similar to: C-index

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "C-index"

2011 May 22
How to calculate confidence interval of C statistic by rcorr.cens
Hi, I'm trying to calculate 95% confidence interval of C statistic of logistic regression model using rcorr.cens in rms package. I wrote a brief function for this purpose as the followings; CstatisticCI <- function(x) # x is object of rcorr.cens. { se <- x["S.D."]/sqrt(x["n"]) Low95 <- x["C Index"] - 1.96*se Upper95 <- x["C
2005 Jul 11
validation, calibration and Design
Hi R experts, I am trying to do a prognostic model validation study, using cancer survival data. There are 2 data sets - 1500 cases used to develop a nomogram, and another of 800 cases used as an independent validation cohort. I have validated the nomogram in the original data (easy with the Design tools), and then want to show that it also has good results with the independent data using 60
2010 Apr 08
C-index and Cox model
Dear all R users, I am building a Cox PH model on a small dataset. I am wondering how to measure the predictive power of my cox model? Normally the ROC curve or Gini value are used in logistic regression model. Is there any similar measurement suitable for Cox model? Also if I use C-index statistic to measure the predictive power, is it a time-dependent value (i.e. do I need to calculate it for
2006 Apr 21
Hi R-users, I'm having some problems in using the Hmisc package. I'm estimating a cox ph model and want to test whether the drop in concordance index due to omitting one covariate is significant. I think (but I'm not sure) here are two ways to do that: 1) predict two cox model (the full model and model without the covariate of interest) and estimate the concordance index (i.e. area
2011 Jun 13
Somers Dyx
Hello R Community, I'm continuing to work through logistic regression (thanks for all the help on score test) and have come up against a new opposition. I'm trying to compute Somers Dyx as some suggest this is the preferred method to Somers Dxy (Demaris, 1992). I have searchered the [R] archieves to no avail for a function or code to compute Dyx (not Dxy). The overview of Hmisc has
2011 Mar 01
which does the "S.D." returned by {Hmisc} rcorr.cens measure?
Dear R-help, This is an example in the {Hmisc} manual under rcorr.cens function: > set.seed(1) > x <- round(rnorm(200)) > y <- rnorm(200) > round(rcorr.cens(x, y, outx=F),4) C Index Dxy S.D. n missing uncensored Relevant Pairs Concordant Uncertain 0.4831 -0.0338 0.0462 200.0000
2009 Mar 09
rcorr.cens Goodman-Kruskal gamma
Dear r-helpers! I want to classify my vegetation data with hierachical cluster analysis. My Dataset consist of Abundance-Values (Braun-Blanquet ordinal scale; ranked) for each plant species and relev?. I found a lot of r-packages dealing with cluster analysis, but none of them is able to calculate a distance measure for ranked data. Podani recommends the use of Goodman and Kruskals' Gamma for
2013 Jan 24
Difference between R and SAS in Corcordance index in ordinal logistic regression
lrm does some binning to make the calculations faster. The exact calculation is obtained by running f <- lrm(...) rcorr.cens(predict(f), DA), which results in: C Index Dxy S.D. n missing 0.96814404 0.93628809 0.03808336 32.00000000 0.00000000 uncensored Relevant Pairs Concordant Uncertain 32.00000000
2007 Dec 19
using rcorr.cens for Goodman Kruskal gamma
Dear List, I would like to calculate the Goodman-Kruskal gamma for the predicted classes obtained from an ordinal regression model using lrm in the Design package. I couldn't find a way to get gamma for predicted values in Design so have found previous positings suggesting to use : Rcorr.cens(x, S outx = TRUE) in the Hmisc package My question is, will this work for predicted vs
2004 Jun 04
use of "rcorr.cens" with binary response?
Dear R-helpers, I recently switched from SAS to R, in order to model the occurrence of rare events through logistic regression. Is there a package available in R to calculate the Goodman-Kruskal Gamma? After searching a bit I found a function "rcorr.cens" which should do the job, but it is not clear to me how to define the input vectors? Is "x" a vector with the fitted
2006 Oct 27
Censored Brier Score and Royston/Sauerbrei's D
System: R 2.3.1 on a Windows XP computer. I am validating several cancer prognostic models that have been published with a large independent dataset. Some of the models report a probability of survival at a specified timepoint, usually at 5 and 10 years. Others report only the linear predictor of the Cox model. I have used Harrell's c index for censored data (rcorr.cens) as a measure of
2011 May 08
question about val.surv in R
Dear R users: I tried to use val.surv to give an internal validation of survival prediction model. I used the sample sources. # Generate failure times from an exponential distribution set.seed(123) # so can reproduce results n <- 1000 age <- 50 + 12*rnorm(n) sex <- factor(sample(c('Male','Female'), n, rep=TRUE, prob=c(.6, .4))) cens <- 15*runif(n) h
2008 Mar 20
time series regression
Hi Everyone, I am trying to do a time series regression using the lm function. However, according to the durbin watson test the errors are autocorrelated. And then I tried to use the gls function to accomodate for the autocorrelated errors. My question is how do I know what ARMA process (order) to use in the gls function? Or is there any other way to do the time series regression in R? I highly
2013 Sep 27
Problems when moving to Imports from Depends
Hi all, one of my packages uses the rcorr.cens function from the Hmisc package. Until now I have simply put the Hmisc package into Depends:, but prodded on by new CRAN requirements, I tried to moving it into Imports:. However, this fails because rcorr.cens calls the function is.Surv from survival, which does not seem to be on the search path when Hmisc is "imported from" rather then
2004 Jul 19
Evaluating the Yield of Medical Tests
Hello, I'm a biostatistician in Toronto. I would like to know if there is anything in survival analysis developed in R for the method "Evaluating the Yield of Medical Test" (JAMA. May 14,1982--Vol 247, No.18 Frank E. Harrell, Jr,PhD; Robert M. Califf, MD; David B. Pryor, MD;Kerry L.Lee, PhD; Robert A. Rosait,MD.) Hope to hear from you and thanks Lisa Wang, MSc Project Organiser
2003 Mar 11
Goodman / Kruskal gamma
The Goodman/Kruskal gamma is a nice descriptive rank-order correlation statistic, often used in psychology. It is nice because it is easy to understand. It takes all pairs of values of each variable and asks whether they are congruent (S+ is the number in the same order for both variables) or discordant (S-, opposite ranking). The statistic is (S+ - S-)/(S+ + S-). It is like tau except for the
2008 Mar 26
pseudo R square and/or C statistic in R logistic regression
Dear all, I am now doing the logistic regression using R. (glm, family=binomial). Besides the standardize summary statistics generated from R, I am also interested in some more informations concerning the model fitting / prediction etc; Particularly I am interested in "pseudo R squar" and "C statistic". I searched the R- help and could only get very limited information. (Post
2008 Dec 12
Concordance Index - interpretation
Hello everyone. This is a question regarding generation of the concordance index (c index) in R using the function rcorr.cens. In particular about interpretation of its direction and form of the 'predictor'. One of the arguments is a "numeric predictor variable" ( presumably this is just a *single* predictor variable). Say this variable takes numeric values.... Am I
2009 Aug 12
C-statistic comparison with partially paired datasets
Does anyone know of an R-function or method to compare two C-statistics (Harrells's C - rcorr.cens) obtained from 2 different models in partially paired datasets (i.e. some similar and some different cases), with one continuous independent variable in each separate model? (in a survival analysis context)? I have noticed that the rcorrp.cens function can be used for paired data. Thanks
2005 Jul 19
ROC curve with survival data
Hi everyone, I am doing 5 years mortality predictive index score with survival analysis using a Cox proportional hazard model where I have a continous predictive variable and a right censored response which is the mortality, and the individuals were followed a maximum of 7 years. I'd like to asses the discrimination ability of survival analysis Cox model by computing a ROC curve and area