similar to: Catching NaNs from pweibull()

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Catching NaNs from pweibull()"

2008 Oct 07
Algorithm = "port" convergence codes
Hello all, I am fitting a Gamma distribution to some data I have using nls(). The function obviously runs into issues when using a 0 as a parameter value. I understand the line alg = "port" can be used to set the lower bounds to prevent this from happening. When I run the code I get the following: Algorithm "port", convergence message: relative convergence (4). I have
2002 May 12
Is this a bug of pweibull()? (Follow up)
Please allow me to add just a little more about this: nothing wrong with pweibull(), namely, the two cases I reported: pweibull(3:10, 2) and pweibull(3:10, 2.1), in rw1041 and earlier version. I wonder this might just due to the change from rw1041 to rw1050, however, I can't find anything relevant (seems to me) in the News or Readme. Thanks Sundar for the suggestion of using 1 -
2002 May 11
Is this a bug of pweibull()?
In rw1050, I found that > pweibull(3:10, 2) [1] 0.9998766 0.9999999 1.0000000 1.0000000 NaN NaN [7] NaN NaN Warning message: NaNs produced in: pweibull(q, shape, scale, lower.tail, log.p) more surprisingly, > pweibull(3:10, 2.1) [1] 0.9999566 1.0000000 1.0000000 -Inf NaN NaN [7] NaN NaN Warning message: NaNs produced in: pweibull(q,
2008 Nov 26
survreg and pweibull
Dear all - I have followed the thread the reply to which was lead by Thomas Lumley about using pweibull to generate fitted survival curves for survreg models. Using the lung data set, data(lung) lung.wbs <- survreg( Surv(time, status)~ 1, data=lung, dist='weibull') curve(pweibull(x, scale=exp(coef(lung.wbs)),
2002 Feb 28
pweibull.c (PR#1334)
Full_Name: M Welinder Version: 1.4 OS: (src) Submission from: (NULL) ( It seems to me that pweibull can be improved in the lower_tail=TRUE and log_p=FALSE case by using expm1. Something like -expm1(-pow(x / scale, shape)), I think. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-devel mailing list -- Read
2013 Mar 03
distribution functions and lists
Hello everyone, I have a quick question but I am stuck with it and I do not know how to solve it. Imagine I need the distribution function of a Weibull(1,1) at t=3, then I will write pweibull(3,1,1). I want to keep the shape and scale parameters in a list (or a vector or whatever). Then I have parameters<-list(shape=1,scale=1) but when I write pweibull(3,parameters) I get the following
2003 May 04
R-1.7.0 build feedback: NetBSD 1.6 (PR#2837): final report
I've now done two rebuilds of R-1.7.0 on NetBSD 1.6, one with the --without-zlib configure option, and one without. Both builds use the recently-installed gcc-3.2.3 compiler. As before, the one built normally gets a segment violation, whereas the one built with the --without-zlib option works. The odd thing is that neither uses shared libraries for zlib: % ldd /usr/local/lib/R/bin/R.bin
2011 Oct 20
R code Error : Hybrid Censored Weibull Distribution
Dear Sir/madam, I'm getting a problem with a R-code which calculate Fisher Information Matrix for Hybrid Censored Weibull Distribution. My problem is that: when I take weibull(scale=1,shape=2) { i.e shape>1} I got my desired result but when I take weibull(scale=1,shape=0.5) { i.e shape<1} it gives error : Error in integrate(int2, lower = 0, upper = t) : the integral is probably
2010 May 26
Survival analysis extrapolation
Dear all, I'm trying to fit a curve to some 1 year failure-time data, so that I can extrapolate and predict failure rates up to 3 years. The data is in the general form: Treatment Time Status Treatment A 28 0 Treatment B 28 0 Treatment B 28 0 Treatment A 28
2011 Jun 23
Confidence interval from resampling
Dear R gurus, I have the following code, but I still not know how to estimate and extract confidence intervals (95%CI) from resampling. Thanks! ~Adriana #data penta<-c(770,729,640,486,450,410,400,340,306,283,278,260,253,242,240,229,201,198,190,186,180,170,168,151,150,148,147,125,117,110,107,104,85,83,80,74,70,66,54,46,45,43,40,38,10) x<-log(penta+1) plot(ecdf(x),
2004 Apr 22
slower execution in R 1.9.0
I have an R function (about 1000 lines long) that takes more than 20 times as long to run under R Windows 1.9.0 and 1.8.1 than it does under 1.7.1. Profile results indicate that the $< operation is the culprit, but I don't understand exactly what that is (assignment of data frame elements to another variable?), or why it's only a problem under 1.8.1 and 1.9.0. Any advice?
2008 Mar 02
Problem plotting curve on survival curve (something silly?)
OK this is bound to be something silly as I'm completely new to R - having started using it yesterday. However I am already warming to its lack of 'proper' GUI... I like being able to rerun a command by editing one parameter easily... try and do that in a Excel Chart Wizzard! I eventually want to use it to analyse some chemotherapy response / survival data. That data will not be
2008 Dec 11
unkillable imap process(es) with high CPU-usage
Hello, I am having a problem with my dovecot-daemon. It is forking one or more (I saw up to perhaps 8 of them) imap processes under my user name. These processes are consuming a lot of CPU time and are not killable: > PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND > 8616 arno 20 0 2900 1600 1204 R 98 0.2 1196:38 imap Stopping dovecot does not quit these
2008 Aug 21
pnmath compilation failure; dylib issue?
(1) ...need to speed up a monte-carlo sampling...any suggestions about how I can get R to use all 8 cores of a mac pro would be most useful and very appreciated... (2) spent the last few hours trying to get pnmath to compile under os- x 10.5.4... using gcc version 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5553) as downloaded from CRAN, xcode 3.0... ...xcode 3.1 installed over top of above after
1999 Dec 09
nlm() problem or MLE problem?
I am trying to do a MLE fit of the weibull to some data, which I attach. fitweibull<-function() { rt<-scan("r/rt/data2/triam1.dat") rt<-sort(rt) plot(rt,ppoints(rt)) a<-9 b<-.27 fn<-function(p) -sum( log(dweibull(rt,p[1],p[2])) ) cat("starting -log like=",fn(c(a,b)),"\n") out<-nlm(fn,p=c(a,b), hessian=TRUE)
2010 Mar 01
Fitting chi-squared distribution
Dear all, I have a question regarding performing test if the data fits chi-squared distribution. For example, using ks.test() I found in the examples how to fit it to gamma or weibull x<-rnorm(100) ks.test(x, "pweibull", shape=2,scale=1) for the gamma, pgamma can be used But I cannot find the value of this second parameter for the chi-squared distribution. Maybe someone
2012 Jan 04
KS and AD test for Generalized PAreto and Generalized Extreme value
Dear R helpers, I need to use KS and AD test for Generalized Pareto and Generalized extreme value. E.g. if I need to use KS for Weibull, I have teh syntax ks.test(x.wei,"pweibull", shape=2,scale=1) Similarly, for AD I use ad.test(x,, ...) My problem is fir given data, I have estimated the parameters of GPD and GEV using lmom. But I am not able to find out the distribution
2010 Sep 21
Survival curve mean adjusted for covariate: NEED TO DO IN NEXT 2 HOURS, PLEASE HELP
Hi I am trying to determine the mean of a Weibull function that has been fit to a data set, adjusted for a categorical covariate , gender (0=male,1=female). Here is my code: library(survival) survdata<-read.csv("data.csv") ##Fit Weibull model to data WeiModel<-survreg(Surv(survdata$Time,survdata$Status)~survdata$gender) summary(WeiModel) P<-pweibull(n,
2010 Jul 20
Servreg $loglik
Dear R-experts: I am using survreg() to estimate the parameters of a Weibull density having right-censored observations. Some observations are weighted. To do that I regress the weighed observations against a column of ones. When I enter the data as 37 weighted observations, the parameter estimates are exactly the same as when I enter the data as the corresponding 70 unweighted observations.
2001 Jul 02
nls newbie: help approximating Weibull distribution
Hi folks, I tried to retain the Weibull distribution using the `nls' function and proceeding along the lines of the example provided in the `SSweibull' help (at least I thought so): t <- (1:200)/100 v <- pweibull(t, shape=3, scale=1) df <- data.frame(Time=t, Value=v) Asym <- 1.0; Drop <- 1.0; lrc <- 0; pwr <- 1 df.estimate <- nls(Value ~ SSweibull(Time,