1.8.1) : In the Windows console for package maanova for example, answer is : C:\Documents and Settings\dillies\Mes documents\ghis\packages>Rcmd build maanova * checking for file 'maanova/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * preparing 'maanova': * cleaning src *
2010 Nov 03
Tukey's table
Hi, I'm building Tukey's table using qtukey function. It happens that I can't get the values of Tukey's one degree of freedom and also wanted to eliminate the first column. The program is: Trat <- c(1:30) # number of treatments gl <- c(1:30, 40, 60, 120) # degree freedom tukval <- matrix(0, nr=length(gl), nc=length(Trat)) for(i in
2003 Aug 14
gnls - Step halving....
Hi all, I'm working with a dataset from 10 treatments, each treatment with 30 subjects, each subject measured 5 times. The plot of the dataset suggests that a 3-parameter logistic could be a reasonable function to describe the data. When I try to fit the model using gnls I got the message 'Step halving factor reduced below minimum in NLS step'. I´m using as the initial values of the
2011 Feb 16
Hartley's table
Hi, I used the commands below to make Hartley's table, but some values are NA. require(SuppDists) trat = seq(2, 15, 1) gl = seq(2, 40, 1) har = matrix(0, nr=length(gl), nc=length(trat)) for(i in 1:length(gl)) for(j in 1:length(trat)) har[i,j] <- qmaxFratio(.95, df=gl[i], k=trat[j]) rownames(har) <- gl colnames(har) <- trat head(har) The output (head): 2
2010 Jul 06
Could not find createData function
Hi, I am using "*Maanova* package" to do anova. I have created *datafile* with probeID as the first column, which is a tab limited text file and also created *designfile*. I have created *readma object* which is named as abf1. >From that readma object, i have to create data object by using *createData*function and also i hav to create model object by using *makemodel* function,
2012 Apr 20
Problem with Tukey test
I'm new using R im trying to do a tukey test, but when i see the results the p value results in NA im guessing its because i have missing values but im not sure how to fix it AnovaModel.2 <- aov(area ~ trat, data=apilados) > summary(AnovaModel.2) Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) trat 4 11847 2961.76 9.9905 1.500e-06 *** Residuals 76 22531 296.46
2010 Aug 09
Different colour in each bar in lattice package
Hi, I try to plot bars with different colours in a barchart graphic. My idea is make that all X-Levels from trat var with different colour (grey scale). I search for a solution but dont find any. Any help? Thanks dados <- structure(list(Medias = c(0.994169096209855, 0.99416342412449, 0.974683544303797, 0.954430379746835, 0.669047619047619, 0.999999998475569, 0.994163424124514,
2010 Feb 17
Split Plot and Tukey
Hi, I did the analysis of variance of a split-plot and the effect of treatment was significant. I would like compare treatment means using Tukey. I can't extract the mean square to apply HSD.test to use in agricolae package. anava = aov(ganhos ~ Blocos + Trat*Supl + Error(Blocos/Trat)) names(anava) summary(anava) require(agricolae) HSD.test(ganhos, Trat, df, MSerror, alpha = 0.05)
2007 Feb 05
strange error message get from La.svd(X)
Generator Microsoft Word 11 (filtered medium) Hi, I'm the mannova package maintainer. We used La.svd(X, method="dgesvd") in maanova package before. After R-2.3.0, the old La.svd() method was deprecated for option method="dgesvd". I changed maanova code correspondingly, which will call method="dgesdd" instead. But after that, we keep getting below error message
2010 Mar 14
Improve lattice XYPLOT graphic
Hi, How I could improve this graphic? I would like to write groups labels in each panel and override the labels from object. I am try this code: xyplot(percentagem.mortos~tempo|trat, data=bio.ens, type="a", ? ? ? auto.key=list(points=FALSE, lines=TRUE, columns=3), ? ? ? ylim=c(0,100),scales = list(x = list(at = c(48, 72, 96), labels ? ?
2004 Jun 02
Manova and contrasts
Hi R-users I'm trying to do multivariate analysis of variance of a experiment with 3 treatments, 2 variables and 5 replicates. The procedure adopted in SAS is as follow, but I'm having difficulty in to implement the contrasts for comparison of all treatments in R. I have already read manuals and other materials about manova in R, but nothing about specific contrasts were found in them,
2003 Jul 06
Printing multiple graphics devices
Hi I'm using a function (arrayview from the maanova package) that produces 12 plots, all in separate windows. How can I get each one to print to a jpeg file as the plots are produced? Alternatively, is it possible to get dev.print (jpeg.....) to print all open graphics devices to separate windows? Thanks in advance, Nat Street -- Nathaniel Street University of Southampton
2004 Dec 07
Importing module into R library
Hello, I am basically familiar with R and am trying to import a module that someone else has written. I know that it must go into the R library but even after I place the file there R doesn't recognize it. The module is maanova, available from the Churchill lab group for analysis of microarray data, if anyone is familiar with it. Any ideas/help? Thanks, Heather --
2005 Jun 13
Warning messages in lmer function (package lme4)
Hi: I'm using function lmer from package lme4, and I get this message: " There were 12 warnings (use warnings() to see them)" So I checked them: Warnings 1 to 11 said: 1: optim returned message ERROR: ABNORMAL_TERMINATION_IN_LNSRCH in: "LMEoptimize<-"(`*tmp*`, value = structure(list(maxIter = 50, ... and Warning 12 said: 12: IRLS iterations for glmm did
2023 Nov 21
Cambiar el intervalo de confianza en un anova
Buenas, En R, como en la mayoría del software estadístico, no se utiliza ningún nivel de confianza sino que lo que se calcula es el p-valor asociado al contraste. De forma que cuanto más cerca de 0 esté el p-valor "menos credibilidad le damos a la hipótesis nula". Dicho mejor, debemos rechazar la hipótesis nula si el p-valor está por debajo de nuestro nivel de confianza. Por ejemplo,
2010 Jul 08
Hi, I have taken one microarray experiment and trying to implement same statistical measures what they have done.I have taken datasets from GEO platform with accession number GSE1557. In the experiment,about half of double transgenic rats (dTGR) over-expressing the human renin and angiotensinogen genes die by age 7 weeks of terminal heart failure (THF); the other (preterminal) half develops