similar to: Using plotmath expressions in lattice key text

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "Using plotmath expressions in lattice key text"

2008 Apr 02
Trouble combining plotmath, bquote, expressions
I'm using R-2.6.2 on Fedora Linux 9. I've been experimenting with plotmath. I wish it were easier to combine expressions in plotmath with values from the R program itself. There are two parameters in the following example, the mean "mymean" and standard deviation "mystd". I am able to use bquote to write elements into the graph title like mu = mymean and R will
2005 Aug 14
complex expression with plotmath
Hello everyone, I want to define a function that receives the name of two variables (may include Greek letters and subscripts) and uses them into the title of a plot. My best attempt is the following: myplot <- function(var1, var2) { v=paste(var1,"==1 & ",var2,"==2"); plot(1:10, main=parse(,,v)) } But when I call it with something like myplot("Q[i]",
2009 Jun 03
Would like to add this to example for plotmath. Can you help?
Greetings: I would like comments on this example and after fixing it up, I need help from someone who has access to insert this in R's help page for plotmath. I uploaded a drawing that is created by the following code This will be a good addition to the plotmath help page/example.
2008 Jun 25
Use plotmath expressions read from a text file in mtext/bquote
Hello R-help List I am writing some R scripts to create graphs of water quality trends that will be called by a web service running R. The axis titles will need to change as the input data (ie. water quality variable) changes according to a user's choice made via a web page. The way I am currently passing call-specific parameters to the R script is via a text file created on the fly by the
2010 Jul 06
plotmath vector problem; full program enclosed
Here's another example of my plotmath whipping boy, the Normal distribution. A colleague asks for a Normal plotted above a series of axes that represent various other distributions (T, etc). I want to use vectors of equations in plotmath to do this, but have run into trouble. Now I've isolated the problem down to a relatively small piece of working example code (below). If you would
2010 Jan 25
Two == expressions in bquote
Hi, I want to put text on a plot containing something like: a = b^2 = <squared numeric value of b> using bquote. Example: mu = 5 plot(1:10,1:10) text(2,8, bquote(delta == mu^2)) # This works text(2.5,8, bquote(phantom(0) == .(mu^2))) # but is unpredictable text(2,8, bquote(delta == mu^2 == .(mu^2))) # This doesn't work The last text function returns the error:
2009 Sep 02
combining grid.text, expression and variables
Dear R-users, I am trying to use the grid.text and expression functions to display several character strings and plotmath text on a viewport. Some strings can include a variable portion (PI.limits in the following example), which I thought could be implemented by combining the bquote and the expression functions. Unfortunately, my expressions do not seem to be evaluated. I would greatly
2008 Apr 08
plotmath "overstrikes" in output on a Linux system
I've been testing plotmath. But I'm getting some funny output one one computer. The problem is that characters are 'jumbled' and overstrike when symbols are introduced. Sample code: mu <- 440.0 sigma <- 12.5 myx <- seq( mu - 4*sigma, mu+ 4*sigma, length.out=500) myDensity <- dnorm(myx,mean=mu,sd=sigma) # Here's one way to retrieve the values of mu and sigma and
2023 Jun 08
need help with plotmath and/or plotting unicode characters
R 4.2.3 OS X Colleagues This should be easy -- but not for me. I want to plot text similar to this: N ? XX: YY where XX can be either 1 or 50 and YY is an integer I envision that there would be two solutions: UNICODE: If I can generate "?" via unicode, the problem is solved: mtext(side=3, paste0("N ", UNICODE, " ", XX, ": ", YY)) PLOTMATH:
2009 Jan 27
Plotmath and line breaks in long annotations for plots
I'm trying to combine multi-line text and math annotations on a plot and am not having much luck. I looked at various suggestions in the archives, but I cannot coerce any of them to do what I want. I'm beginning (finally?!) to think that there is an entirely better approach than the one I have tried. The essential problem is that line breaks (\n) don't seem to behave the way I
2012 Mar 16
variable values in plotmath expressions
## I would like help in using variable values in plotmath expressions ## in lattice x <- 1:10 y <- 1:10 pval <- .95 plot(y ~ x, ## works as I want in base graphics main=substitute(list(alpha * " = " * group("",list(p),"")), list(p=pval))) plot(y ~ x, ## doesn't work as intended: "pval" is displayed main=substitute(list(alpha *
2011 Jun 02
lattice + plotmath: how to get a variable in bold face?
Dear all, How can I get a bold "1000" in the title? I would like to use a variable (as opposed to putting in "1000" directly). library(lattice) N <- 1000 xyplot(0~0,"foo" ~ .(N) ~ "bar"))), font=2, cex=1.2)) ## => "font=2" is ignored (of course) Cheers, Marius
2010 Aug 27
How to plot an expression-label with variable text
Disclaimer: I have read plotmath, but maybe it's too late today: How do I get the two labels to be the same: lab =expression(paste("Estimated ", t[50]," from tgv")) text(0.5,0.5,lab) # Should look the same as above. I could not get the substitute right: what = "tgv" lab =expression(paste("Estimated ", t[50]," from ",what))
2010 Aug 01
Constructing arguments for plotmath
Colleagues, I am encountering difficulty adding formatted text to a graphic. Specifically, I want to add a superscript in the middle of a text string but I would like to format the text string on the fly. The commands: plot(1,1) ARG <- bquote('TEXT'^'\u00ae') mtext(ARG, line=-2, side=1) yield the desired output. However, my goal is to paste together a string, then pass
2008 Dec 31
Plotmath with values?
I hope to use the plotmath facility to print titles that mix math and values of R variables. The help for "plotmath" has an example, which after repeated reading, I find baffling. Likewise, I have read the help file for "substitute" (wqhich seems to be needed) without ever understanding what it does, other than being used in some magic incantations. I would like to do
2004 Apr 14
ltext, plotmath, and substitute
I am interested to use plotmath functions within a panel function but am having some problems getting the code right. Within each panel I am plotting the data, fitting a regression line, and would like to print the regression equation. Here is a trivial example of what I'd like to do: # generate simple data tmp.df <- data.frame(id = rep(1:4, each=4), time = rep(1:4, 4), das =
2011 Jun 02
plotmath: paste string and expression [from a vector of expressions]
Dear all, I have a vector of expressions and would like to "paste" some string to it before using it in a plot: vars <- vector("expression", 2) vars[1] <- expression(alpha) vars[2] <- expression(beta) plot(0, 0, main=substitute(bold("Foo" ~~ VAR), list(VAR=vars[2]) )) Although I tried hard, I just can't figure out how to solve this. The title should be
2012 Nov 14
vectorized plotmath expressions via substitute()
hi all - i've seen versions of this question before, but none seem to get directly at my solving my (probably very simple) issue: i simply want to annotate the tick marks on an axis with (superscripted) 10^x notation, and tried this: axis(1, at = axTicks(1), as.expression(substitute(10^foo, list(foo = axTicks(1)))) thinking the as.expression/substitute would create the appropriate
2012 Oct 05
Format of numbers in plotmath expressions.
I want to do something like: TH <- sprintf("%1.1f",c(0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9,1)) plot(1:10) legend("bottomright",pch=1:5,legend=parse(text=paste("theta ==",TH))) Notice that the final "1" comes out in the legend as just plain "1" and NOT as "1.0" although TH is [1] "0.3" "0.5" "0.7" "0.9"
2009 Oct 19
How do I wrap a long mixed text/math expression in an axis label?
I would like to wrap a y-axis label onto two lines. My label is an expression containing both text and math symbols. I have looked at plotmath, strsplit(), strwrap(), deparse(),, substitute() and bquote(). Based on previous posts, I can get plain text to wrap. However, when I try these methods on my label, the exact string is returned, rather than evaluating the math symbols. My