similar to: User-defined Kernels

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "User-defined Kernels"

2012 Jul 17
about different bandwidths in one graph
Thank you in advance. Now I want to make comparison of the different bandwidth h in a normal distribution graph. This is the table of bandwidth h: thumb rule (normal)--0.00205; thumb rule(Epanech.)--0.00452; Plug-in (normal)--0.0009; Plug-in(Epanech.)--0.002. this is the condition: N=1010 data sample is from normal distribution N(0,0.0077^2). The grid points are taken to be [-0.05,0.05] and
2010 Jun 01
BreastCancer Dataset for Classification in kknn
Dear All, I'm getting a error while trying to apply the BreastCancer dataset (package=mlbench) to kknn (package=kknn) that I don't understand as I'm new to R. The codes are as follow: rm = (list = ls()) library(mlbench) data(BreastCancer) library(kknn) BCancer = na.omit(BreastCancer) d = dim(BCancer)[1] i1 = seq(1, d, 2) i2 = seq(2, d, 2) t1 = BCancer[i1, ] t2 =
1999 Dec 01
density(kernel = "cosine") .. the `wrong cosine' ..
I'm in teaching mode, kernel densities. {History: density() was newly introduced in version 0.15, 19 Dec 1996; most probably by Ross or Robert } When I was telling the students about different kernels (and why their choice is not so important, and "equivalent bandwidths" etc,etc) I wondered about the "Cosine" in my teaching notes which is defined there as k(x)
2016 Apr 22
npudens(np) Error missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Hi, I am looking for some help concerning the npudens function in the np package. I am trying to find a kernel density function of a multivariate dataset and the density evaluated at each of the 176 points. I have 2 continuous and 3 ordered discrete variables. My sample size is 176. So edata is a 176x(2+3) data frame, while tdat is a 1x(2+3) vector. bw_cx[i,] is a 1x (2+3) vector
2011 Jun 27
Kernel Density Estimation at manually specified points
Hello, my name is Carsten. This ist my first post to R-help mailing list. I estimate densities with the function "density" out of the package "stats". A simplified example: #generation of test data n=10 z = rnorm(n) #density estimation f=density(z,kernel="epanechnikov",n=n) #evaluation print(f$y[5]) Here I can only evaluate the estimation at given
2006 Oct 24
Samba config
All, Has anybody any experience with setting up a samba server on unix knowing that : - authentication will have to be done by an NT server and - once authenticated the user data (like home dir ) has to come from an ldap server ( the unix server is an ldap client and users are not defined locally in /etc/passwd) Any help is very much appreciated. Patrick
2011 Feb 07
tri-cube and gaussian weights in loess
>From what I understand, loess in R uses the standard tri-cube function. SAS/INSIGHT offers loess with Gaussian weights. Is there a function in R that does the same? Also, can anyone offer any references comparing properties between tri-cube and Gaussian weights in LOESS? Thanks. - Andr? -- View this message in context:
2012 Jan 11
2D filter in R?
Hi all, I am looking for a command for doing 2D filtering (rectangular or Gaussian) in R... I have looked at ksmooth, filter and convolve but they seem to be 1D... Any thoughts? Thanks a lot! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jun 03
Treated - KernSmooth pckg - dpik function gives numeric(0) for kernel="epanech"
Epanechnikov kernel works if option canonical=TRUE, however it would be good to know why it does not for for canonical=FALSE (default). Sorry for craetaing maybe useless thread. Best regards, Ondra. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Jul 20
np package, KleinSpady estimator, error when I estimate the bootstrapped standard errors
Dear all, I am using np package in order to estimate a model with Klein and Spady estimator. To estimate the model I use KS <- npindexbw (xdat=X, ydat=Y, bandwidth.compute=TRUE, method="kleinspady", optim.maxit=10^3, ckertype="epanechnikov", ckerorder=2) and to estimate beta hats standard errors I use KSi <- npindex(KS, gradients=T, boot.num=300) vcov(KSi) This is
2011 Jul 25
error in optimization when I include constant term in Klein and Spady (np package)
Dear all, I am trying to use the np package for the estimation of a model with Klein and Spady's semiparametric estimator. When though, I include a constant term ( a column with 1s in X) then the following message appear: Multistart 1 of 3...Error in optim(c(beta, h), fn = optim.fn, gr = NULL, method = optim.method, : non-finite value supplied by optim So, how can I include a constant
2010 Jul 24
local polynomial with differnt kernal functions
Hi, R users   I need to use the function (locpoly) to fit a local poynomial regression model, The defult for kernal function is " normal" , but  I need to use different kernal functions such as :Uniform,Triangular,Epanechnikov,...... Could someone help me define these functions to fit local polynomial regression model?.     Thanks alot [[alternative
2005 May 12
Package adehabitat version 1.3
Dear all, I have just uploaded to CRAN the version 1.3 of the package 'adehabitat'. Significant changes are listed below: - Several functions allowing the conversion from and to classes of the package sp have been added. Maps of class "asc", "kasc", "area", as well as radio-monitoring of class "traj" can now be converted to the spatial
2005 May 12
Package adehabitat version 1.3
Dear all, I have just uploaded to CRAN the version 1.3 of the package 'adehabitat'. Significant changes are listed below: - Several functions allowing the conversion from and to classes of the package sp have been added. Maps of class "asc", "kasc", "area", as well as radio-monitoring of class "traj" can now be converted to the spatial
2011 Jan 26
baseline hazard function
Dear colleagues, I have the following dataset. It is modelled on the data included in Box-Seteffenheiser and Jones "Event History Modelling" Using the following code, I try to find the baseline hazard function haz_1<-muhaz(bpa$time, bpa$censored, subset=(bpa$year=="2010" | bpa$ban=="1"), min.time=1, max.time=3) I think I'm doing everything right, but what I
2011 Jul 18
np package, estimating the standard errors of Klein and Spady's estimator
Dear all, I would like to estimate the standard errors of Klein and Spady's estimator for that I am using: library(np) N<-100 X<-matrix(c(rnorm(N,1,1), rnorm(N,0,1)), ncol=2) BETA <-matrix(1,2,1) Z<-X%*%BETA L<-rlogis(N,location=0, scale=1) Y <-as.vector(X%*%BETA+L>=0)*1 KS <- npindexbw (xdat=X, ydat=Y, bandwidth.compute=TRUE, method="kleinspady",
2008 Jul 25
Package np version 0.20-0 released to CRAN
Dear R users, An updated version of the np package has recently been uploaded to CRAN (version 0.20-0). Version 0.20-0 is documented in Tristen Hayfield and Jeffrey S. Racine (2008). Nonparametric Econometrics: The np Package. Journal of Statistical Software 27(5). URL and also in a vignette (vignette("np",package="np")). There is also a FAQ
2008 Jul 25
Package np version 0.20-0 released to CRAN
Dear R users, An updated version of the np package has recently been uploaded to CRAN (version 0.20-0). Version 0.20-0 is documented in Tristen Hayfield and Jeffrey S. Racine (2008). Nonparametric Econometrics: The np Package. Journal of Statistical Software 27(5). URL and also in a vignette (vignette("np",package="np")). There is also a FAQ
2005 Feb 10
rewrite of scatter.smooth to handle NAs
I rewrote scatter.smooth to handle missing values, but I have a question about a move I had to make. Here's the code: Mscatter.smooth<-function (x, y, span = 2/3, degree = 1, family = c("symmetric", "gaussian"), xlab = deparse(substitute(x)), ylab = deparse(substitute(y)), ylim = range(y, prediction$y), evaluation = 50, ...) { if (inherits(x,
2003 Dec 25
Problem plotting with xyplot
Hi all, I am just learning R and I am trying to work through the book "Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis" by Singer & Willett. I have some code for this book that supposedly works in S-Plus (I don't have S-Plus so I can't verify that) and I am trying to run the examples in R. Most of the examples run, but I have one plot that gives me an error message. I have