similar to: convert an S plus file to R?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "convert an S plus file to R?"

2007 Jul 27
R codes for g-and-h distribution
hi! I would like to ask help how to generate numbers from g-and-h distribution. This distribution is like normal distribution but span more of the kurtosis and skewness plane. Has R any package on how to generate them? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much! Form, Filame Uyaco --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jun 25
Confused: Looping in dataframes
Hey, I have a data frame x which consists of say 10 vectors. I essentially want to find out the best fit exponential smoothing for each of the vectors. The problem while I'm getting results when i say > lapply(x,ets) I am getting an error when I say >> myprint function(x) { for(i in 1:length(x)) { ets(x[i],model="AZZ",opt.crit=c("amse")) } } The error message is
2011 Oct 27
Question about .Fortran in glmnet package
Hi, My apologies for asking this question, but could not find the answer elsewhere. I understand the glmnet package uses Fortran code. For example, the lognet.R file includes the lines of code shown below. But how can I see the Fortran code that is being referenced in the code below? Is that provided somewhere in the package source code? .Fortran("lognet",
2007 Oct 25
Error message from nlmer
Hi, I have R 2.6.0 with updated lme4 and Matrix packages, and I am trying to fit a nonlinear multilevel model. I get the following error message: Error in nlmer(f ~ grModel(x, w, Tmin, Tmax, Topt, kopt, m) ~ kopt | flat, : gradient attribute of evaluated model must be a numeric matrix and I wonder what this may indicate. The nonlinear model I try to fit is as follows: > grModel
2011 Feb 17
cv.glmnet errors
Hi, I am trying to do multinomial regression using the glmnet package, but the following gives me an error (for no reason apparent to me): library(glmnet) cv.glmnet(x=matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6), nrow=6),y=as.factor(c(1,2,1,2,3,3)),family='multinomial',alpha=0.5, nfolds=2) The error i get is: Error in if (outlist$msg != "Unknown error") return(outlist) : argument is of
2020 May 13
Sometimes commands do not terminate after upgrading to R 4.0 and Ubuntu 20.04
Thank you very much Dirk! Le mer. 13 mai 2020 ? 14:59, Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at> a ?crit : > > Salut Adrien, > > It appears to be a bad OpenMP and and OpenBLAS interaction you can (for > now) > avoid) by replacing the 'pthread' variant of OpenBLAS with the OpenMP > version > (see the thread for details). Doing > > sudo apt install
2013 Apr 03
Problem with integrate function
Hello, The following code of mine is giving the error: Error in integrate(fx[[2]], 0.056, 1) : maximum number of subdivisions reached Can anyone help? Thanks and Regards. Swagato -------------------------- fv<-vector("list") fx<-vector("list") v<-0 c<-0 n<-0 NOV<-0 i<-0 while(n<200){ fv[[1]]<-function(x)1 #prior function
2008 Feb 02
Xen 3.2 Debian 2.6.18, Remote Serial console only, grub config needed
let''s try this with a shorter subject, which was originally this, which probably tripped the list-admin-approval triggers.... Xen 3.2 Debian 2.6.18 on Dual Xeon with Remote Serial access - grub.conf config advice needed the subject says it all - anyone who knows the answer can stop reading and hit "send" with a few lines of grub.conf - however, for those people who are bored,
2020 May 13
Sometimes commands do not terminate after upgrading to R 4.0 and Ubuntu 20.04
I have upgraded R (from 3.6 to 4.0) and RStudio (from 1.1 to 1.2.5) a few days ago, and Ubuntu from 18.04 to 20.04 yesterday. Since then, R sometimes never terminates when executing certain commands: ivreg (from package AER), summary (of a logit regression) and logitmfx (from package mfx). Sometimes these commands run fine, but most of the time I have to kill the process because R won't
2005 Feb 09
Asterisk CVS stable (current) crashes on remote user (over CAPI) pressing # or * when in conference
Hi, if I dial remote user (over CAPI) and transfer it to conference, if it presses * or #, asterisk crashes with following core trace... This works OK with internal extensions .... bt full 0 0x0805dae6 in ast_queue_frame (chan=0x819b738, fin=0x40d99660) at channel.c:384 f = (struct ast_frame *) 0x810d7b8 prev = (struct ast_frame *) 0x0 cur = Variable "cur"
2020 May 13
Sometimes commands do not terminate after upgrading to R 4.0 and Ubuntu 20.04
Salut Adrien, On 13 May 2020 at 14:19, Adrien FABRE wrote: | I have upgraded R (from 3.6 to 4.0) and RStudio (from 1.1 to 1.2.5) a few | days ago, and Ubuntu from 18.04 to 20.04 yesterday. | | Since then, R sometimes never terminates when executing certain commands: | ivreg (from package AER), summary (of a logit regression) and logitmfx | (from package mfx). Sometimes these commands run fine,
2010 Feb 08
Proposals for making configure_from_network function works in f13
Hi I am running a pxe diskless node in f13 and I have some proposals to make ovirt-early working in this version. nash is no more available (nash/mkinitrd is replaced by dracut), so this following command fails : "echo "network --device $DEVICE --bootproto dhcp" | nash" it makes the network configuration incomplete. I replace the linuxrc command by dhclient and it's
2009 Aug 11
[PATCH server] remove appliance bits
This removes the appliance configuration bits from the installer and associated files since it has been deprecated --- installer/modules/ovirt/files/cobbler-import | 6 - .../modules/ovirt/files/ovirt-appliance-setup | 4 - installer/modules/ovirt/files/ovirt-storage | 73 ---------- installer/modules/ovirt/manifests/appliance.pp | 152 -------------------- 4 files
2010 Jun 20
rspec-rails 2.0.0.beta.12 showing undefined method error for route_to
First of all, I''ve been trying to find an answer for this problem all over the internet without luck. The thing is that I am using RVM with ruby 1.9.2-head and I created a new empty gemset. Then I installed bundler gem with: gem bundler install That installed the library into the /Users/damselem/.rvm/gems/ ruby-1.9.2-head at rails3/gems directory. Then I went to my rails 3 app
2010 Jan 19
How I installed ovirt on fc 12
Hi, I installed ovirt on fedora 12 (64 bits) successfully but I had to make some changes to make it work. 1. Installation from rpms builded from the lastest git version 2. Patch ace : missing backslashes in sed commands vim /usr/share/ace/modules/ovirt/manifests/freeipa.pp line 33 : '/\\[kdcdefaults\\]/a \\ kdc_ports = 88' single_exec {"set_kdc_defaults":
2008 Apr 11
aggregateSeries and seriesData in R?
hi to all! (Q1): I'd like to ask where can i find aggregateSeries and seriesData in R packages? (Q2): how can i perform these Splus commads in R? e.g. annualMax.sp500 = aggregateSeries(-spto87,by="years",FUN=max) hist(seriesData(annualMax.sp500)) (Q3): is the method of probability-weighted moments available in evir package? Thanks! Filame
2007 Nov 29
how to call out the estimated parameter values
hi! i've tried to run this code in R using the VGAM package. I know it's not a good fit. But i encountered a problem in calling the estimated parameter values using fit$estimate. But the codes worked if i put the estimated values just like in this case: y.l <- dgpd(x, scale=0.979421685 , shape=-0.003183445 ) But not in this one: y.g <- dgpd(x, scale=fit$estimate[1],
2007 Nov 28
convert an S file to R?
hi! attached is an example of S file i got from the net. Can anyone help me how to convert it in R? Is there a quick method on conversion? I don't have S installer here. Thanks for the help. Filame ---------------------------------
2007 Aug 23
[git patch] klibc dash 0.5.4 update
hello hpa, please pull for the dash update git pull git:// maks with this changes: Alexey Gladkov (1): Check return code for getgroups and fwrite Herbert Xu (17): Remove unnecessary truncation in _STPUTC Always call conv_escape_str in echocmd Fix \c spillage across echo commands Release 0.5.3. Make eval with empty
2005 Apr 04
Problems with predict.lm: incorrect SE estimate (PR#7772)
Full_Name: Marek Ancukiewicz Version: 2.01 OS: Linux Submission from: (NULL) ( It seems that the the standard error of prediction of the linear regression, caclulated with predict.lm is incorrect. Consider the following example where the standard error is first calculated with predict.lm, then using delta method. and finally, using the formula rms*sqrt(1+1/n+(xp-x0)^2/Sxx). Marek