similar to: Extracting x-values from an ecdf

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 140 matches similar to: "Extracting x-values from an ecdf"

2007 Nov 18
Obtaining x-values from ECDF
Dear Group, I am using the ecdf function as follows: cawa.cdp <- ecdf(cawaocc$LEFF80) summary(cawa.cdp) Empirical CDF: 223 unique values with summary Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 0.07918 1.35700 1.68600 1.61000 1.91200 2.70000 I can see by the summary that the y-value for the 3rd quartile is 1.912. How can I obtain the x-value for a specified y-value (e.g., 0.8)?
2007 Aug 07
Y-intercept Value
Hello everyone, Quick there a way of specifying a y-intercept value within a lm statement. For example, if I wanted to specify the regression to pass through the origin I would enter lm(y~0+x). But can I specify an actual term such as 1,2,3,4, etc. as an intercept value? Thank you! -- Benjamin Zuckerberg Doctoral Candidate State University of New York College of
2012 Oct 09
car::linearHypothesis Sum of Sqaures Error?
I am working with a RCB 2x2x3 ANCOVA, and I have noticed a difference in the calculation of sum of squares in a Type III calculation. Anova output is a follows: > Anova(aov(MSOIL~Forest+Burn*Thin*Moisture+ROCK,data=env3l),type=3) Anova Table (Type III tests) Response: MSOIL Sum Sq Df F value Pr(>F) (Intercept) 22.3682 1 53.2141 3.499e-07 *** Forest
2011 May 24
XEN 4.1 performance issue
Hi, I migrate Xen4.0 to XEN4.1, and found XEN4.1 performance is not as good as 4.0.2. xm shutdown takes longer time, control thru libvirt take longer time, and since I''m testing PCI/VGA passthru, the "createdevice: pci" also take around 5~8 seconds comparing to 1 second in XEN4.0.2. below is my configuration, do you have any suggestions to make the performance better?
2010 Mar 05
plotting ecdf; R is stalled
Dear R-help: I am trying to plot the cumulative distribution function of a vector of around 33 million numeric observations. > plot.ecdf(myDataVector) R has been non-responsive for about an hour, and my guess is that it's probably not going to finish. Does anybody have a sense whether this a reasonable experience (and if so, is there a way to get the desired effect, or am I SOL)?
2003 Apr 25
numericDeriv and ecdf
Hi All, following expression: x <- sort(rnorm(10)); e <- ecdf(x); d <- numericDeriv(e(x),"x"); makes d far from approximation of one dimensional pdf. What's wrong then here? Kind regards. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Valery A.Khamenya Bioinformatics Department BioVisioN AG, Hannover
2009 Aug 03
Help with Ecdf function
Dear R users, I'm using Ecdf (Hmisc library) to plot four cdf in a same graphic. In this graphic I also plot the 0.99 quantile for these cdf. I successfully plot cdfs using different types of line to distinguish them, but I can't determine the type of lines showing 0.99 quantile. Is there a way to assign different line types for quantile lines in Ecdf plot? Best regards, -- Mateus da
2004 Nov 16
Adding mean and SEM in Hmisc ecdf
Dear R Gurus, Sorry if this has been asked before but I did not find it in the archives. I would like to add a horizontal display of mean and SEM on Hmisc ecdf plots done by group (ie variate~treatment). Has anyone written some code to do that ? Thanks and kind regards, Jean-Louis
2009 Sep 07
Plot 2 ecdf in one graph
Hi r-users,   I would like to compare the cdf between historical and predicted. My x.obs and x.pre are the frequency data in classes of 0-300. I tried: plot(ecdf(x.obs),ecdf(x.pre),type="l",col="red")   and it gives me: Error in plot.stepfun(x, ..., ylab = ylab, verticals = verticals, pch = pch) :   argument 4 matches multiple formal arguments   Thank you so much for any
2008 Feb 19
How to count from larger value to smaller value in ecdf (Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function)
Hi, all ecdf function (Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function) in "stats" package counts from smaller values to larger values. However, I want to draw it by counting from larger value to smaller values and I couldn't find options for this purpose. How can I draw ecdf or ecdf like graph by counting from larger values to smaller values. Thank you in advance. Hyunchul Kim
2006 Jan 18
R: ecdf - linear
I'm replying to R-devel, the mailing list which should be used to discuss R feature enhancements. >>>>> "Norman" == Norman Warthmann <norman at> >>>>> on Wed, 18 Jan 2006 11:33:22 +0100 writes: Norman> .......... Norman> Is there a specific reason why in the ecdf-function Norman> the variable
2007 May 30
Sort in ecdf
Hi! I've noticed the ecdf() R code (R ver. 2.5.0) contains two call to sort: --- [R-code] --- ecdf <- function(x) x <- sort(x) n <- length(x) if (n < 1) stop("'x' must have 1 or more non-missing values") vals <- sort(unique(x)) rval <- approxfun(vals, cumsum(tabulate(match(x, vals)))/n, method
2002 Oct 15
Plotting two ecdf curves on same axes
Dear R listers Could somebody please advise me how to draw two empirical cumulative distribution functions on the same set of axes? I know I should be using the ecdf command but I'm not sure what to add to it to force it to plot twice on the axes Thanks Jane ______________________________________________________ Check out all the latest outrageous email attachments on the Outrageous Email
2003 Apr 28
AW: AW: numericDeriv and ecdf
Dear Prof. Brian Ripley, first of all thank you for your answer, I do appreciate how do you manage to keep successfully all your activities and answer posts in this forum! > An empirical CDF is a step function: it does not have a > derivative at the jump points, and has a zero > derivative everywhere else. of course! Let me add few words concerning my simple motivation. 1.
2004 Jan 16
ecdf function
I am trying to use the ecdf function to find p-values (using a vector of numbers to represent my new distribution and a test specific t-statistic value). I am using : 1-ecdf(vector)(t-stat) vector<-c(5.386, 3.701717, 3.8289, 3.602, 4.469, 5.2087, 6.1613, 4.71181, 5.07716, 2.3517) ecdf(vector)(4.6604) [1] 0.5 R will only give me 1 significant digit after the decimal point and I am
2004 Jun 03
ecdf plots, lines, and y values
Hi, I have a question for the group, perhaps someone can help me figure this out. I've already looked in the help files and they were no help to me. I have a vector of values and I am plotting an ecdf graph. 1. How can i draw a continuous line through the ecdf points? (lines and type for the plot with an ecdf object does not work) 2. Supposing I have this line drawn. I can add a
2007 Jan 28
Inverse fuction of ecdf
Hi Everyone, I want to generate some random numbers according to some empirical distribution. Therefore I am looking for the inverse of an empirical cumulative distribution function. I haven't found any in R. Can anyone give a pointer? Thanks, Geoffrey _______________________________________________________=0A= =0A= =0A= The information in this email or in any file attached
2007 Jul 10
Fraction ECDF
Hi all, I would like to plot part of the emperical CDF. Suppose the variable is x, I just need the part when x>1,therefore, I am using the following codes. tail <- x>1 plot(ecdf(x[tail]), do.points=FALSE, verticals=TRUE) The "x" value starts from 1, but the yaxs still begins from 0, not the corresponding value when "x" is 1. How can I make it match? Could anyone
2007 Dec 19
want to make a plot similar to ecdf
I have a sample of observations: > yy [1] 0.00000000 2.39722222 4.35000000 -4.19722222 0.63611111 [6] 1.08055556 5.90555556 -1.87222222 2.13333333 -1.18055556 [11] 3.61666667 0.87777778 8.33888889 3.84166667 1.11111111 [16] -3.76111111 -11.67777778 -2.03055556 6.94444444 -11.76666667 [21] 4.81111111 -7.25833333 1.42222222 5.37222222 4.68055556
2008 Nov 08
lines, ecdf and colors
Hi. I'm trying to plot two ecdf's on the same graph using two different colors. I can plot using the same color, but it doesn't work when I change colors? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance for your help. x <- c(0.80, 0.83, 1.89, 1.04, 1.45, 1.38, 1.91, 1.64, 0.73, 1.46) y <- c(1.15, 0.88, 0.90, 0.74, 1.21) plot(ecdf(x)) # it works without col='blue', but doesn't