similar to: Debugging a hanging function within R

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 50000 matches similar to: "Debugging a hanging function within R"

2006 Jun 13
Slight fault in error messages
Just a quick point which may be easy to correct. Whilst typing the wrong thing into R 2.2.1, I noticed the following error messages, which seem to have some stray quotation marks and commas in the list of available families. Perhaps they have been corrected in the latest version (sorry, I don't want to upgrade yet, but it should be easy to check)? > glm(1 ~ 2,
2006 May 23
multiple plots with par mfg
Hi, I'm trying to add points to 2 plots on the fly using par(mfg=vector) so switch between them. However, the appropriate scales aren't switched when changing from one plot to another, e.g. par(mfcol=c(2,1)) plot(1,1, col="blue") # blue plot plot(1.2,1.2, col="red") # red plot points(1.1,1.1) # appears to bottom left of red point par(mfg=c(1,1)) #
2005 Sep 16
Possible bug in lmer nested analysis with factors
Hello, Is this a bug in the lmer routine? > library(lme4) > ### test case based on rats data from Crawley > a<-rnorm(36);b<-rep(1:3,each=12);c<-rep(1:2,each=6,3);d<-rep (1:3,each=2,6) > > ### mixed model works when c & d are numeric, lmer assumes they are factors > m <- lmer(a ~ b + (1|c/d)) > > ### but bails out when they are actually
2006 Dec 07
System hangs when invoking DTrace script
Howdy, I installed Nevada build 49 in a parallels VM on my intel mac mini, and when I run the following DTrace script: $ cat follow.d #pragma option D flowindent; pid$target:::entry, pid$target:::return {} $ cat format.cmds disk 0 exit $ dtrace -s follow.d -o follow.out -c "/usr/sbin/format -f format.cmds" dtrace: script ''follow.d'' matched 13641 probes The system
2006 Apr 06
Rails Masters'' debugging techniques -> Rails Recipes?
Hi, This msg for Chad Fowler or anyone who fits the subject line. I bought the Recipes book and really like the way it has been progressing. There is one subject I''d like to see explored in detail. Having come from Assembly and C background I find that a ''must have'' tool in your collection is the debugger. I find debugging a Rails App the most thorny issue inversely
2008 Jun 24
Hi! It's indeed better to open a new thread for this. So, here's my test session: $ qemu -fda extlinux.144 -s -S Then in another terminal: $ gdb extlinux.elf (gdb) set architecture i8086 (gdb) target remote localhost:1234 Remote debugging using localhost:1234 0x0000fff0 in ?? () at 68 jmp kaboom ; If we returned, oh boy... How does "jmp kaboom" get
2007 Jan 02
Am I missing something about debugging?
I would like to be able to trace execution into calls below the current function, or to follow execution as calls return. This is roughly the distinction between "step" and "next" in many debuggers. I would also like to be able to switch to a location further up the call stack than the location at which I enter the debugger, to see the context of the current operations. Are
2012 Sep 26
Write table with data in other .csv template
Hi, I have a table with data, as below: dput(table): structure(list(Adrian.Cole = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L), Alison.Wong = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L), Andrei.Savu = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L), Bruno.Dumon = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L), Edward.J..Yoon = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L), Eugene.Koontz = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L), Jakob.Homan = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L), Kelvin.Kakugawa = c(0L, 0L,
2006 Aug 06
extractAIC using
Although the 'spatial' documentation doesn't mention that extractAIC works, it does seem to give an output. I may have misunderstood, but shouldn't the following give at least the same d.f.? > library(spatial) > data(topo, package="MASS") > extractAIC(, topo)) [1] 46.0000 437.5059 > extractAIC(lm(z ~ x+I(x^2)+y+I(y^2)+x:y, topo)) [1]
2009 Jan 21
Italics in svg output display as bold (PR#13463)
Full_Name: Yan Wong Version: 2.8.1 OS: Mac OS X 10.4 Submission from: (NULL) ( When printing a plot to and svg file, text intended to be in italics is rendered in bold (svg file viewed using both Safari 3.2.1 and Firefox For example, try viewing the test.svg file generated by svg("test.svg", width=4,4,8);
2007 Jul 13
Direction of panel plots in trellis graphics
Hi, Using library(lattice), is there any way to tell xyplot to plot panels top to bottom, then left to right (i.e. panels are appended vertically, then horizontally). as.table changes the plot direction from left-to-right then top-to-bottom, to right-to-left then bottom- to-top, but that's not quite what I want to do. Thanks Yan
2004 Oct 16
Debugging advice
Hi folks, I am trying to debug a scientific / engineering application called SRIM (, particularly the batch-mode version of SRIM 2003 called "SRModule"). This is my first experience with a debugger like winedbg, so I am still learning how best to use it. My question for now is: given a known breakpoint, and a value to watch (in this case $ecx), is there an easy way to find
2009 May 28
internal and external debugging [was: [R] step by step debugger in R?]
Hello all I'm coming late to this discussion, and my comments may now be beside the point-- but I have been intending to ask what people think of the pros & cons of internal and external (e.g. 'debug' package) debuggers. When I wrote 'debug', the internal debugger just didn't do what I wanted, but maybe things have changed-- hence this email, to find out. The
2005 Sep 09
Debugging R/Fortran in Windows
Hi, I'm trying to debug an R interface to a Fortran subroutine from Windows. (Yes, I know I should try Unix/Linux as well, but a quick attempt suggested that the (MinGW g77) Fortran compiler I have installed on my Windows laptop works better on this Fortran code.) I'm trying to follow the instructions in the "Writing R Extensions" Manual: Start R under the debugger after
2005 Sep 09
Debugging R/Fortran in Windows
Hi, I'm trying to debug an R interface to a Fortran subroutine from Windows. (Yes, I know I should try Unix/Linux as well, but a quick attempt suggested that the (MinGW g77) Fortran compiler I have installed on my Windows laptop works better on this Fortran code.) I'm trying to follow the instructions in the "Writing R Extensions" Manual: Start R under the debugger after
2001 Mar 27
MS Advanced TS client problems
Hi, I tried to run advanced terminal server client (or actually it's active/x component) under wine, but it does not seem to work. :( I also built my own client with delphi (added the active/x component in it and set the server and user name properties and called connect-method) and both of these suffer same problems: Client starts OK Clients connects OK and login screens etc are transmitted
2005 Mar 03
Simple suggestion for improvement
Hello, Being relatively new to R, I often find myself searching for functions using"term"). Why not have the command ??term invoke it in the same way as ?topic invokes"topic")? Using a double question mark to invoke a wider search for a term seems relatively intuitive to me, and presumably would be trivial to implement. Cheers Yan Wong Leeds
2010 Jun 04
unicorn_rails cleanup (possible fix for Rails3) pushed
Hi all, I''ve pushed the following patch out go git:// along with a few other Rails-related test updates. This is more of a shotgun fix (but less code is better :) since I haven''t been able to reproduce the brokeness people have been seeing with "unicorn_rails" and Rails 3 betas. Even though "unicorn" works perfectly well for Rails3,
2008 Nov 21
cex.lab etc. ignored in plot.ts for multiple plots (PR#13315)
Full_Name: Yan Wong Version: 2.8.0 OS: Mac OS X 10.4 Submission from: (NULL) ( When plotting multiple time series in a single plot, via plot.ts(plot.type="multiple"), the cex.lab, col.lab, and font.lab arguments are ignored > plot(ts(data.frame(a=1:10, b=1:10)), plot.type="single", cex.lab=0.5, col.lab="red") #tiny red axis labels >
2004 Aug 05
[LLVMdev] Error: Program contains no debugging information!
Hi, I have a question about using lldm-db. I compiled a simple program using "llvmgcc -g" and loaded the resulting .bc file into llvm-db, but when I tried to set a breakpoint by "b main", it complained "Error: Program contains no debugging information!". Is there anything obvious that I did wrong here? What do I need to do to produce debugging info in the .bc file so