similar to: Multiple comparisons and letter assignments

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 140 matches similar to: "Multiple comparisons and letter assignments"

2011 Aug 20
I have a problem with R!!
Dear all i?m working with a program i?ve made in R (using functions that others created) to run my program i need a sample. if i generate the sample using for example, rnorm(n, mu, sigma) i have no problem but if i obtain a sample from a column in excel and i copy it, the program says that there is a mistake: it says "Error en `[.data.frame`(data, indices) : undefined columns
2003 Jun 12
Problème en R
Bonjour, Je suis ?tudiant stagiaire ? Paris et je rencontre quelques difficult?s en programmation R. J'ai une data frame compos?e de 4 colonnes et 250 lignes et dont chaque ligne est une famille. J'ai fait un tirage al?atoire avec remise des familles 250 fois ce qui m'am?ne ? une nouvelle dataframe. A cette nouvelle dataframe, j'applique un programme qui calcule 2 param?tre X1
2013 Sep 16
asterisk 1.8 sends "SIP/2.0 481 Call/Transaction Does Not Exist" to INVITE
Asterisk is sending a 481 in response to an INVITE for reasons I do not understand. Here is the INVITE: INVITE sip:8009499014 at X.YYY.32.3:5060;transport=udp SIP/2.0 Record-Route: <sip:X.YYY.32.10;lr=on;ftag=247898> To: <sip:8009499014 at X.YYY.32.10 :5060>;tag=ac86f72d2bfe10395b2e62e01c70bf66.0f65 From: "Scott Thompson" <sip:7166359474 at X.YYY.32.10>;tag=247898
2020 Jan 10
[PATCH 18/23] drm/sti: Convert to CRTC VBLANK callbacks
VBLANK callbacks in struct drm_driver are deprecated in favor of their equivalents in struct drm_crtc_funcs. Convert sti over. Signed-off-by: Thomas Zimmermann <tzimmermann at> --- drivers/gpu/drm/sti/sti_crtc.c | 11 ++++++++--- drivers/gpu/drm/sti/sti_crtc.h | 2 -- drivers/gpu/drm/sti/sti_drv.c | 3 --- 3 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git
2005 Jun 22
Howto crosstable-ing......
I receive the following meteo dataset regularly, containing the average daily temperatures (tMedia) of a certain month for 24 selected meteo-stations (COD_WMO) whose human-readable names are in (NOME). str(tabella) `data.frame': 1038 obs. of 4 variables: $ COD_WMO: int 16045 16045 16045 16045 16045 16045 16045 16045 16045 16045 ... $ NOME : Factor w/ 24 levels
2016 Oct 04
win 10 client on linux pdc, join domain ok, logon script fails to run
Hi, Just in case someone looks at this thread, I've fix my samba win10 issue with PDC. Here's what I did: To over come perhaps a DNS issue where complete name of server including top level domain name could not access box as \\hostname.tld\<share> I change the hostname to match netbios name. #cat dev2 > /etc/hostname #reboot edited hosts file to make sure old name was
2008 Oct 05
io writes very slow when using vmware server
We are struggling with a strange problem. When we have some VMWare clients running (mostly MS windows clients), than the IO-write performance on the host becomes very bad. The guest os's do not do anything, just having them started, sitting at the login prompt, is enough to trigger the problem. The host has plenty of 4G of RAM, and all clients fit easily into the space. The disksystem is a
2010 Jul 14
send out put to file in R
Hi I am using igraph package in R. My goal is to read a network (in "pajek" format) and decompose the network into components. In addition, I am also interested in sending this output to to a file. I am having problem in while writing to a file! my code looks like this g <- read.graph ("F://", "pajek") compo <- decompose.graph(g,
2005 Aug 13
How to change the names in tone pitch column
Hi, I have a column (V4) in a midi event list which includes tone pitch names, i.e. "A4, E4, C#4, A3...": > compo[1:10,] V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 1 1 1 0 A4 96 2 0 2 1 1 0 E4 96 2 0 3 1 1 0 C#4 96 2 0 4 1 1 0 A3 96 2 0 5 1 3 0 B4 96 1 0 6 1 3 0 E4 96 1 0 7 1 3 0 B3 96 1 0 8 1 3 0 G#3 96 1 0 9 1 4 0 C#5 96 1 0 10
2007 Aug 13
Salut alex, j''ai essayer d''encoder quelques fichiers pour faire des test. Il y a des sigles comme "€" que je ne peut pas encoder. le problème c''est que quand j''ouvre un fichier.txt par exemple et qu''il contient ce sigle, le contenu du fichier ne s''affiche pas. Compter-vous insérer ces sigles par la suite que l''on puissent les
2011 Jul 08
coxme for random effects only model
Dear all, I have encountered the following problem where coxme seems to allow model with only random effect in R 2.11.1 but not in R 2.13.0. Following is the error message using rat example data. Any comment on this is appreciated. In R2.13 > library(coxme) > rat1 <- coxme(Surv(time, status) ~ rx + (1|litter), rats) > rat0 <- coxme(Surv(time, status) ~ (1|litter), rats)
2006 Apr 07
How to interpret the output of 'iostat -x /dev/sdb1 20 100' ??
Hi, I'm a newbie to tool 'iostat' and I've read the manual for iostat several times. But it doesn't help. I still get confused with the output of 'iostat', the manual seems too abstract, or high-level, for me. Let's post the output first: avg-cpu: %user %nice %sys %idle 5.70 0.00 3.15 91.15 Device: rrqm/s wrqm/s r/s w/s
2016 Aug 30
Automatic purging of old email in all mailboxes
Forgive me, I'm a novice. Consider that today I have already set up a working postfix + Dovecot server with userdb using the static driver and passdb using a password file (in the format <username>:{hashing algorithm}<password hash>). The Dovecot server has several mailboxes which are already in use today. I understand that I'll need to change over to using the passwd-file
2016 Sep 30
win 10 client on linux pdc, join domain ok, logon script fails to run
Hi, On windoze 10, I can only access "//hostname", i.e. "//DEV2" (net bios name) How do I tell it to access samba as "//DEV2.COMPO" (latter is domain?) I have looked at entries in lmhosts.sam - is this correct? DNS is not on linux box, google through my router. Also, \\dev2\netlogon is accessible but \\dev2\sysvol is not. should I copy the smb.conf
2019 Apr 02
Trying to track down source of duplicate messages
On 1 Apr 2019, at 19.40, Alex via dovecot <dovecot at> wrote: > > Hi, > > I haven't received any responses to my duplicate messages problem. It > occurred to me that I posted my full dovecot config instead of just > the changes we've made locally. I thought it might help to follow up > with just the specific config to make it easier to identify a
2007 Nov 07
Aggregate with non-scalar function
R-Helpers, I'm sorry to have to ask this -- I've not used R very much in the last 8 or 10 months, and I've gotten rusty. I have the following (ff2 is a subset of a much, much larger dataset): > ff2 hostName user sys idle obsTime 10142 fred 0.4 0.5 98.0 2007-11-01 02:02:18 16886 barney 0.5 0.2 94.6 2007-10-25 19:12:12 8795 fred 0.0 0.1 99.8
2013 Feb 26
Getting the correct factor level as Dunnett control in glht()
Hello all, I would like to do a Dunnett test in glht(). However, the factor level I want to use as the control is not the first. dunn1<-glht(model3, linfct = mcp(Container = "Dunnett"), alternative = "less") The factor container has 8 levels, so it would be nice not to manually enter in all of the contrasts. I originally discovered glht() when working with a glm model
2024 Mar 28
bad home path from AD
Hello I think I have a mapping problem. The server was added to the domain with sudo net ads join -U adj-compo at ur.local The server is also connected to an LDAP server via SSD When loading the user's homes, the server does not look for the correct homedir path which should be /private/student/7/17/tdsi917 for the user tdsi917 Here are the values and variables retrieved by the 3
2011 Feb 22
Discrepancies in run times
Dear R-users, I am in the process of creating new custom functions and am quite puzzled by some discrepancies in execution time when I run some R scripts that call those new functions. So here is the situation: - let's assume I have created two custom functions, called myg and myf; - myg is mostly a plotting function, which makes a heavy use of grid and lattice functions; - myf is a function
2003 Mar 28
0 , Swiss Group Switzerland ! Earn up to 2 daily in the Swish Stock Exchange !
<!1479> <html><body><p><b>Sw<!1479>iss Gro<!1479>up SA</b> is one of Switzerland's lead<!1479>ing pri<!1479>vate altern<!1479>ative inve<!1479>stment compa<!1479>nies which allocates its assets to a range of fu<!1479>nds mai<!1479>nly in the fi<!1479>eld of alter<!1479>native