similar to: survest and survfit.coxph returned different confidence intervals on estimation of survival probability at 5 year

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "survest and survfit.coxph returned different confidence intervals on estimation of survival probability at 5 year"

2007 Nov 23
R users in Cyprus
Dear friends, are there enough R users in Cyprus to form a club? jason Dr. Iasonas Lamprianou Department of Education The University of Manchester Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK Tel. 0044 161 275 3485 iasonas.lamprianou at ----- Original Message ---- From: "r-help-request at" <r-help-request at> To: r-help at
2009 Apr 14
Function call error in cph/survest (package Design)
Dear UseR, I do not know if this a problem with me, my data or cph/survest in package design. The example below works with a standard data set, but not with my data, but I cannot locate the problem. Note that I am using an older package of survival to avoid a problem with the newly renamed function in survival meeting Design. Dieter # First, check standard example to make sure library(Design)
2011 Mar 07
survest() for cph() in Design package
Hi, I am trying to run a conditional logistic model on a nested case-control study using cph() and then estimate survival based on the model. The data came from Prof Bryan Langholz website where he also has the SAS code to this, so I am trying to replicate the SAS results. The data attached. Basically, the variables are: rstime: risk set age rsentry: fake entry time, just before rstime setno:
2009 Mar 26
R 2.8.1 and 2.9 alpha crash when running survest of Design package
Dear Prof Harrell and everyone, My PC: Window XP service pack 3 and service pack 2 R version 2.8.1 and 2.9 alpha For the last 3 days, after updating R, my two computers have been facing problems when running existing and runable R commands that involves with Design package I attempt to use 'survest', but I failed all the times with R (both 2.8.1 and 2.9 alpha) being shut down
2009 Oct 26
Unable to get Legend with survplot rms package
Hello, I apologize for the post as I am certainly overlooking a simple solution to my difficulties with getting a legend to print on a survplot from the rms package. I am plotting the following: survplot(survest(fita), n.risk=T, conf='none', cex.n.risk=.85, dots=T, col='gray10', lty=2) survplot(survest(fit), n.risk=F, conf='none', add=T) survplot(survest(fitb), n.risk=F,
2009 May 20
turning off specific types of warnings
Dear R users, I have a long function that among other things uses the "survest" function from the Design package. This function generates the warning: In survest.cph (...) S.E. and confidence intervals are approximate except at predictor means. Use cph(...,x=T,y=T) (and don't use linear.predictors=) for better estimates. I would like to turn this specific warning off, as it
2009 Feb 18
Age as time-scale in a cox model-How to calculate x-time risk?
Dear R users, My question is more methodology related rather than specific to R usage. Using time on study as time in a cox model, eg: library(Design) stanf.cph1=cph(Surv(time, status) ~ t5+id+age, data=stanford2, surv=T) #In this case the 1000-day survival probability would be: stanf.surv1=survest(stanf.cph1, times=1000) #Age in this case is a covariate. #I now want to compare the above
2016 Nov 04
Major Update to rms package: 5.0-0
A major new version of the rms package is now on CRAN. The most user-visible changes are: - interactive plotly graphic methods for model fits. The best example of this is survplot for npsurv (Kaplan-Meier) estimates where the number of risk pop up as you hover over the curves, and you can click to bring up confidence bands for differences in survival curves - html methods for model fit
2016 Nov 04
Major Update to rms package: 5.0-0
A major new version of the rms package is now on CRAN. The most user-visible changes are: - interactive plotly graphic methods for model fits. The best example of this is survplot for npsurv (Kaplan-Meier) estimates where the number of risk pop up as you hover over the curves, and you can click to bring up confidence bands for differences in survival curves - html methods for model fit
2011 Aug 04
survival probability estimate method
Hi, I was reading a paper published in JCO "Prediction of risk of distant recurrence using 21-gene recurrence score in node-negative and node-positive postmenopausal patients with breast cancer treated with anastrozole or tamoxifen: a TransATAC study" (ICO 2010 28: 1829). The author uses a method to estimate the 9-year risk of distant recurrence as a function of continuous recurrence
2006 Jun 15
survival probabilities with cph (counting process)
Hi, I have fitted a cox model with time-varying covariates (counting process style) using the cph function of the Design package. Now I want to know the survival probabilities at each time point given the history of a single individual. I know the survest function, but I am not sure how to interpretet its output when using time-varying covariates. Does it just give the probabilities as if it
2011 Mar 01
Major update to rms package
A new version of rms is now available on CRAN for Linux and Windows (Mac will probably be available very soon). Largest changes include latex methods for validate.* and adding the capability to force a subset of variables to be included in all backwards stepdown models (single model or validation by resampling). Recent updates: * In survplot.rms, fixed bug (curves were undefined if
2011 Mar 01
Major update to rms package
A new version of rms is now available on CRAN for Linux and Windows (Mac will probably be available very soon). Largest changes include latex methods for validate.* and adding the capability to force a subset of variables to be included in all backwards stepdown models (single model or validation by resampling). Recent updates: * In survplot.rms, fixed bug (curves were undefined if
2009 Feb 16
How do i compute predicted failure time from a cox model?
Given a cox model: library(Hmisc); library(survival); (library(Design); cox.model=cph(Surv(futime, fustat) ~ age, data=ovarian, surv=T) str(cox.model) What I need is the total estimated time until failure (death), not the probability of failing at a given time (survival probability), or hazard etc, which is what I get from survest and predict for example. I suspect the answer is
2004 Nov 03
Estimating survival?
Hi, Sorry to trouble the list. I have a problem which I'm not sure how to resolve. I have a Cox model with 1 independent variable with 2 categories (and thus 2 survival curves on plotting survfit) How can I get an estimate of survival for each category at a particular time point, with standard error? Looking through ?cph and ?coxph, I'm not quite sure how to go about that. I would
2003 Apr 24
"Missing links": Hmisc and Design docs
Hi folks, Using R Version 1.6.2 (2003-01-10) on SuSE Linux 7.2, I just installed Hmisc_1.5-3.tar.gz and Design_1.1-5.tar.gz These were taken from Checked the dependencies: Hmisc: grid, lattice, mva, acepack -- all already installed Design: Hmisc, survival -- survival already installed, so installed Hmisc first All seems to go
2010 May 26
Problem with plotting survival predictions from cph model
Dear R-helpers, I am working with 'cph' models from 'rms' library. When I build simple survival models, based on 'Surv(time, event)', everything is fine and I can make nice plots using plot(Predict(f, time=3)). However, recently I tried to be more specific and used 'Surv(start, stop, event)' type model. Using this model 'plot(Predict(f))' works OK, but
2006 Dec 29
Survfit with a coxph object
I am fitting a coxph model on a large dataset (approx 100,000 patients), and then trying to estimate the survival curves for several new patients based on the coxph object using survfit. When I run coxph I get the coxph object back fairly quickly however when I try to run survfit it does not come back. I am wondering if their is a more efficient way to get predicted survival curves from a coxph
2013 Apr 19
NAMESPACE and imports
I am cleaning up the rms package to not export functions not to be called directly by users. rms uses generic functions defined in other packages. For example there is a latex method in the Hmisc package, and rms has a latex method for objects of class "anova.rms" so there are anova.rms and latex.anova.rms functions in rms. I use:
2005 Jul 11
validation, calibration and Design
Hi R experts, I am trying to do a prognostic model validation study, using cancer survival data. There are 2 data sets - 1500 cases used to develop a nomogram, and another of 800 cases used as an independent validation cohort. I have validated the nomogram in the original data (easy with the Design tools), and then want to show that it also has good results with the independent data using 60