similar to: formatting POSIXlt object as strip labels in lattice plot

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "formatting POSIXlt object as strip labels in lattice plot"

2008 Nov 14
lines.formula with subset
Dear list, When I try to use lines.formula with subset and another argument I get an error. e.g. x<-1:5 y<-c(1,3,NA,2,5) plot(y~x, type="n") # set up frame lines(y~x, subset=! # works OK lines(y~x, type="o", col="blue") # works OK # but lines(y~x, subset=!, col="red") # gives an error: Error in if (length(x) == l) x[s] else x :
2009 Oct 09
subsetting key on qqmath
Dear R list, The code below puts qq-plots for two of three groups on the one plot. However the legend includes all three groups, ie the auto.key ignores the subset instruction. Is there an easy way to get around this, so that only those groups plotted are included in the legend? y1<-rnorm(100); y2<-rnorm(100)+1; y3<-rnorm(100)+2; y<-c(y1,y2,y3)
2008 Nov 17
lines.formula() problem when data argument is missing (PR#13296)
Full_Name: Steven McKinney Version: R 2.8.0 Patched svn rev 46845 OS: powerpc-apple-darwin9.5.0 Submission from: (NULL) ( <<insert bug report here>> lines.formula() throws an error when subset argument is used but nothing is provided for data argument. Reproduce: x<-1:5 y<-c(1,3,NA,2,5) plot(y~x, type="n") # set up frame lines(y~x,
2007 Aug 15
Problem Connecting to Oracle with R from Windows XP
Hello, I installed RGui 2.5.1 and package DBI on Windows XP and tried to connect to Oracle database which is on a Linux server. When I tried to use dbDriver("Oracle"), I got an error as follows: > drv <- dbDriver("Oracle") Error in, list(...)) : could not find function "Oracle" > Could anyone tell me how
2012 Aug 23
Extracting data from dataframe with tied rows
Hi R help, I'm a fairly experienced R user but this manipulation has me stumped, please help: DATA id<-rep(LETTERS[1:5],20) distance<-rnorm(1:100, mean = 100) bearing<-sample(1:360,100,replace=T) month<-sample(1:12,100,replace=T) I have a dataset with records of individuals (id) , each with a distance (distance) & direction (bearing) recorded for each month (month). I want
2004 Dec 02
A possible way to reduce basic questions
Jim Lemon <bitwrit <at>> writes: > I have been thinking about how to reduce the number of basic questions that > elicit the ...ahem... robust debate that has occurred about how to answer The traffic on r-help could be reduced by creating a second list where more elementary questions are asked. There may be other ways to partition the universe of questions
2001 Jun 23
VorbisExt 0.2.0
Hello All, For those who are interested, I have released VorbisExt 0.2.0. All users are encouraged to upgrade. It is available at Only a few changes have been made since the prerelease. Changes since 0.2.0pre: - Improved installation/uninstallation routines. - Does not overwrite the vendor tag. - Linked with modified vorbis libs 1.0rc1 (decoder).
2006 Sep 14
Possiible Bug ? indexWriter#doc_count counts deleted docs after #commit
I''m playing with "updating" docs in my index, and I think I''ve found bug with IndexWriter counting deleted docs. Script and output follow: ===== require ''rubygems'' require ''ferret'' p Ferret::VERSION @doc = {:id => ''44'', :name => ''fred'', :email => ''abc at
2001 Jul 20
VorbisExt 0.3.0pre
Hello All, I have made VorbisExt 0.3.0pre available for your use. It can be downloaded from It is not officially released yet. It now has a 'simple' mode that is like the winamp plugin editor. The 'advanced' mode is just like the current interface. You can toggle between the two modes with just one click. For Windows ME and Windows
2005 Feb 23
Getting tick positions
While writing a function that includes placing grid lines at the same position as the axis ticks, I found that the axis* functions don't return anything. Thus I have had to copy the appropriate function, removing the call to axis() and adding a line to return the tick positions. Is there a more elegant way to determine the tick positions on an axis? Thanks. Jim (normally bitwrit at
2003 Jun 18
Re: LARTC digest, Vol 1 #1233 - 16 msgs
Andrew: Differentiated Service on Linux HOWTO (work in progress) could be of some help for you. Have a look at Best regards, Leonardo Balliache >Message: 6 >From: "Burnside, Andrew" <> >To: "''''" <> >Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 13:24:44
2004 Sep 10
Josh Coalson wrote: > --- engdev <> wrote: > >>Hi, >> >>Has there been any progress on the ACM for FLAC >>that was being looked at by Steve Lhomme? > > > Haven't heard anything here about it for a long time. Sorry, I sent my reply to engdev privately (because there's no good reply to). In short I haven't worked on
2001 Jan 29
Vorbis Comment Editor v0.1.0
Hello All, I have created a Vorbis Comment Editor for the win32 environment. It is completely untested and undoubtedly has bugs. That said, it is fairly stable and functional. It is a simple single dialog based app. I have released it under the GPL and have made code available. It is compiled statically with the latest CVS version of libogg & libvorbis and it uses the vcedit.c routines
2001 Jan 29
Vorbis Comment Editor v0.1.0
Hello All, I have created a Vorbis Comment Editor for the win32 environment. It is completely untested and undoubtedly has bugs. That said, it is fairly stable and functional. It is a simple single dialog based app. I have released it under the GPL and have made code available. It is compiled statically with the latest CVS version of libogg & libvorbis and it uses the vcedit.c routines
2001 Feb 28
(off topic) Re: Notepad
At 21:57 28/02/01 +0100, Peter Dalgaard BSA wrote: >Jim Lemon <bitwrit at> writes: > >> 3) The usual number of responses spent a lot of time dissing NotePad and >> advertising their favorite editor. As various contributors noted, >> NotePad actually does most of the things that some people said it >> doesn't. Positive advice (like the fact
2003 Aug 17
Shorewall with MS Windows PDC
Hi, I have a network with 4 NIC, one external, DMZ, and two internal, B & C. It has been setup correctlly and working now. The problem I have now, is any client workstation running on network B, MSWindows 2K / XP / NT cannot connect to the primary domain controller which is in network C. The clients cannot even see the network domain in the explorere window. I believe the problem is
2002 Nov 12
Which list for general help?
Hello, I am having enormous difficulty in getting samba to work correctly on the local network when the local network is on eth1. I have never had any trouble with samba when I used eth0... Here is my routing table... Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface * UH 0 0 0 eth1
2007 Jan 03
samba is freezen when it is accessed from different computers at same time
Hi all, I just installed Samba 2.2.12 on a HPUX 11.0 ( and I'm sharing nfs "samba" data on another cpu ( bdf ( 14540800 13990536 517304 96% /nfs/fontes >From a windows xp (professional) computer I can do copy, paste, etc . If I call a cobol application, it run ok too, but when another user calls the same cobol
2008 Nov 03
No subject
<br> 4) Subtract 1 from the keyframe, then repeat step 3).<br> <br> 5) Begin reading from the frame discovered in step 4. Drop any packets<br> which are output on the first page. Count down until we reach the<br> keyframe, dropping packets until then.<br> <br> 6) Continue counting down until we reach the target frame, we are now<br> decoding each
2010 Oct 10
Fwd: Theora developer question.
Hi Beorn, 1. replace "-v 7" to "--optimize --two-pass --soft-target -V 2000" you will get about 200MB file size with no changes in quality. 2. try to use libtheora ptalarbvorm, it is in alpha state but has some improvements. You can find comparison here: if you use ubuntu 10.10 you can download precompiled libtheora and