similar to: Getting theta in italic in a plot

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Getting theta in italic in a plot"

2006 May 04
plot greek letter in italic
Hi, Could someone please let me know how to plot greek letters in italic. text(0,14,expression(italic(rho)[italic(f)])) only plots the f in italic and text(37,40,expression(italic(rho))) doesn't plot rho in italic. I have checked demo(plotmath), ?plotmath, FAQ, and the archives 2004-2006 without finding the answer. I'm using R 2.1.1. and Windows XP. Thanks! Tord -- Tord Sn?ll
2010 Apr 19
How to embed italic Greek letters in a eps file?
Hi, I need to add on a plot text containing italic Greek characters using the function mtext (i.e. I cannot use Hershey vectors). The characters are nicely displayed when the file is saved as png but not when saved as eps. See code below as example: #postscript('test.eps') png('test.png') plot(1,1, type = 'n') mtext(side = 3, line = 2,
2003 Jul 22
greek in main title
Hello, I have written a function that demonstrates the CLT by generating samples following the exponential distribution, calculating the means, plotting the histogram, and drawing the limiting normal curve as an overlay. I have the title of each histogram state the sample size and rate (1/theta) for the exponential (the output is actually 4 histograms), but I can't get the greek letter theta
2008 Aug 07
Mtext doesn't display characters in italic when I use a greek symbol
Following on from my previous mail! plot(1:10,1:10) mtext("title", side=3, adj=0, font=3, cex=1.5) This works as expected and puts the font in italics. tag <- "A)" suffix <- "genea::" plot(1:10,1:10) mtext(bquote(.(tag) ~ Delta * .(suffix)), side=3, adj=0, font=3, cex=1.5) Here, the font isn't in italics, it's normal. I presume this is some
2004 Feb 15
help on compilation of R help file in LaTeX format.
Dear all, I hope to know how to compile the R help file in LaTeX format under Windows 2000. The TeX/LaTeX system is TeXLive 2002, and the version of R is 1.8.x. Another question, I hope to get the upright Greek letters, just as these in Prof. Faraway's book "Practical Regression and Anova in R", but I don't know which package(s) and/or font(s) should be used in LaTeX. Any
2011 Jul 08
lattice: How to vertically adjust an axis label?
Dear expeRts, How can I vertically adjust an axis tick label so that it is nicely aligned with the other labels? library(lattice) xyplot(0~0, xlim=c(0,3), scales=list(x=list(at=c(1,1.1), labels=c(expression(hat(theta)[italic(n)]),expression(theta))))) ## aim: move the leftmost expression up so that theta is nicely aligned with the second theta. Cheers, Marius
2006 Jul 25
greek letters, text, and values in labels
Hello, I want to have a title that will look something like: "Results for \theta=2.1", given that I have a variable theta=2.1, and \theta should show on the screen like the greek letter. I've tried a lot of things: theta <- 2.1 plot(1:10, main=expression(paste("Results for", theta, "=", eval(theta)))) or using bquote plot(1:10, main=paste("Results for
2011 Jun 21
Italicize Greek symbols in axis
Hello there, Is there any way to italicize Greek symbols such as mu in axis? From the help files of mathematical anotations: "Note that bold, italic and bolditalic do not apply to symbols, and hence not to the Greek symbols such as mu which are displayed in the symbol font. They also do not apply to numeric constants.", it seems that it cannot be done. Thanks, Bingzhang Chen
2011 Jun 30
Italicized greek symbols in PDF plots
I know that this has been asked before in other variations but I just can't seem to figure out my particular application from previous posts. My apologies if I have missed the answer to this question somewhere in the archives. I have indeed looked. I am running Ubuntu 11.04, with R 2.12.1 and ESS+Emacs. For journal formatting requirements, I need to italicize all the greek letters in any
2010 Nov 26
How to use expression(italic()) in a "vectorized" way (within a function)?
Dear expeRts, I would like to use expression() for creating labels in a splom, as shown in the first minimal example below. Is there any way I can simplify having to write "expression(italic(...))" several times? The second example is what I tried so far, but I can't manage to get italic() to work. Moreover, it still seems bulky... Cheers, Marius ## minimal example (working but
2003 Jun 20
combining mathematical notation and value substitution
Dear People, I need to make a label which both contains math notation as well as substitutes a value for an object. In the following label, len and theta are one dim variables, and I am substituting their values appropriately. This label looks fine except that I want the greek symbol for theta to appear instead of the word `theta'. How can I do so most easily? I don't understand the
2012 Apr 03
Mixed italic and non-italic in text
Hi, I need to italicize the journal in a citation but have thus far failed. How can I make 'Journal of Something' below italic but leave the rest? mtext( "See Author1 and Author2 (2007) , \"Title\", Journal of Something , pp. 1-50.", side = 3, outer = T, line=-0.75, cex = 0.7, at= 0.04, adj = 0, font = 1, family = "Times") -- View this message in
2017 Jul 04
italic font on cairo devices in R 3.4
Hi all, I have the following problem: Since R 3.4.0, italic fonts rendered on Cairo devices appear pixelated. Here's a minimal example: cairo_pdf('test.pdf') plot(1:10, ylab=expression(italic(test))) The same problem occurs with bolditalic, but not bold. I am using Debian Stretch. Several friends tried the same on their machines, another Debian machine has the same
2017 Jul 04
italic font on cairo devices in R 3.4
Hi all, I have the following problem: Since R 3.4.0, italic fonts rendered on Cairo devices appear pixelated. Here's a minimal example: cairo_pdf('test.pdf') plot(1:10, ylab=expression(italic(test))) The same problem occurs with bolditalic, but not bold. I am using Debian Stretch. Several friends tried the same on their machines, another Debian machine has the same
2013 Jan 23
italic font for legend text when using expression function for symbols
Hello, I'm trying to add a symbol (Delta) to plot legend with text using "expression(paste())" but this disables the text.font that allows to use bold or italic text. as follows: x=c(1:10) y=c(1:10) plot(x,y) legend(1,10,legend=c("A","B","C",expression(paste(Delta, D))), pch=c(24,18,17,16),cex=2,text.font=3,bty="n") Any suggestion to
2011 Jun 26
Only one strip with italic font.
Hi R users: How can I obtain an italic font only for one of the two strips in a xyplot? library(lattice) t<-rep(seq(0,10,5),4) logCFU<-c(2,2.5,3,4,4.5,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.4,2,2.5) microorg<-factor(rep(c("E. coli","L. monocytogenes"),each=6)) tratam<-factor(rep(c("t1","t2"),6)) xyplot(logCFU~t|microorg+tratam,type="p",
2009 Nov 29
Plotting observed vs. fitted values
Dear Wiza[R]ds, I am very grateful to Duncan Murdoch for his assistance with this problem. His help was invaluable. However, the problem has become a little more complicated for me. Now, in each plot, I need to plot the observed and fitted values of a supine and upright posture experiment. Here is what I have and how far I got. # tritiated (3H)-Norepinephrine(NE) disappearance from plasma #
2011 Jun 02
plotmath: paste string and expression [from a vector of expressions]
Dear all, I have a vector of expressions and would like to "paste" some string to it before using it in a plot: vars <- vector("expression", 2) vars[1] <- expression(alpha) vars[2] <- expression(beta) plot(0, 0, main=substitute(bold("Foo" ~~ VAR), list(VAR=vars[2]) )) Although I tried hard, I just can't figure out how to solve this. The title should be
2012 Oct 22
glm.nb - theta, dispersion, and errors
I am running 9 negative binomial regressions with count data. The nine models use 9 different dependent variables - items of a clinical screening instrument - and use the same set of 5 predictors. Goal is to find out whether these predictors have differential effects on the items. Due to various reasons, one being that I want to avoid overfitting models, I need to employ identical types of
2017 Jul 07
italic font on cairo devices in R 3.4
Hi Ilia, I'm running Arch Linux, R 3.4.0. Here's my test.pdf from your minimal example: It doesn't look pixelated to me... Here's a post that I wrote when I solved my last font problem in R, almost 2 years ago: I had to install some Microsoft font packages, which is sad, because there are some perfectly