similar to: R graph window

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "R graph window"

2004 Feb 02
for loops?
Hello R people! How can one use a for loop (or something similar) in R? As I type in each line, I get syntax errors... I'm just confused how much to type in at each ">" prompt. Thanks for your help, cathy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Catherine M. Stein Research Assistant, Tuberculosis Research Unit Doctoral Candidate in
2004 Jan 02
SEM help!!!
I have just started using the SEM package in R, so I'm not sure I'm doing everything right, but I keep getting an error concerning startvalues and I can't figure out how to fix it. Is anyone willing to read over my code and help me out??? Please email me if you are willing to look at my code and I will send it to you. Thank you so much, and Happy New Year! cathy
2006 Aug 25
plot question
Hi everyone, I have what may appear to be a newbie question, but I have looked everywhere I can think to look and I cannot find an answer. On page 35 of "An Introduction to R" the following command appears: plot(ecdf(eruptions), do.points=FALSE, verticals=TRUE). What is the do.points argument? I know what it does (suppresses printing of the points) but where can I find help on it?
2005 Feb 15
Could anyone answer for the following question
Hello , could anyone answer for the following question for me: I am using R 2.0.1 under Windows XP. I want to write a function that makes four graphs and stores each of them in graphics history. When the function finishes, in other words, I want its graphical output to be stored in a way that I can look at it using PgUp and PgDn. I think I need commands I can put in a function that
2004 May 09
windows(record=T) loses last plot (PR#3663)
The audit trail indicates that PR#3663 is not reproducible and/or fixed, but I believe windows(record=T) is still not working as documented: windows(record=T) for(i in 1:5) plot(0, 0, cex=4, pch=as.character(i)) After cycling through the plots with PgUp and PgDn, the user finds out that plot 5 is lost. Indeed, .SavedPlots reports that only 4 plots were saved. I'm running the example in
2005 Jul 29
R: graphics devices
a simple question how does one produce plots on two different graphics devices? / allan
2010 Nov 24
dovecot is confused about mail_location
IMAP logins via fetchmail are failing on my mailserver root at grelber:/home/esr# tail -f /var/log/mail.err Nov 24 16:56:48 grelber dovecot: IMAP(cathy): mail_location not set and autodetection failed: Mail storage autodetection failed with home=/home/cathy Nov 24 16:56:48 grelber dovecot: IMAP(cathy): Fatal: Namespace initialization failed Nov 24 16:57:39 grelber dovecot: IMAP(cathy):
2000 Jan 28
Activating Graphics History
I'm having trouble finding documentation on how to activate the "record graphics history" option via a command line (as opposed to having to use the menu). I would like to store a series of graphics. The readme says: `The History menu allows the recording of plots. When plots have been recorded they can be reviewed by PgUp and PgDn, saved and replaced. Recording can be turned
2008 Oct 06
Graphics window BUG
I thought this problem would be resolved when I switched to R version 2.7.0 (for Windows), but no - anytime I plot something that produces more than one page of graphics, the graphics window starts by showing the first page, until such time as I hit enter to show me the next page, at which time it speeds through every consecutive page and freezes on the last one. At this point the last page is
2014 Nov 18
setting up access for users
Folks I have a request to set up 2 types of access to the same Samba share. So far I've not had any luck getting this to work. The owner wants two groups to have different levels of access to the same share. One group needs read/write access, the other needs read only. Can someone tell me how to do this? This is not a publicly accessible or browseable share. The Samba servers is RHEL5
2011 Jan 04
authentication using both ADS and smbpasswd
Hi My Samba configuration uses ADS for user authentication. I have a request to grant users access who are not members of ADS. Is it possible to set up both smbpasswd and ADS authentication? I've looked through the archives without any success. If Samba 3.0 doesn't support this, can someone tell me how they have resolved this situation? Thank you for your help. Regards, Cathy ---
2011 Mar 26
Recommend a pdf reader?
Hello!!! evince is a really good ubuntu pdf reader, but for some tasks I would like to use mouse button 1 for panning, because I use a netbook touchpad. Currently panning is only available using mouse button 3, which I would need to use a separate mouse for. (I've been unable to switch mouse button 1 and 3 around for evince... but that's off topic... ) I've tried many different
2006 May 23
after identify labels dissapear XP
Greetings: Using 'identify' to label points on a plot works just fine. However, when saving under 'metafile' or using the clipboard the labels dissapear. I believe it's an SDI issue. I am running last R with last Tinn-r under XP up to date. Anything I can do besides going back to MDI :-)? Thanks, Mihai Nica, ABD Jackson State University ITT Tech Instructor 170 East Griffith
2009 Mar 12
[LLVMdev] Why llvm-gcc/g++ does not support the 64-bit SPARC ABI (-m64)
My application is 64bit running on Solaris 10 with Sparc. I'd like to use llvm-gcc/g++ to compile it to make it run faster. But in the Release Notes of the latest LLVM release, it says Known problems with the SPARC back-end * The SPARC backend only supports the 32-bit SPARC ABI (-m32); it does not support the 64-bit SPARC ABI (-m64). Why it doesn't support 64bit on sparc? Thanks!
2003 Mar 28
chained files
Is there any difference between a ogg file containing chained logical bitstreams and two ogg files with different serial numbers concatenated (for eg: cat on unix)? -cathy <p><p>--------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Platinum - Watch CBS' NCAA March Madness, live on your desktop! --- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage:
2009 Jul 13
Problems installing R
Hi, I am new to Linux and have a linux machine running ubuntu (hardy heron). I installed R 2.9.1 using the deb file provided on the R website. However I can't install 'affy' - one of the R packages and apparently this is because of the lib settings. I've tried to install R using the command line but I can't add: deb hardy to my
2009 May 01
adding zeros to dataframe
Greetings, I am new to R and am hoping to get some tips from experienced R-programmers. I have a dataset that I've read into R as a dataframe. There are 5 columns: Plot location,species name, a species number code (unique to each species name), abundance, and treatment. There are 272 plots in each treatment, but only the plots in which the species was recorded have an abundance value. For
2010 Jan 18
errors appears in my time Series regression fomula
Dear all, I found really difficult with the time series questions, please help me with this monthly airline series! I have run the following r code, and there is an error appeared at the end. The data files was enclosed in the email. I'm sorry the errors message appeared in chinese, but it says "plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, ...) : errors in argument has more than 3
2007 Jun 07
Display Multiple page lattice plots
Gudday, I am generating a series of lattice contourplots that are conditioned on a variable (Year) that has 27 different levels. If I try and put them all on one plot, it ends up pretty messy and you can't really read anything, so instead I have set the layout to 3x3, thus generating three pages of nine plots each. The problem is that I can't display all these on screen at once, because
2006 May 05
A question about linear optimizaton
Dear all, I am trying to find a solution satisfying the below equations in R. Set up the problem 9 X1+ X2 + X3 = 2 X1+ X2 + X3 = 1 which is subjected to 0 < X1 < X2 < X3 < 2. I have downloaded the packages \'linprog\' and \'lpSolve\' but can not see how to solve the question. Thank you for your help. With