similar to: Save a group of matrix

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Save a group of matrix"

2008 Feb 19
change NA values
Hello, I'm sure that this question is too simple, but, I'm begining with R and I'm not able to change the NA values in a matrix by 0 values, and it's necessary for my work, how can I do It? Thank you. Alfonso Pérez Rodríguez Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas C/ Eduardo Cabello nº 6 C.P. 36208 Vigo (España) Tlf.- 986231930 Extensión 241 e-mail:
2008 Feb 20
Se ha borrado un texto insertado con un juego de caracteres sin especificar... Nombre: no disponible Url:
2017 Dec 04
Hi, I am trying to run analyzes incorporating sample weight, strata and cluster (three-stage sample) with PNS data (national health survey) and is giving error. I describe below the commands used. I could not make the code reproducible properly. Thanks, ################################################# library(survey)####change to 0 and 1 variable
2015 Feb 04
Interpretación de coeficientes en un cox proportional hazards con variable strata
Buenas. Abajo pongo la salida de un modelo de cox , dónde he estratificado por una variable de país (Countryb) y por otra (Q6). Además hay interacción entre la variable mobilityPDurG2 (es una variable 0,1, y 0 es la categoría de referencia) país. La categoría de referencia para país es "united kingdom". Mi duda surge si quiero calcular el hazard ratio para los que tienen un 1
2016 May 22
Paquete calculo de tamaño muestral
Hola a todos: Necesito saber si alguien tiene alguna idea de un paquete con múltiples funciones (cálculos) para determinar el tamaño de la muestra (particularmente de estudios de psicología y ciencias sociales). De antemano agradezco la atención. Saludo desde Brasil *Guilherme Amorim Homem de Abreu Loureiro* Agronomist Engineer *CREA-BA: 051511013-2* Master of Science in Crop Production, Soil
2016 Sep 26
Concatenación de tablas
Buenas Tardes, Les escribo para solicitarles una ayuda dado que tengo 2 tablas, una con los campos: cedula | nombre | direccion y la otra con la tabla: cedula | barrio | municipio Lo que necesito es hacer una comparación del campo cedula de las dos tablas y si son iguales, agregarle los campos barrio y municipio de la segunda tabla a la fila correspondiente de esa cedula de la primera
2015 Dec 28
Tablas de contingencia en latex
? Buenas tardes, os pido ayuda sobre el siguiente tema. Tengo interes en mostrar informes con Sweave/Latex y para ello genero tablas con xtable. Sin embargo muestra la tabla al completo cuando lo que deseo es agrupar las celdas con el mismo dato para dar claridad a la tabla. La salida de xtable me genera: [image: Imágenes integradas 3] Para dar claridad lo he intentado con latex(tabular())
2015 Apr 24
samba 4.2 RDP problem
Hi, same problem here! Updated my test-environment with two Dcs from sernet-samba 4.1.17-10 to 4.2.1-7. And now if you try to open a rdp session to a client mashine and login with domain credentials the login hangs right after the welcome screen appears. It does not matter if you use the domain admin or a normal user account. Local client side user are working without any problem. Regards,
2012 Oct 28
Tabular datos de Encuesta Continua de Hogares
Buenas, tengo la siguiente inquietud. Tengo un data frame con los microdatos de la ECH de mi pais. He realizado un cuadro sin problemas en excel pero me gustaria una rutina de R para poder generar la tabla. El data.frame se llama ECH2009. Cuenta con las siguientes variables para este caso: idhogar region estrato integranteshogar expansor ingpercapsvl Computador TvAbonado Internet 1 capital 1 2
2015 Apr 27
samba 4.2 RDP problem
Hi Mathias I can confirm that this fixed the RDP issue for me whilst not breaking share authentication. I'm still a bit wary of what other affects these configuration options might have though. Thanks Fred On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 6:37 PM, mathias dufresne <infractory at> wrote: > Hi Carsten, > > Until yesterday I had the same issue. In thread titled "[Samba]
2012 May 30
anova.coxph for multiple events model
Hi, I'm trying to do a multiple events model using coxph. I need to choose which covariates stay in the final model and i'm using anova but it seems that it doesn't work with robust variances as a error message appears when I try to do it: /PWPfit<-coxph(Surv(ini,fim,status)~Sexo+Transmissao+Regime+HAART+Drogas+Psi+ + CD4+CV+Neo+IO+cluster(idPARTICIPANTE)+strata(Estrato),data=PWP)
2020 Jun 04
Preserving destination group and owner
Hi, I'm trying to get an rsync updating some files without changing their owner, groups or permissions. I've read man pages etc. stating I need to use the "--no-o", "--no-g", "--no-p" flags, something like rsync -r --no-p --no-o --no-g source destination While the permissions are keeped, there is something not working as expected or I'm missing
2007 Apr 25
assigning two conditions to grep()
Hi, i have a problem in assigning 2 conditions to grep() , my data look like this: DA 24 N7 Rad= 3.4 20 Sac= 0.93 Acc= 4.76 DA 24 N7 Rad= 3.4 14 Sac= 0.65 Acc= 3.33 DA 24 N7 Rad= 3.4 3 Sac= 0.14 Acc= 0.71 DA 24 N7 Rad= 3.4 11 Sac= 0.51 Acc= 2.62 DG 23 N7 Rad= 3.4 8 Sac= 0.37 Acc= 1.91 DG 23 N7 Rad= 3.4 5 Sac= 0.23 Acc= 1.19 DG 23 N7 Rad= 3.4 0 Sac= 0.00 Acc= 0.00 DG 23 N7 Rad= 3.4 3 Sac=
2003 Jul 16
Tobit analysis
Having read previous correspondance on this topic, am I right in using a gaussian distribution for a tobit model, one article suggests a normal distribution? Also, I want to censure at the upper bound, so, using the survival5 package I use: survreg(Surv(y,y<c,type="right")~x) for a censored regression. Could anybody who's had experience of this, confirm whether I'm in the
2012 Oct 29
Tabular datos de Encuesta Continua de Hogares}
> Buenas, tengo la siguiente inquietud. > Tengo un data frame con los microdatos de la ECH de mi pais. He realizado > un cuadro sin problemas en excel pero me gustaria una rutina de R para > poder generar la tabla. El data.frame se llama ECH2009. Cuenta con las > siguientes variables para este caso: > > idhogar region estrato integranteshogar expansor ingpercapsvl Computador
2010 May 11
more USB logs
# export USB_DEBUG=5 # /usr/local/ups/bin/usbhid-ups -a CP550SLG -DDDDD Network UPS Tools - Generic HID driver 0.34 (2.4.3) USB communication driver 0.31 0.000000 debug level is '5' 0.000426 upsdrv_initups... usb_set_debug: Setting debugging level to 5 (on) usb_os_init: Found USB VFS at /dev/bus/usb usb_os_find_busses: Found 001 usb_os_find_busses: Found 002
2004 Nov 26
plotting multiple series in one plot
say we have: > x<-data.frame(a=c(1,2,3,4,5),b=c(1,1,1.5,2,2)) > y<-data.frame(a=c(1,2,3,4,5),b=c(1,2,2,3,3)) How would I plot this so that, with the shared $a as the x-axis values, I have both $b columns plotted together? (a comparison of the two?) thanks. DISCLAIMER: This e-mail message and any attachments are inte...{{dropped}}
2005 Jan 19
How to replace slashes with back slashes
Dear R-helpers I am running R2.0.0 under Windows 2000. I am compiling a number of file paths into a simple text file that will be read by some other software we use. Unfortunately, it can only handle file paths with back slashes (MS Windows convention), and from R, I get file paths with forward slashes. The following didn't work. > gsub('/', '\\',
2011 Oct 05
Estimating backup usage with dir-merge filter
I use --filter='dir-merge .backup-filter" to allow my users to designate portions of their home directories that should be excluded from my rsync-based backup system. I'm looking for a way to periodically generate a report that shows the amount of backup space being used by each user. I've tinkered with writing my own script that processes any filter files into --exclude
2019 Nov 29
security = ads parameter not working in samba 4.9.5
Hi Rowland, The line 60 contains "{" in the script. The exit 1 statement is on line number 58. Am I missing something? Regards Sachin Kumar On Fri, Nov 29, 2019 at 5:21 PM Rowland penny via samba < samba at> wrote: > On 29/11/2019 11:28, Sac Isilia wrote: > > Hi Rowland, > > > > I get below error while running the script again. > >