similar to: Reorder data frame columns by negating list of names

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 11000 matches similar to: "Reorder data frame columns by negating list of names"

2007 Nov 27
str() options
Hello, Is there a way to have str() and ls.str() return all factor levels? Thanx, DaveT. ************************************* Silviculture Data Analyst Ontario Forest Research Institute Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources david.john.thompson at
2008 May 06
list manipulation
Hello, I have a set of one-liners (many thanks to previous responses from this list) that I use to look at newly imported data sets with functions like dim(), names(), str(), etc. within lapply(). Generally, these commands work for me but, I am apparently still missing some aspect of list manipulation. I don't understand why I get a set of NULL list elements at the end of each output as
2008 Dec 09
assign()ing within apply
Hello, I'm trying to convert a character column in several dataframes to lower case. ### # # Sample data and 'spp' column summaries: # dput(ban.ovs.1993[sample(row.names(ban.ovs.1993), 20), 1:4]) ban.ovs.93 <- structure(list(oplt = c(43L, 43L, 38L, 26L, 35L, 8L, 39L, 1L, 34L, 50L, 10L, 29L, 31L, 24L, 18L, 12L, 27L, 49L, 28L, 51L), rplt = c(NA_integer_, NA_integer_,
2008 Oct 10
Fatal error: unable to restore saved data in .RData
Hello, I am unable to start an R session by double-clicking on an existing .RData file from the Windoze file explorer. A dialogue appears with the message "Fatal error: unable to restore saved data in .RData", and I notice in the R Console the last few lines are: "Loading required package: R2HTML NULL error in function () : unused argument(s) (1:43)" I tried starting
2008 Apr 09
Changing default plot behaviour
Hello, How would I make the default behaviour of my plots produce output such as the following (i.e. tick marks inside on all axes, labels only on two (arbitrary?) sides) without needing the five additional commands each time? plot(1:10, axes=FALSE) axis(1, tcl=0.5) axis(2, tcl=0.5) axis(3, tcl=0.5, labels=FALSE) axis(4, tcl=0.5, labels=FALSE) box() Thanx, DaveT.
2007 Nov 20
Process multiple columns of data.frame
Hello, How do I do the following more concisely? Bout[$bd.n), 'bd.n'] <- 0 Bout[$ht.n), 'ht.n'] <- 0 Bout[$dbh.n), 'dbh.n'] <- 0 Would the form of such a command be different between numeric, character and factor columns? . . . between data.frames and matrices? Thanx, DaveT. ************************************* Silviculture
2008 Jun 19
YAPMQ - Yet Another PlotMath Question
Hello, I'm having trouble finding (remembering) how to pass values into text functions in plots, as demonstrated by: slope <- 45 ; plot(1:10) ; text(2, 7, labels = expression(45~degree)) ; text(2, 5, labels = paste(bquote(.(slope)), expression(degree))) Thanx, DaveT. ************************************* Silviculture Data Analyst Ontario Forest Research Institute Ontario Ministry of
2008 Jan 17
Converting plots to ggplot2
Hello Hadley, I am trying to reproduce the following with ggplot: a <- seq(0, 360, 5)*pi/180 ; a ac <- sin(a + (45*pi/180)) + 1 ; ac plot(a, ac, type='b', xaxt = "n") axis(1, at=seq(0,6,1), labels=round(seq(0,6,1)*180/pi),1) abline(v=c(45*pi/180, 225*pi/180)) I can get the basic plot: p <- qplot(a, ac, geom=c('point', 'line')) ;
2008 May 26
SciViews and Tinn-R installation problem
Hello, I have just installed R 2.7.0 and re-installed SciViews 0.8-9 and Tinn-R and seem to have broken something along the way as follows. I double-click on my current .RData file in the Windoze explorer, R Console and Tinn-R load successfully (?). I can list objects in my working directory with ls() but, when I attempt to refresh any list in the R explorer tab of the Tools child
2008 Mar 07
Finding Interaction and main effects contrasts for two-way ANOVA
I've tried without success to calculate interaction and main effects contrasts using R. I've found the functions C(), contrasts(), se.contrasts() and fit.contrasts() in package gmodels. Given the url for a small dataset and the two-way anova model below, I'd like to reproduce the results from appended SAS code. Thanks. --Dale. ## the dataset (from Montgomery) twoway <-
2008 Feb 08
Can I index a dataframe with a reference from/to a second dataframe?
Hello, I am unable to figure out how to code a new column in a data frame based on an existing column that matches a column in a reference data frame, in a relational-db fashion. I would like this to maintain a minimum set of reference tables that may be reused over several similar datasets. Specifically, I have two data frames as listed below, 'Bos' and 'tree.' For each case in
2008 Apr 10
Recovering SPlus GraphSheets
Hello, Is it possible with R to recover the contents of SPlus GraphSheets (*.sgr) without access to SPlus? Also, some of the .sgr files may have multiple pages. Thanx, DaveT. ************************************* Silviculture Data Analyst Ontario Forest Research Institute Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources david.john.thompson at
2007 Dec 20
Available environment variables
Hello, I am trying to set my environment to streamline the downloading / updating of packages. I have been through R-intro.html (10.8 Customizing-the-environment), R-FAQ (5.2 How can add-on packages be installed?), rw-FAQ, and help pages for Sys.setenv {base}, download.packages {utils}, etc.,. I am looking for something similar to the download.packages destdir argument on a global environment
2008 Jun 04
ggplot questions
Hello, A few questions about the following examples: 1. Why do the two plotting versions not produce the same result? 2. Is the 'scale_x_continuous' (or *_y_* or *_*_discrete) geom the best way to setup grids (as in visual guide-lines) in polar (or for that matter, any) coordinate system? 3. Why do these commands appear to generate 3 plot pages each? 4. Perhaps more questions to follow
2007 Nov 22
Summary: Process multiple columns of data.frame
Thank you Jim Holtman and Mark Leeds for your help. Original question: >How do I do the following more concisely? > Bout[$bd.n), 'bd.n'] <- 0 > Bout[$ht.n), 'ht.n'] <- 0 > Bout[$dbh.n), 'dbh.n'] <- 0 >. . . Solution: for (i in c('bd.n', 'ht.n', 'dbh.n')) Bout[[[i]]), i] <- 0 Toy
2008 Oct 09
YALAQ - Yet Another LApply Question
Hello, Two lapply questions (system info and sample data below): 1) Why does the first form of command1 add the name of y _after_ the str() output rather than before as does the second (preferred) form? # command1 version1 invisible(lapply(ls(pattern='bn'), function(y) cat(y, "\n", str(get(y)), "\n") )) # command1 version2 (preferred output)
2008 Jun 17
echo on startup
Hello, I have not been able to find how to have R echo the contents to the console on start-up. Changing the windoze shortcut to include the '--verbose' option does not show what I am looking for. I would like to see the options and commands listed, in addition to the library() loadings, as they are processed. Examples of the type of options I like and shortcut-commands
2007 Jul 09
parsing strings
Hi All, I have strings made up of an unknown number of letters, digits, and spaces. Strings always start with one or two letters, and always end with one or two digits. A set of letters (one or two letters) is always followed by a set of digits (one or two digits), possibly with one or more spaces between the sets of letters and digits. A set of letters always belongs to the following set of
2007 Jul 12
(no subject)
Hi All, I want to automatically generate a number of data frames, each with an automatically generated name and an automatically generated number of rows. The number of rows has been calculated before and is different for all data frames (e.g. c(4,5,2)). The number of columns is known a priori and the same for all data frames (e.g. c(3,3,3)). The resulting data frames could look something like
2004 Aug 27
reorder [stats] and reorder.factor [lattice]
It was recently pointed out on the lists that the S-PLUS Trellis suite has a function called reorder.factor that's useful in getting useful ordering of factors for graphs. I happily went ahead and implemented it, but it turns out that R (not S-PLUS) has a generic called reorder (with a method for "dendrogram"). Naturally, this causes R to think I'm defining a method for