similar to: ftable as latex (with Hmisc?)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "ftable as latex (with Hmisc?)"

2005 Aug 30
Convert ftable to latex?
Dear list, I cannot make the latex command to output a ftable objet the way I want it. Is it posible? I found a post in the archives saying that one should use the rgroup and n.rgroup arguments to supply the row names, but so far I have been unsuccessful. This is what I have: >
2006 Jul 15
Some problems with latex(ftable)
The ftable structure is not an ordinary matrix. Instead, it has the body of the table with several cbind- and rbind-ed rows and columns of label information. The example in ?ftable has two row factors and two column factors. Continuing with the example in ?ftable, enter tmp <- ftable(mtcars$cyl, mtcars$vs, mtcars$am, mtcars$gear, row.vars = c(2, 4), dnn =
2007 Jun 23
latex of ftable (Hmisc?)
Dear latexRs, I tried to make a latex printout of a simple categorial ftable. It should look like the output of print.ftable. Any ideas how to get the syntax of summary.formula right. Or some alternative? As far I see, xtable does not have method for ftable. Dieter library(Hmisc) n=500 sex <- factor(sample(c("m","f"), n, rep=TRUE)) treatment <-
2010 May 13
Comparing histograms?
Rhelpers: I'm curious what the appropriate analysis to use for testing the hypothesis that two histograms are statistically different from one another? Thanks! --j
2005 Aug 18
How do I make a Sweave + latex table out of this ?
Dear list, I have a table that I would like to convert to latex for inclusion into a Sweave file. > round(ftable(prop.table(xtabs(~agemF + votcat + Type , data=work),margin=2))*100,1) Type Voiced Voiceless unaspirated Voiceless aspirated agemF votcat 18 - 24 Prevoiced 2.6 8.7
2009 Jan 22
"latex" in Hmisc: cell formating
Hi list, Could you explain the error I see here? Thanks! ## I'm using R 2.8.0 on WinXP, Hmisc_3.4-3 > table1 <- matrix(10, 180,7) > cell.format <- matrix("", ncol=7, nrow=180) > cell.format[c(seq(3,180,6),seq(4,180,6)),] <- "color{red}" > cell.format[c(seq(5,180,6),seq(6,180,6)),] <- "color{green}" > > latex(table1,
2004 Jan 19
ftable to LaTeX
hi there is there a way to convert objects of class ftable into LaTex code preserving the 'look' with row and column infomation? xtable() {xtable} can't handle such objects and latex() {Hmisc} just texify the number matrix, without row/column information regards soren
2006 Mar 17
Wishlist: 'append' argument for write.ftable()
I would like to suggest that an 'append' argument be added to write.ftable(). This would allow, for example, the user to append ftable() output to a text report. I have attached an svn patch to ftable.R that makes the proposed change to write.ftable(). [A very trivial change since 'append' is simply passed to cat().] I have also attached a patch to read.ftable.Rd which documents
2011 Aug 31
Hmisc Latex Question: column headings and Major Column Headings not properly alligned
Dear R users: When I create a table without Major Column headings, my *regular* column headings appear correct in the typeset latex file. The major row heading and row groups are as they should. w <- latex(mytab,title="",file="tab/my.tex",ctable=TRUE,caption="Descriptive statistics by
2008 Jul 02
exporting ftable
How can I export an ftable object in the same format that appears in R command window? For testing that i was using this example that is in help of this function. ## Start with a contingency table. ftable(Titanic, row.vars = 1:3) ftable(Titanic, row.vars = 1:2, col.vars = "Survived") ftable(Titanic, row.vars = 2:1, col.vars = "Survived") ## Start with a data frame. x <-
2012 Dec 17
Suggestion: 'method' slot for format.ftable()
Dear R-developers, I would like to suggest a 'method' slot for format.ftable() (see an adjusted 'format.ftable()' below, taken from the source of R-2.15.2). At the moment, format.ftable() contains several empty cells due to the way the row and column labels are printed. This creates problems (= unwanted empty columns/rows) when converting an ftable to a LaTeX table; see an
2011 May 27
How to convert an ftable object to a matrix including the row names?
Dear expeRts, What's the easiest way to convert an ftable object to a matrix such that the row names of the ftable object are shown in the first couple of columns of the matrix? This is (typically) required, for example, when the final goal is to print the matrix via xtable. Below is a rather complicated example of how to do it... Cheers, Marius ## Goal: convert an ftable() to a
2012 Jan 26
I apologize in advance if this is the wrong forum for this report/request, and for the fact that I have not read the code for ftable.formula in any detail. >From reading the documentation for ftable.formula, I expected that the following two calls to ftable would produce the same results: data(UCBAdmissions) ftable(UCBAdmissions, row.vars = "Dept", col.vars = c("Gender",
2011 Jun 24
Converting an ftable (contingency table) to a dataframe in R
I am generating an ftable (by running ftable on the results of a xtabs command) and I am getting the following. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Var1? Var2 date ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? group? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2007-01-01? ? ? ? ? q1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?1? ? 9 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?q2 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
2008 Mar 12
ftable and xtabs
Hoping someone can help me with xtabs and ftable. I'm trying to get a pair of ftables (possibly more) next to each other. For example: > dunhill_lights_xtab<-ftable(xtabs(grossedupobs ~ gender+age_group + dunhill_lights, data = ciggs)) > dunhill_lights_xtab dunhill_lights No Yes gender age_group Female
2010 Jan 26
Formatting cgroup and factor level labels in Hmisc latex function
I'm trying to typeset at simple crosstable with the Hmisc latex function. And I have two problems. 1. How do I make all columns the same width? The Latex function seems very unwilling to break the 'cgroup' labels and the factor level labels. Please have look at this screenshot that shows my problem: >> So, how can I make sure that the
2004 Feb 04
Scoping bug in ftable() (PR#6541)
This bug shows up in ftable() in both r-patched and r-devel: > x <- c(1,2) > y <- c(1,2) > z <- c(1,1) > ftable(z,y) y 1 2 z 1 1 1 > ftable(z,x) x 1 z 1 2 Since x and y are identical, the two ftable results should be the same, but they are not. I've only been able to see this when the column variable is named "x", so it looks like a
2001 Sep 05
Bug in ftable?? (Was: Two-way tables of data, etc)
Further to the discussion between Murray Jorgensen and Brian Ripley, it seems to me better to choose tabulations that will not come and bite you. Suppose your data are sligtly irregular, e.g. (for the sake of the argument): data( warpbreaks ) warpbreaks$variant <- rep( 1:5, len=54 ) attach( warpbreaks ) tb <- table( wool, tension, variant ) tb # in this case you would like to see: tp
2001 Sep 05
Bug in ftable?? (Was: Two-way tables of data, etc)
Further to the discussion between Murray Jorgensen and Brian Ripley, it seems to me better to choose tabulations that will not come and bite you. Suppose your data are sligtly irregular, e.g. (for the sake of the argument): data( warpbreaks ) warpbreaks$variant <- rep( 1:5, len=54 ) attach( warpbreaks ) tb <- table( wool, tension, variant ) tb # in this case you would like to see: tp
2010 Jun 22
constructing a data frame from ftable
Dear R People: I have the following data set with the columns DATE, GENDER, and Co. Co has 8 possible options. > a.df[1:10,] DATE GENDER Co 1 2009-04-16 F Rash 2 2009-04-16 F Other 3 2009-04-16 M Botulinic 4 2009-04-16 M Other 5 2009-04-16 M Constitutional 6 2009-04-16 F Other 7 2009-04-16