similar to: use of poly()

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "use of poly()"

2012 Aug 02
Rd] Numerics behind splineDesign
On 08/02/2012 05:00 AM, r-devel-request at wrote: > Now I just have to grovel over the R code in ns() and bs() to figure > out how exactly they pick knots and handle boundary conditions, plus > there is some code that I don't understand in ns() that uses qr() to > postprocess the output from spline.des. I assume this is involved > somehow in imposing the boundary
2005 Jun 29
poly() in lm() leads to wrong coefficients (but correct residuals)
Dear all, I am using poly() in lm() in the following form. 1> DelsDPWOS.lm3 <- lm(DelsPDWOS[,1] ~ poly(DelsPDWOS[,4],3)) 2> DelsDPWOS.I.lm3 <- lm(DelsPDWOS[,1] ~ poly(I(DelsPDWOS[,4]),3)) 3> DelsDPWOS.2.lm3 <- lm(DelsPDWOS[,1]~DelsPDWOS[,4]+I(DelsPDWOS[,4]^2)+I(DelsPDWOS[,4]^3)) 1 and 2 lead to identical but wrong results. 3 is correct. Surprisingly (to me) the residuals
2001 Jul 09
polynomial regression and poly
When doing polynomial regression I believe it is a good idea to use the poly function to generate orthogonal polynomials. When doing this in Splus there is a handy function (transform.poly I think) to convert the coefficients produced by regression with the poly function back to the original scale. Has somebody written something similar for R ? Robert
2007 Feb 12
How to get the polynomials out of poly()
Hi Folks! Im using the function poly to generate orthogonal polynomials, but Id like to see the actual polynomials so that I could convert it to a polynomial in my original variable. Is that possible and if so how do I do it? /E
2008 Jul 01
Orthogonal polynomials and poly
Dear All, I have found in the poly help this sentence: The orthogonal polynomial is summarized by the coefficients, which can be used to evaluate it via the three-term recursion given in Kennedy & Gentle (1980, pp. 343–4), and used in the predict part of the code. My question: which type of orthogonal polynomials are used by this function? Hrmite, legendre.. TIA Giovanni [[alternative HTML
2015 Jul 17
Improvements (?) in stats::poly and stats::polym.
Dear Keith, >>>>> <Keith.Jewell at> >>>>> on Thu, 16 Jul 2015 08:58:11 +0000 writes: > Dear R Core Team, > Last week I made a post to the R-help mailing list > ?predict.poly for multivariate data? > <> > but it has had no responses so I?m
2010 Aug 03
Issue with prediction from lm object with poly
DDear developeRs, about a year ago, Alex Stolpovsky posted an issue with predict.lm on a fit generated using poly with the raw=TRUE option and too few new data (slightly modified reproducible example below). Alex did not get any reply. I have just stumbled on the same problem, and I think that this is a bug of function poly, which arises from the check whether the polynomial degree is
2009 Dec 22
use of lm() and poly()
Hi all, I want to fit data called "metal" with a polynominal function as dP ~ a.0 + a.1 * U0 + a.2 * U0^2 + a.3 * U0^3 + a.4 * U0^4 The data set includes, the independant variable U0 and the dependant variable dP. I've seen that the combination of lm() and poly() can do that instead of using the nls() function. But I don't get how to interpret the results from the linear
2006 Jun 13
poly(*,*) in lm() (PR#8972)
Full_Name: Jens Keienburg Version: 2.3.0 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( I used the function lm() to calculate the coefficients of a polynome. If I used the function poly(t,2) to denote a polynome of form 1 + x + x^2, the coefficients are wrong. I appended an excerpt below: > t=1:100 > p=-20 - 10 * t + 2 * t^2 > p [1] -28 -32 -32 -28 -20 -8 8
2009 Jun 04
Dropping terms from regression w/ poly()
Hello r-help, I'm fitting a model with lm() and using the orthogonal polynomials from poly() as my basis: dat <- read.csv("ConsolidatedData.csv", header=TRUE) attach(dat) nrows <- 1925 Rad <- poly(Radius, 2) ntheta <- 14 Theta <- poly(T.Angle..deg., ntheta) nbeta <- 4 Beta <- poly(B.Beta..deg., nbeta) model.1 <- lm( Measurement ~ Block + Rad + Theta + Beta
2007 Jan 25
poly(x) workaround when x has missing values
Often in practical situations a predictor has missing values, so that poly crashes. For instance: > x<-1:10 > y<- x - 3 * x^2 + rnorm(10)/3 > x[3]<-NA > lm( y ~ poly(x,2) ) Error in poly(x, 2) : missing values are not allowed in 'poly' > > lm( y ~ poly(x,2) , subset=! # This does not help?!? Error in poly(x, 2) : missing values are not allowed in
2013 Apr 01
example to demonstrate benefits of poly in regression?
Here's my little discussion example for a quadratic regression: Students press me to know the benefits of poly() over the more obvious regression formulas. I think I understand the theory on why poly() should be more numerically stable, but I'm having trouble writing down an example that proves the benefit of this. I
2002 Nov 25
Contr.poly for n > 100 (PR#2326)
Full_Name: David Clifford Version: Version 1.5.1 (2002-06-17) OS: Red Hat 7.3 Submission from: (NULL) ( For n values above 100 there appears to be a bug in contr.poly(n). The contrast matrix should have rank n-1. Running the code below gives output (ie errors) at n=98, 100 and every value greater than 102. for(n in 2:150) { K <- contr.poly(n) rnk <-
2005 Nov 10
OggPCM proposal feedback
On Thu, Nov 10, 2005 at 05:30:10PM +0100, oliver oli wrote: > John Koleszar wrote: > >I hadn't even heard > >of ambisonics until your post, to be honest. > > because people don't know how to distribute ambisonics. no way to play > it in a DVD player. there are no easy to use software players that > decode ambisonic files and there are no widely used audio
2008 Apr 23
poly() can exceed degree k - 1 for k distinct points (PR#11251)
The poly() function can create more variables than can be fitted when there are replicated values. In the example below, 'x' has only 5 distinct values, but I can apparently fit a 12th-degree polynomial with no error messages or even nonzero coefficients: R> x = rep(1:5,3) R> y = rnorm(15) R> lm(y ~ poly(x, 12)) Call: lm(formula = y ~ poly(x, 12)) Coefficients:
2012 Mar 14
using predict() with poly(x, raw=TRUE)
Dear r-devel list members, I've recently encountered the following problem using predict() with a model that has raw-polynomial terms. (Actually, I encountered the problem using model.frame(), but the source of the error is the same.) The problem is technical and concerns the design of poly(), which is why I'm sending this message to r-devel rather than r-help. To illustrate:
2002 Jul 03
poly.transform in R
Dear all, I am trying to transform polynomial coefficients from orthogonal form to the standard power basis. There's poly.transform in S-plus. Does anybody know how to do that in R ? I've found question about that in the archives of R-help but no real answer. Example : I'm doing polynomial regression of percentage of one insect in a community on altitude, precipitations,
2008 Apr 22
Bug in poly() (PR#11243)
Full_Name: Russell Lenth Version: 2.6.2 OS: Windows XP Pro Submission from: (NULL) ( The poly() function allows a higher-degree polynomial than it should, when raw=FALSE. For example, consider 5 distinct 'x' values, each repeated twice. we can fit a polynomial of degree 8: ===== R> x = rep(1:5, 2) R> y = rnorm(10) R> lm(y ~ poly(x, 8)) Call: lm(formula = y ~
2005 Feb 14
using poly in a linear regression in the presence of NA fails (despite subsetting them out)
I ran into a to me surprising result on running lm with an orthogonal polynomial among the predictors. The lm command resulted in Error in qr(X) : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 1) Error during wrapup: despite my using a "subset" in the call to get rid of NA's. poly is apparently evaluated before any NA's are subsetted out of the data. Example code (attached to
2009 Nov 28
R function that duplicates Octave's poly function?
By any chance is anyone aware of an R function that duplicates Octave's poly function? Here is a description of Octave's poly function: Function File: poly (A) If A is a square N-by-N matrix, `poly (A)' is the row vector of the coefficients of `det (z * eye (N) - a)', the characteristic polynomial of A. As an example we can use this to find the eigenvalues