similar to: linebreaks in mathplot

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 120 matches similar to: "linebreaks in mathplot"

2008 Sep 18
PDF fonts problem
Dear List, I am writing a paper in Hungarian, that I Sweave and than pdfLaTeX. Everything is fine, except for two accented letters in the graphs that behave strange, though on the screen and in eps exports they look perfect. The problem is that I need pdf graphs, since I would like to have a PDF after LaTeX-ing. For the example below I downloaded the following two font sets: 1. Latin Modern
2006 Nov 10
missing symbols for mathplot
Hi all, I'm trying to write an axis label that sounds P( X | K and Xb ) (probability of X given K and Xb ) but I need the intersection symbol (the "\cap" in latex) Actually I did'nt find any "cap" symbol in plotmath, the only one is intersect(A[i],i==1,n) but is not my case because subscripts and arguments are mandatory. Anyone knows how to do? Thanks Andrea --
2008 May 27
label outliers in geom_boxplot (ggplot2)
Dear List and Hadley, I would like to have a boxplot with ggplot2 and have the outlier values labelled with their "name" attribute. So I did > library(ggplot2) > dat=data.frame(num=rep(1,20), val=c(runif(18),3,3.5), name=letters[1:20]) > p=ggplot(dat, aes(y=val, x=num))+geom_boxplot(outlier.size=4, outlier.colour="green") >
2007 Mar 21
Detailed legend in mathplot ...
Hello, Recently, I have asked for a help with building graphs, and I got few great advices. Now, my appetite is growing :) and I wander how to add legend for two (or more) lines in following example: matplot(DAT[, c(3,4)], type="b", ylim=c(0,8), xaxt="n", yaxt="n", + pch=c(21,22), col="black", lty=c("dashed","solid"), xlab="",
2010 Jun 09
combining expressions in mathplot
Is there a cleaner way of combining two expressions. This example works and gives what I want plot(1:10) aa <- expression(alpha==.05) bb <- expression(beta ==.80) aabb <- expression(alpha==.05 ~ ", " ~ beta ==.80) text(5, 10, aa) text(5, 9, bb) text(5, 8, aabb) text(5,1, parse(text=paste(deparse(aa[[1]]), deparse(bb[[1]]), sep="~"))) text(5,2,
2000 Aug 29
variable value in mathplot
I'm putting a title over different plots, where 'that' varies. How do I make the value appear? Example: that <- 1 plot(1:10) title(expression(paste(hat(theta),'= ',that))) Yudi Pawitan yudi at Department of Statistics UCC Cork, Ireland Ph 353-21-490 2906 Fax 353-21-427 1040 -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
2008 Apr 19
Problem with JGR_1.5-18
R version 2.7.0 Under development (unstable) (2008-03-04 r44677) i386-apple-darwin8.10.1 locale: C attached base packages: [1] grid grDevices datasets graphics stats utils methods base other attached packages: [1] lattice_0.17-6 MASS_7.2-41 JGR_1.5-18 iplots_1.1-2 JavaGD_0.5-1 rJava_0.5-1 The following opens a JavaGD window and freezes JGR: super.sym <-
2010 Nov 16
Plotting an agnes tree with images instead of labels?
Hi, I'd like to plot a tree with images of molecular structures instead of labels (words). I think this is possible because someone who worked in my office before I arrived did this. However I'm not sure if this person made the image manually or plotted it only with R. Thanks in advance for your help. -- View this message in context:
2007 Jul 19
write.table linebreaks
Hello R users, I am a newby using R 2.5.0 on a Apple Power Book G4 with Mac OS X 10.4.10. when I use the write.table function, I always get the output in Unix linebreaks that I have to change to McIntosh linebreaks to be able to Import the data in Excel 2004 for Mac. Is there a possibility to do this automatically in R and respectively in the write.table function? Thanks in advance.
2001 Feb 03
WIN32 files have unix-style linebreaks?
Is it just me or doesn't all the Win32 files have unix-style EOL codes? I downloaded the nightly CVS tarball and tried to compile it in Visual Studio 6 but it failed partly because of that reason. It didn't even want to recognize some of the files (ie *.dsp files). It's a fairly simple operation to fix the problem but I don't know if it's my fault or if it realy something in
2012 Feb 20
how to print km square in the form of km2
Hello, This is Elaine. I am drawing a plot with x-axis label with "km square" as the unit. Now I want to print km square in the form of km2 and output "2" as the uppercase. Please kindly help suggest command to show the uppercase. Thank you. Elaine [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2015 Aug 02
ayuda con análisis de supervivencia
Hola a todos, -Estoy estudiando el efecto de dos genotipos (~tratamientos) en la aparición de síndrome metabólico (MetS) con datos longitudinales recogidos a tiempo 0,7,10,15,20 y 25 años. -He hecho un dataframe con las siguientes variables MetS: Síndrome Metabólico (Si=1,No=0) bmi: Indice de masa corporal (IMC) cuando se produce la conversión a MetS+ . Para los que permancen MetS-, esta variable
2015 Sep 08
sieve_extprograms - double linebreaks at filtering
Hello List, i have a problem when using sieve-plugin sieve_extprograms. I use dovecot 2.2.18 and bundled pigeonhole 0.4.6 (Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS) i have enabled sieve_extprograms and vnd.dovecot.filter to send mail to user-defined script and get changed content back. My script previously was used with procmail and is working fine. Using same script with vnd.dovecot.filter leads to odd behavior. I
2009 Sep 28
xyplot help - colors and break in plot
Dear List, I am new to lattice plots, and am having problems with getting my plot to do what I want. Specifically: 1. I would like the legend to have the same symbols as the plot. I tried simpleKey but can't seem to get it to work with autoKey. Right now my plot has dots (pch=19) and my legend shows circles. 2. I have nine groups but xyplot seems to only be using seven colors, so two
2017 Aug 19
My very first loop!! I failed. May I have some start-up aid?
Dear all, I have a data similar to this: myframe<- data.frame (ID=c("Ernie", "Ernie","Ernie","Ernie"), Timestamp=c("24.09.2012 08:00", "24.09.2012 09:00", "24.09.2012 10:00", "25.09.2012 10:00"), Longitude=c("8.481","8.482","8.483","8.481"),
2017 Aug 19
My very first loop!! I failed. May I have some start-up aid?
Thank you for providing the example code... for the request of running it multiple times it would have helped if you could have confirmed that the example ran through without errors... there were a lot of mistakes in it. Look into using the reprex package to check your example next time. I don't do this kind of analysis... I really don't know what to expect from the functions. The
2005 Nov 09
Variograms and large distances
Hello R list, I need to compute empirical variograms using data from a large geographic area (~10^6 km2). Although I could not find a specific reference, I assume that both geoR and gstat calculate distances among data points assuming points are on a flat surface (using the Pythagorean Theorem). Because the location of my data is large and located near the pole, assuming that latitude and
2007 Oct 31
R GUI for Linux
I have downloaded and tried to install JGR - Java GUI for R - Version 1.5. I followed all the instructions (at least in my best resolution) and installed Java latest version. R installation complete fine. Has anyone succeded in installing JGR on SuSE 10.3 ? In the following I hade detailed the failed installation, As root /i did the following: linux-Mimin:/usr/local/bin # ./R R version 2.6.0
2008 May 16
Getting JRI/rJava to work
Hello All I am trying to get the JRI examples from rJava to work on Windows XP and failing. (And as a more general and connected question is there any review/summary of front-end software for R?) I have installed rJava from the Windows binary supplied. I compile and run the example supplied ( and get the results below. I do not think the notes about a deprecated API are a problem. But
2012 Jul 28
Mixed-model with paired design & covariates
Dear all, I make habitat suitability models for animal species. The purpose of my research is to investigate the accuracy of different models. I clearly have a nested design: - accuracy_measure -> response variable - 2 model types (model_type) -> fixed effect - 230 species (species) -> random effect - 10 replicates/species (replicate) -> random effect - 10 subreplicate/replicate