similar to: Testing for differecnes between groups, need help to find the right test in R. (Kes Knave)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Testing for differecnes between groups, need help to find the right test in R. (Kes Knave)"

2008 Feb 04
counting identical data in a column
Hi Peter I have the following data frame with chromosome name, start and end positions: chrN start end 1 chr1 11122333 11122633 2 chr1 11122333 11122633 3 chr3 11122333 11122633 8 chr3 111273334 111273634 7 chr2 12122334 12122634 4 chr1 21122377 21122677 5 chr2 33122355 33122655 6 chr2 33122355 33122655 I would like to count the positions that have the same start and
2008 Feb 10
data frame question
Hello I have 2 data frames df1 and df2. I would like to create a new data frame new_df which will contain only the common rows based on the first 2 columns (chrN and start). The column score in the new data frame should be replaced with a column containing the average score (average_score) from df1 and df2. df1= data.frame(chrN= c(“chr1”, “chr1”, “chr1”, “chr1”, “chr2”, “chr2”, “chr2”),
2010 Oct 01
[Help]:How to use "loop" to achieve this aim?
Hello, Everyone, how to use "loop" to make the process automatic and fast? When compute each sample, the script type in R almost the same, just the input and output file's name is changed(chr1 change to chr2, chr3,chr4...). The first sample's script like this: >chr1=MEDIPS.readAlignedSeqences(BSgenome="hg19", file="chr1",numrows= )
2008 Feb 18
remove column names from a data frame
I want to remove the column names from a data frame. I do it the long way, can any body show me a better way ? df= data.frame(chrN= c(“chr1”, “chr2”, “chr3”), start= c(1, 2, 3), end= c(4, 5, 6), score= c(7, 8, 9)) df #I write a txt file without row or column names write.table(df,"df1.txt",sep='\t',quote=FALSE,row.names=F,col.names=F) #then I read it with the header = F
2011 Jan 31
how to search to value to another table
Hello, I'm a new R user. I have two different dummy tables with the variable name tb1 and tb2. tb1< v1 v2 v3 v4 "chr1" 22 23 3 "chr1" 36 37 1 "chr1" 54 55 0 "chr1" 77 78 1 "chr2" 80 81 4 "chr2" 85 86 0 "chr2" 99 100 1
2008 Feb 06
inserting text lines in a dat frame
Hi Jim I am trying to prepare a bed file to load as accustom track on the UCSC genome browser. I have a data frame that looks like the one below. > x V1 V2 V3 1 chr1 11255 55 2 chr1 11320 29 3 chr1 11400 45 4 chr2 21680 35 5 chr2 21750 84 6 chr2 21820 29 7 chr2 31890 46 8 chr3 32100 29 9 chr3 52380 29 10 chr3 66450 46 I would like to insert the following 4 lines at the beginning:
2011 Aug 10
Loops for repetitive task
Hello, I have an R script that I use as a template to perform a task for multiple files (in this case, multiple chromosomes). What I would like to do is to utilize a simple loop to parse through each chromosome number so that I don't have to type the same code over and over again in the R console. I've tried using: for(i in 1:22){ etc.. } and replacing each chromosome number with
2011 Oct 17
Histogram for each ID value
I have a dataframe in the general format: chr1 0.5 chr1 0 chr1 0.75 chr2 0 chr2 0 chr3 1 chr3 1 chr3 0.5 chr7 0.75 chr9 1 chr9 1 chr22 0.5 chr22 0.5 where the first column is the chromosome location and the second column is some value. What I'd like to do is have a histogram created for each chr location (i.e. a separate histogram for chr1, chr2, chr3, chr7, chr9, and chr22). I am just
2011 Jun 08
return counts of elements on a table column depending on elements on another column
Hi, I am given the following table: > head(hsa_refseq) chr genome region start stop nu strand nu.1 nu.2 gene_id 1 chr1 hg19_refGene CDS 67000042 67000051 0 + 0 gene_id NM_032291 2 chr1 hg19_refGene exon 66999825 67000051 0 + . gene_id NM_032291 3 chr1 hg19_refGene CDS 67091530 67091593 0 + 2 gene_id NM_032291 4 chr1 hg19_refGene exon
2010 May 20
sort a data.frame
Hello,   I have a dataframe: dd <- data.frame(b = c("chr2", "chr1", "chr15", "chr13"),         x = c("A", "D", "A", "C"), y = c(8, 3, 9, 9),         z = c(1, 1, 1, 2))   >dd       b x y z 1  chr2 A 8 1 2  chr1 D 3 1 3 chr15 A 9 1 4 chr13 C 9 2 Now I want to sort them according column "b", but only its
2011 Oct 19
replacing percentage of values in data frame
I've been looking for how to change a certain percentage of values in a data frame, but I've been struggling to find information in R. For example: #################example data############## > data V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 1 chr1 500 500 CHH 0 0.5 + 2 chr1 550 550 CHH 0 0.0 + 3 chr2 700 700 CHH 0 0.0 + 4 chr2 1000 1000 CHH 0 0.0 + 5 chr3
2010 Jun 07
average two sets of columns
Hi R experts. how can I average two sets of columns? dd <- data.frame(b = c("chr2", "chr1", "chrY", "chr13", "chrX"),         w=11:15, x = 1:5, y = c(8, 3, 9, 9,7),        z = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 8)) expected result for mean(w,x) and mean(y,z) is 1  chr2 6  4.5 2  chr1 7  2 3  chrY 8  5 4 chr13 9  5.5 5  chrX 10 7.5 Yu [[alternative
2010 Nov 07
How do I order xyplot line points?
I have the following xyplot figure: The data are organized in a matrix file as follows: Type Elements Chromosome Time bedGz 12000000 chr1 14.240 bedGz 12000000 chr2 7.949 bedGz 12000000 chr3 5.103 bedGz 12000000 chr4 5.290 bedGz 12000000 chr5 5.161 ... The x-axis labels in the Chromosome column are ordered
2008 Feb 08
convertin a data frame column from character to numeric
I have a data.frame with all character columns, I would like to convert the last two columns into numeric.> x[1:5, ] chrN start end 1 chr1 71310034 71310064 2 chr14 23354088 23354118 3 chr14 71310034 71310064 4 chr15 37759058 37759088 5 chr22 18262638 18262668 > apply(x, 2, FUN = mode) chrN start end
2014 Feb 19
dispatch on "c" method when passing named arguments
Hi, Many S4 objects in Bioconductor support "combining" via a "c" method. A common use case is to combine a collection of S4 objects stored in a list with the following idiom:"c", list_of_objects) For many users this doesn't return what they expect though, because their 'list_of_objects' is a named list and this seems to "break"
2013 Jan 09
R2html and Blackboard LMS : solved
Everything is ok on Firefox, IE, and iPad. Thanks, Erin On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 7:58 PM, Erin Hodgess <erinm.hodgess at> wrote: > Dear R People: > > Has anyone used R2HTML in web files that were on the Blackboard LMS, please? > > I'm starting to do these but wanted to know if there were any > potential pitfalls. > > Thanks, > Erin > > > --
2008 Feb 10
Error while using fitdistr() function or goodfit() function
Try changing your method to "ML" and try again. I tried the run the first example from the documentation and it failed with the same error. Changing the estimation method to ML worked. @List: Can anyone else verify the error I got? I literally ran the following two lines interactively from the example for goodfit: dummy <- rnbinom(200, size = 1.5, prob = 0.8) gf <- goodfit(dummy,
2017 Aug 17
really dumb question with building/creating a new package.
Thank you! On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 4:55 PM, Bert Gunter <bgunter.4567 at> wrote: > r-package-devel is probably a better place to post this, especially if > you do not get a satisfactory reply here. This list is about R > programming, as you presumably know; your query is not. > > Cheers, > Bert > > > Bert Gunter > > "The trouble with having
2007 Mar 28
By sentence
Hi again! Please try something like this: > zone1.df zone sex len 1 1 male 15 2 1 fema 20 3 1 fema 17 4 2 fema 19 5 2 male 18 > str(zone1.df) 'data.frame': 5 obs. of 3 variables: $ zone: Factor w/ 2 levels "1","2": 1 1 1 2 2 $ sex : Factor w/ 2 levels "fema","male": 2 1 1 1 2 $ len : int 15 20 17 19 18 >
2019 Mar 04
Problem with compiling OpenBLAS to work with R
>>>>> Erin Hodgess >>>>> on Fri, 1 Mar 2019 12:30:35 -0700 writes: > Yay! I re-installed everything and got through "Make > distribution"! I have one more question, please: I am > running the make check-all. I have an error at reg-1d. > It stops the process. However, the mean difference (as > per the file) is