similar to: exporting clustering results to table

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "exporting clustering results to table"

2017 Aug 17
PAM Clustering
Dear Germano, Thank you for your fast reply, In the above code, *MYData *is the actual data set. Do not we need to convert *MYData to *the dissimilarity matrix using *pam(as.dist(**MYData**), k = 10, diss = TRUE*)* code line?* *Regards.* On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 2:58 PM, Germano Rossi <germano.rossi at> wrote: > try this > > MYdata <-
2017 Aug 17
PAM Clustering
Sorry, I never use pam. In the help, you can see that pam require a dataframe OR a dissimilarity matrix. If diss=FALSE then "euclidean" was use.So, I interpret that a matrix of dissimilarity is generated automatically. Problems may be in your data. Indeed pam(ruspini, 4)$diss write a dissimilaty matrix while pam(MYdata,10)$diss wite NULL 2017-08-17 16:03 GMT+02:00 Sema Atasever
2017 Aug 17
PAM Clustering
try this MYdata <- read.csv2("data.txt",dec='.') library(cluster) cluster.pam = pam(MYdata,10) table(cluster.pam$clustering) filenameclu = paste("clusters", ".txt") write.table(cluster.pam$clustering, file=filenameclu,sep=",") 2017-08-17 10:28 GMT+02:00 Sema Atasever <s.atasever at>: > Dear Authorized Sir / Madam, > >
2017 Aug 17
PAM Clustering
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2017 Jul 10
PAM Clustering
Dear Authorized Sir / Madam, I have an R script file in which it includes PAM Clustering codes: *when i ran R script i am getting this error:* *Error in pam(d, 10) : x is not a numeric dataframe or matrix.* *Execution halted* How can i fix this error? Thanks in advance. ? data.csv <> ? *pam.R* data <-
2006 Mar 29
which function to use to do classification
Dear All, I have a data, suppose it is an N*M matrix data. All I want is to classify it into, let see, 3 classes. Which method(s) do you think is(are) appropriate for this purpose? Any reference will be welcome! Thanks! Best, Baoqiang Cao
2013 Jun 09
agnes() in package cluster on R 2.14.1 and R 3.0.1
Dear R users, I discovered something strange using the function agnes() of the cluster package on R 3.0.1 and on R 2.14.1. Indeed, the clusterings obtained are different whereas I ran exactly the same code. I quickly looked at the source code of the function and I discovered that there was an important change: agnes() in R 2.14.1 used a FORTRAN code whereas agnes() in R 3.0.1 uses a C code.
2005 May 24
Samba net rpc group add NT_STATUS _ACCESS_DENIED
Hi, when I am runnig on samba PDC command: net rpc group add "demo" -Uroot%password , samba returns this message: NT_STATUS _ACCESS_DENIED. What is it? Where shall I set access rights? Thanks Zdenek ____________________________________________________________ - e-mailov? schr?nka 2000 MB
2008 Aug 01
Exporting data to a text file
HI R users With clara function I get a data frame (maybe this is not the exact word, I'm new to R) with the following variables: > names(myclara) [1] "sample" "medoids" "" "clustering" "objective" [6] "clusinfo" "diss" "call" "silinfo" "data" I want to
2011 Jun 27
New to R, trying to use agnes, but can't load my ditance matrix
Hi, I'm mighty new to R. I'm using it on Windows. I'm trying to cluster using a distance matrix I created from the data on my own and called it D10.dist. I loaded the cluster package. Then tried the following command... > agnes("E:D10.dist", diss = TRUE, metric = "euclidean", stand = FALSE, > method = "average", par.method, keep.diss = n < 1000,
2015 Jun 06
Request: making cutree S3 in R?
Hello all, A question/suggestion: I was wondering if there is a chance of changing stats::cutree to be S3 and use cutree.hclust? For example: cutree <- function(tree, k = NULL, h = NULL,...) { UseMethod("cutree") } cutree.hclust <- stats::cutree # This will obviously need the actual content of stats::cutree This would be nicer for people like me to add new methods to
2008 Sep 02
cluster a distance(analogue)-object using agnes(cluster)
I try to perform a clustering using an existing dissimilarity matrix that I calculated using distance (analogue) I tried two different things. One of them worked and one not and I don`t understand why. Here the code: not working example library(cluster) library(analogue) iris2< str(iris2) 'data.frame': 150 obs. of 5 variables: $ Sepal.Length: num 5.1 4.9 4.7
2003 Dec 11
cutree with agnes
Hi, this is rather a (presumed) bug report than a question because I can solve my personal statistical problem by working with hclust instead of agnes. I have done a complete linkage clustering on a dist object dm with 30 objects with agnes (R 1.8.0 on RedHat) and I want to obtain the partition that results from a cut at height=0.4. I run > cl1a <- agnes(dm, method="complete")
2003 Dec 11
cutree with agnes
Hi, this is rather a (presumed) bug report than a question because I can solve my personal statistical problem by working with hclust instead of agnes. I have done a complete linkage clustering on a dist object dm with 30 objects with agnes (R 1.8.0 on RedHat) and I want to obtain the partition that results from a cut at height=0.4. I run > cl1a <- agnes(dm, method="complete")
2010 Dec 26
how to replace my double for loop which is little efficient!
Dear all, My double for loop as follows, but it is little efficient, I hope all friends can give me a "vectorized" program to replace my code. thanks x: is a matrix 202*263, that is 202 samples, and 263 independent variables num.compd<-nrow(x); # number of compounds diss.all<-0 for( i in 1:num.compd) for (j in 1:num.compd) if (i!=j) { S1<-sum(x[i,]*x[j,])
2002 Jan 28
Cluster package broken in 1.4.0?
Greetings, I am reasonably experienced with R but I recently tried to do some clustering using the "cluster" package, in order to see if it would help. I only tried this once with the 1.3.1 version and it worked (I don't quite remember which method I used). Now, I tried with the 1.4.0 version and no clustering function seems to work with matrices that contain NAs, even though
2000 Aug 28
R function calling. Do I understand this right?
I need to write a nonhierarchical clustering routine and I'm studying the way hclust (in the mva library) is built in R to see how things are done and what I can modify. I ran f2c on the hclust.f file (so I could read it in a language I know!) and there is one thing I don't quite understand about the way it gets called and the way it returns values. That Fortran function gets called in
2012 Mar 29
hclust and plot functions work, cutree does not
Hi, I have the distance matrix computed and I feed it to hclust function. The plot function produces a dense dendrogram as well. But, the cutree function applied does not produce the desired list. Here is the code x=data.frame(similarity_matrix) colnames(x) = c(source_tags_vec) rownames(x) = c(source_tags_vec) clust_tree=hclust(as.dist(x),method="complete") plot(clust_tree)
2007 Nov 28
Hello all! I am performingsome clustering analysis on microarray data using agnes{cluster} and I have created my own dissimilarity matrix according to a distance measure different from "euclidean" or "manhattan" etc. My question is, if I choose for example method="complete", how are the distances between the elements calculated? Are they taken form the dissimilarity
2011 Sep 13
help with hclust and cutree
Hello, I would like to cut a hclust tree into several groups at a specific similarity. I assume this can be achieved by specifying the "h" argument with the specified similarity, e.g.: clust<-hclust(dist,"average") cut<-cutree(clust,h=0.65) Now, I would like to draw rectangles around the branches of the dendrogram highlighting the corresponding clusters, as is done by