similar to: lineplot.CI problem

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2012 Feb 22
line width in legend of interaction.plot
Dear R developers, The following command produces an interaction plot with lwd=2. interaction.plot(c(1, 2, 1, 2), c(1, 1, 2, 2), 1:4, lwd=2) In the legend, however, lwd seems to be 1, which does not seem to be intended behavior. Probably the lwd is not correctly forwarded to legend: from the interaction.plot source: legend(xleg, yleg, legend = ylabs, col = col, pch = if (type %in%
2010 Apr 02
lineplot.CI in "sciplot": option "" can't be changed?
hi List and Manuel, I have encounter the following problem with the function "lineplot.CI".? I'm running R 2.10.1, sciplot 1.0-7 on Win XP.? It seems like it's a scoping issue, but I couldn't figure it out. Thanks! ...Tao > lineplot.CI(x.factor = dose, response = len, data = ToothGrowth)??? ## fine > lineplot.CI(x.factor = dose, response = len, data = ToothGrowth,
2011 Aug 11
legend position in interaction.plot
How do I move the legend from default position (right and within the plot)?to the "bottomleft" of the plot? ? interaction.plot(YEAR, ID?GROWTH, legend=TRUE, col = 2:7,xlab="Year", ?????? ylim=c(0,2), ylab="Growth",leg.bty = "o") Peter Maclean Department of Economics UDSM
2008 Jun 17
interp() function output not continue
Dear List, I'm using interp() to prepare 3d data for plotting with the contour() function. If have x,y and z data. All are arrays. X and Y are sampled in an orderly fashion on a grid (a circular sub-area of a grid - see plot). I'm trying to use interp() to get x and y arrays and a z matrix that can be fed to contour(). This is the command:
2007 Nov 27
rearrange data: one line per subject, one column per condition
Dear R-list, Is there a way to convert the typical long R data-format to a 1-line per subject format? I have data formatted as: Group subj condition variable 1 1 1 746.36625 2 2 1 1076.152857 1 3 1 1076.152857 2 4 1 657.4263636 1 5 1 854.1266667 2 6 1 1191.676154 1 7 1 1028.175385 1 1 2 46.36625 2 2 2 76.152857 1 3 2 76.152857 2 4 2 57.4263636 1 5 2 54.1266667 2 6 2 191.676154 1 7 2 028.175385
2007 May 30
Smoothing a path in 2D
Hello, I'm currently trying to find a method to interpolate or smooth data that represent a trajectory in space. For example, I have an ordered (=time) set of (x,y) tuples which constitute a path in a 2D space. Is there a way using R to interpolate between these points in a way similar to spline interpolation so that I get a smooth path in space? Greetings, Dieter -- Dieter Vanderelst
2009 Feb 18
lineplot in ggplot2 with different colour and linetype
Hi list, I would like to use ggplot2 in creating a line plot with 4 lines (groups), 2 of which I want in colour and the remaining two as dotted lines. ### R code ### library(ggplot2) ### create data #### vals <- rnorm(400) div<- c(rep("A",100),rep("B",100),rep("C",100),rep("D",100)) n<- rep(1:100,4) df<- data.frame(div=
2007 Jul 17
Combine R2HTML and Rcmd BATCH?
Hi All, I have an R script that spawns output in the form of an HTML page. This is done by the R2HTML package. Now I want to run the same script using Rcmd BATCH. However, it seems that it is not possible to use R2HTML in this case. My script ends with this error message: ######################### Error in dev.print(png, file = AbsGraphFileName, width = Width, height = Height, : can only
2007 Oct 31
ylim in barplot2 function?
Hi list, I'm using barplot2 form the gplots package to plot a few numbers (I want to add SD bars later). However, I would like the y-axis not to start from 0 but 500. When I add the parameters YLIM, something goes wrong. The graph is not 'cut off' at 500. Instead the bars seems to sink trough the bottom of the graph. Because its a little hard to explain, here is a self-containing
2007 Oct 03
Making a table: collapsing across sub-strings
Hi list, I'm currently processing textual data and I would really appreciate some help with one off my problems. I have a set of strings and I want to count how often each of this strings appears in this set. This is not very difficult and can be done as: TB<-table(my_set) plot(TB) However, I also want to collapse across sub-strings. This is, I want a sub-string ss of string S to be
2013 Nov 27
Conditional error bars
How can I condition any error bar function that use the arrows() function, such as 'CI.plot' (see example below) or 'error.bars', to draw only upper error bar (upper CI) if the bar value (mean) is positive and the lower error bar (lower CI) if bar value is negative? CI.plot <- function(mean, se,length, ylim=c(-5, max(CI.H)), ...) { CI.H <- mean+se CI.L <- mean-se
2006 Mar 27
A plotting question - how to get error bars?
Dear R list, Can anyone help with a plotting question? I'm trying to display some data on a plot and I've almost got the format I need (see code below), but 2 things I can't get: 1. How to get "Jan","Feb","Mar" on the x=axis instead of 1:3? 2. How to get "T"s on the end of my error bars like you have in standard scientific plots? Any comments
2007 Oct 23
How to avoid the NaN errors in dnbinom?
Hi, The code below is giving me this error message: Error in while (err > eps) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed In addition: Warning messages: 1: In dnbinom(x, size, prob, log) : NaNs produced 2: In dnbinom(x, size, prob, log) : NaNs produced I know from the help files that for dnbinom "Invalid size or prob will result in return value NaN, with a warning", but I am not able
2003 Jul 12
help with bivariate density plot question
Dear R users: I have a dataset with two variables (>20000 observations, two samples from same subject) and I used "kernSur" from library(Genkern) to get a estimated bivariate density and corresponding plots as follows:<-data.normal[![,2]),] x<[,2] y<[,3] op <- KernSur(x,y, xgridsize=50, ygridsize=50,
2010 May 09
Plotting log-axis with the exponential base to a plot with the default logarithm base 10
Hello! I have a problem which I have tried to solve for several days now.. I have plottet a lineplot.CI in the library "sciplot", and I am trying to plot it with a logaritmic y-axis (with exponential base). The problem is that; when I type "log "y"", the axis transforms into the logaritmic of base 10. I wonder if someeone could tell me how to specify that I would
2000 Dec 15
resolution of windows metafiles
I am having trouble getting smooth-appearing curves in figures produced as windows metafiles using R (R-1.1.1 on Windows 98). When I import them into a word processor (either MS Word 97, or WordPerfect 9.0), the figures appear only slightly bumpy on screen, but when printed, there is a clear jaggedness reminiscent of aliasing. Is there a fix for this (if the answer is "upgrade to 1.2",
2005 Jan 14
Help in Overlaying of 2 Plots on the same Device.
I'm trying to overlay a density plot on a previously plotted histogram. However, i need to use the same axis as of the 1st(histogram) plot to plot the second. My second plot is creating its own axis and causing my plot to extend the entire histogram instead of getting a subplot on a portion of the histogram. I tried 'fig' and 'new' parameters with no luck. Thanks in advance.
2010 Aug 28
expression() and plot title
What I want to do is put the arguments I supply to a function into the title of a plot Say I'm calling func.1 func.1(a=4,b=4) plot(....,..., title("a=4, b=4")) If I'm calling func.1 with different arguments, I want the plot title to reflect that. A small detail is that func.1 might have an argument with a default like c=a+b. I tried using expression but couldn't get it to
2010 May 09
Plotting log-axis with the exponential base to a plot wi
Hello Ted! Thank you a lot for your reply!!! I will try to explain again; what I want is a logarithmic scaled y-axis with the base of e (not 10). And the values I would like to use in the plot are the raw values (not transformed in any way). Do you still think that the base of log does not matter in this case (wheather it is e or 10 as a base)? Elisabeth > On 09-May-10 18:10:27, Elisabeth
2009 Apr 15
Kruskal's MDS results
Dear List, I'm trying to interpret the results of the Kruskal's Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling algorithm (isoMDS, MASS package). The 'goodness of fit' is reported as "The final stress achieved (in percent)". What does this mean exactly? I've tried to google for an answer but I've not come up with a definitive answer. Regards, Dieter -- Dieter Vanderelst