similar to: main plot title

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "main plot title"

2007 Nov 07
Dear R users, I am just starting with R and am currently needing a lot of help! Sorry if I disturb you and thank you for your answers!!! Here goes my question: How do I make R reconize my date columns as dates? When I "summary" my table, the levels of my date column are completely out of order. Thank you again for this tip, Marcia -- View this message in context:
2008 Jul 11
Start preferred RGui
Dear R users, I have been having a problem since I installed the new versions of TinnR and R on my computer ( and 2.6.0 respectively). I used to open R by the command "start preferred RGUI", on the "R" tab of TinnR's menu. But now, since I updated both softwares (which was necessary for some compatibility issue with Windows Vista), the path for my preferred RGui (
2008 Jan 16
R and Vista
Hello R users, I have been using R for a while on xp and have just updated my system to vista. Have encountered some problems... First and main problem is that i cannot make R recognize my own written functions by coping them into the on the etc folder. For some reason, this very useful tool seems not to be working anymore. Could someone help?? Any other suggestion to make R start
2007 Dec 06
simple problems
Hello R users, I have been looking through Help files and Nabble list for the answers for these simple questions, but it seems to be fruitless. 1- in a data frame with two columns, x and y, how do I get the corresponding value of x to, let's say, the minimum value of the y column (min (data$y)) ? 2- how do I solve a simple equation? Considering the equation y= exp(-x)^12, I would like to find
2008 Aug 19
jpeg, inside function
Dear all, I am trying to plot and save the plots. I have written a small function for that in which I use the jpeg and commands. Strangely, when these commands are inside the function, they are not working anymore. For instance: dataframe<- data.frame (x=c(1:20),y=seq(0,9.5, length=20)) for (i in seq(0,15, length=4)){ setwd ("C:/R") jpeg(filename =
2006 Jan 31
How do I "normalise" a power spectral density
I have done a fair bit of spectral analysis, and hadn't finished collecting my thoughts for a reply, so hadn't replied yet. What exactly do you mean by normalize? I have not used the functons periodogram or spectrum, however from the description for periodogram it appears that it returns the spectral density, which is already normalized by frequency, so you don't have to worry about
2006 Jan 24
R-help Digest, Vol 35, Issue 24
Dear Prof Ripley, First of all, unless you are an english professor, then I do not think you have any business policing language. I'm still very much a student, both in R, and regarding signal analysis. My competence on the subject as compared too your own level of expertise, or my spelling for that matter, may be a contension for you, but it would have been better had you kept that opinion
2010 Nov 22
cpgram: access data, confidence bands
Dear R experts, beginners and everyone else, I'm calculating "cumulative periodogram" using the command "cpgram" [1] from the MASS library. Here is a short example with the "lh" (hormone level) dataset: library(MASS) plot(lh,type="l",ylab="value",xlab="time", main="Hormone Levels (lh)") spectrum(lh,
2007 May 15
qr.solve and lm
Dear R experts, I have a Matlab code which I am translating to R in order to examine and enhance it. First of all, I need to reproduce in R the results which were already obtained in Matlab (to make sure that everything is correct). There are some matrix manipulations and '\' operation among them in the code. I have the following data frame > ABS.df Pro syn
2011 Oct 21
lattice::xyplot/ggplot2: plotting weighted data frames with lmline and smooth
In the HistData package, I have a data frame, PearsonLee, containing observations on heights of parent and child, in weighted form: library(HistData) > str(PearsonLee) 'data.frame': 746 obs. of 6 variables: $ child : num 59.5 59.5 59.5 60.5 60.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 ... $ parent : num 62.5 63.5 64.5 62.5 66.5 59.5 60.5 62.5 63.5 64.5 ... $ frequency: num 0.5 0.5
2010 Sep 23
How to pass a model formula as argument to with.mids
Hello I would like to pass a model formula as an argument to the with.mids function from the mice package. The with.mids functon fits models to multiply imputed data sets. Here's a simple example library(mice) #Create multiple imputations on the nhanes data contained in the mice package. imp <- mice(nahnes) #Fitting a linear model with each imputed data set the regular way works
2007 Jan 08
Simple spectral analysis
Hello world, I am actually trying to transfer a lecture from Statistica to R and I ran into problems with spectral analysis, I think I just don't get it 8-( (The posting from "FFT, frequs, magnitudes, phases" from 2005 did not enlighten me) As a starter for the students I have a 10year data set of air temperature with daily values and I try to get a periodogram where the annual
2002 Dec 03
Any difference in cbind() b/w SPLus and R??
Dear Experts, I have a data object named "data.char". When I use cbind(data.char) in SPlus, I got the following results: > cbind(data.char) data.char data matrix, 2700 excluded list, 3 cluster.var character, 2 strata list, 3 xlog CT link logit gpcorr 1 missing.row numeric, 0 zero.row numeric, 22 infile perc.csv attr(,
2007 Jul 09
When is the periodogram is consistent with white noise?
Hello everyone, This is my first time posting to the list, thanks in advance. I am calculating the smoothed periodogram for the residuals of an AR model that I fit to EEG data. The autocorrelation plot of the residuals shows the series is now approximately white (i.e. ACF = 1 at lag 0, and close to 0 for all other lags). I would like to show that the spectrum of the series is also
2008 Jul 21
Time Series - Long Memory Estimation
Dear R-Users, I am doing a research on Time Series, especially on the estimation of the fractional exponent in long memory time series (for those who know). However there are three estimators already built-in the fracdiff package (GPH, Sperio, MLE) I was wondering if there is someone who had used an estimation introduced by P.M. Robinson (related paper: "Log-Periodogram regression of time
2017 Jun 08
Workspace en Rstudio
Estimados, Les tengo una pequeña consulta. Estoy trabajando con ASReml en Rstudio, me encuentro corriendo un modelo (CHL) para obtener el ANOVA de la interacción de los factores gen x env CHL<- asreml(fixed= MS~geno:env, random = ~rep, data = index) (interacción) Sin embargo, cuando ejecuto el modelo, R indica que siguiente mensaje: Current workspace: 128.000000Mb Warning message: Abnormal
2007 Dec 12
discrepancy between periodogram implementations ? per and spec.pgram
hello, I have been using the per function in package longmemo to obtain a simple raw periodogram. I am considering to switch to the function spec.pgram since I want to be able to do tapering. To compare both I used spec.pgram with the options as suggested in the documentation of per {longmemo} to make them correspond. Now I have found on a variety of examples that there is a shift between
2005 Aug 08
vector vs array
Hi! OK, I'm trying to select some "useful outliers" from my dataset: I defined 11 "treshold" values (1 for each level of a variable (sampling site) as follows: tresholds<-function(x) { tapply(x,mm$NAME,FUN=mean ,simplify = T, na.rm=T)->med tapply(x,mm$NAME,FUN=sd ,simplify = T, na.rm=T)->standev standev+med } tresholds(mm$chl) Now I'd like to select
2007 Jan 26
Form of the equation produced by a GLM with Poisson family and log link function
Hi everyone, My background is not math and I am trying to figure out exactly what equation to use to map a response variable in GIS based on the coefficients obtained from the GLM and the values of the independent variables in each grid cell of my study area. Most specifically, I want to know how to incorporate the Poisson family and log link function in the equation. I would really appreciate if
2006 Apr 11
model classes in different folders
Hello, I have the following structure: - app - controllers - helpdesk - call_controller.rb (Helpdesk::CallController < ApplicationController) - models - employee.rb - department.rb (Department < ActiveRecord::Base) - helpdesk - call.rb - call_history.rb (Helpdesk::CallHistory < ActiveRecord::Base) Is it possible to have a relationship between