similar to: no applicable method for "names"

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "no applicable method for "names""

2007 Mar 22
difftime / RBloomberg
hi, I've troubles with some difftime objects. e.g. ISOdate(2001, 4, 26) - ISOdate(2001, 2, 26) - 2 works, telling me "Time difference of 57 days". But when I'd like to add days, such as ISOdate(2001, 4, 26) - ISOdate(2001, 2, 26) + 2 the function gives me an error. Function "as.COMDate.chron" of the Rbloomberg package doesn't work for that reason. I'm
2012 Mar 13
Coding C++ in R. What is faster : Using bosst external libraries or R.h header file?
Hi everyone, I have built an R package and for the sake of speed I have decided to rewrite some part of the code in C++. In my original R code I use the pnorm, qnorm, rnorm, pgamma, dgamma, rgamma, rbeta and runif function. First I was thinking in going with the boost libraries, but I noticed the functions described above are available within the R.h header file (or is it Rmath.h?). So my
2012 Jan 05
Calling R functions within C/C++
Hello everyone! First of all, please note that I'm working under Windows 7. I have written a Gibbs sampler in R and I'm now in the process of translating it in C++ to increase the speed. I'm relatively new to C++ and this question may be trivial, but my search so far have been unsuccessful. In my Gibbs sampler I am using some basic R functions (like the rep function for example)
2011 Mar 24
R CMD build creates tar file instead of tar.gz file
Dear all, I'm trying to create my own package by following for instance In step 6 (page 19) it says that the command 'R CMD build <mypackage>' should result in a tar.gz file. However, after running the command I end up with a tar file only (no gz extension). I also get the following warnings in the command prompt C:\Program
2013 Dec 02
FTS solr issue with second private namespace
Hi all, I have just stumbled over an issue with the FTS plugin of dovecot. For our primary namespace, INBOX and its subfolders, searching works without any problems but in a second namespace, which I have created for old/archived mails, searching of the mail text/body does not work. I can see the search request in the tomcat log but no result is created and the mail client (Thunderbird) keeps
2009 Jul 23
Antw: How to extract the upper xlim and ylim of my plot?
You may want to use the function corner.label from the plotrix-package. Frank >>> Mark Na <> 21.07.2009 23:03 >>> Dear R-helpers, I wish to place some text in a plot, at approx 10% of my upper xlim and approx 90% of my upper ylim, i.e. > plot(log(all$SR,10)~log(all$AREA,10)) > text(.1*max(xlim),.9*max(ylim),"text to be placed") (I know
2002 Jan 06
German translation of OggEnc
Hello, I translated OggEnc (RC3) into German language. Nothing fancy. Neither Goethe nor Schiller. Could anyone please make a Win32 build? I donĀ“t have a Win32 compiler. Sourcecode of modified files is available at Just replace RC3 files with the modified versions. I hope this is useful for anyone. bye, Maik Merten -- MetalUnleashed:
2009 Dec 12
Antw: Export R output to Word/RTF?
I am using SWord from statconn: It allows you to put r-commands into Word (similar to odfWeave). Output is directed to Word including figures and tables. It is still a beta-version but works fine. Frank Bloos >>> Wenjie Lee <> 12.12.2009 00:28 >>> Hi R Experts, I'm aware of pdf(), jpeg(),...
2011 Jul 27
replacing elements of vector through elements of another vector
Hello everybody, I hope this question is not too silly but I'm almost going crazy about that and could not find a solution. I have two variables, say A and B and I would like to combine them in C. In particular I want a C-value of B when B is not NA and the A value in case that B is NA: A B C 2 NA 2 3 4 4 NA 3 3 4 1 1 2 NA 2 1 4 4 NA NA NA 5 3 3 4 1 1 I
2008 Feb 05
Hi there, I want to generate different samples using the followindg code: g<-sample(LETTERS[1:2], 24, replace=T) How can I specify that I need 12 "A"s and 12 "B"s? Thank you, Judith ____________________________________________________________________________________ Be a better friend, newshound, and
2009 Aug 25
Regular expression to define contents between parentheses
Hello dear R-helpers, I haven't been able to figure out of find a solution in the R-help archives about how to delete all the characters contained in groups of parenthesis. I have a vector that looks more or less like this: myvector<-c("something (80 km/h, sd) & more (6 kg/L,sd)", "somethingelse (48 m/s, sd) & moretoo (50g/L , sd)") I want to extract all
2004 Dec 09
Scatterplot question
Dear list members, I have a probably simple question concerning scatterplots: I want to draw a plot with one X but several Y columns, so that every group of samples gets a different symbol. My table looks like this: X Y1 Y2 Y3 1 1 2 3 3 5 4 7 5 9 6 11 7 13 8 15 Simple in Excel or StarOffice, but how do I do it in R? Thanks a lot Judith
2012 Oct 03
Difficulties in trying to do a mixed effects model using the lmer function
Dear people of the help list I am drying to analyze my data using the 'lmer' function and I keep having problems. This is the model: > fm1<-lmer(dbh~spec+scheme+(1|Plot),data=d, REML=FALSE). I analyse tree size (dbh) of 3 different species (spec) and 3 planting schemes (scheme). I have 5 plots, which I hope to model as a random factor. (However, the subsequent output is based on
2005 Jun 28
Running DOS program in a cron job
Hi, I'm trying to run a DOS program within a cron job. After much trial-and-error I settled on the following approach: - rm -r ~/.wine - call wine without any arguments, this lets wine generate a default configuration in ~/.wine - change ~/.wine/config: set GraphicsDriver to ttydrv instead of x11drv - the cron job consists of a shell script that runs the DOS program with "wcmd
2008 Feb 21
R console closes on its own
Dear R-experts, I am running a script that has the following structure: windows(height=5.5,width=8) dat<-read.csv("myfile.csv") names(dat)<-c('a','b','c','d') dat<-dat[,1:4] xyplot(dat$a~dat$b) Then I usually save the plot as a PDF (from the menu in the R console). I can save the PDF twice in a row; but at the third time, right when I
2011 Apr 18
altering identity column
Hi there, I have a huge dataframe containing 70,000 observations. I have filtered this dataframe (let it's name be "transformed_dataframe") as I wanted to select only those observations which are greater than or equal to 60,001 regarding the very first identity column. So I have a transformed dataframe now including 10,000 obeservations (from 60,001 - to 70,000) and if you send
2005 Oct 26
Fast question...
Hi everyone! Does anyone use, rsync, under windows, without Cygwin? When I type something like this: rsync -auvlHI --delete --partial --modify-window=2 --log-format=" %t %o %l %f " --stats -vv -e "ssh -o ForwardX11=no -vv -i "e:/program/sinc/.ssh/sinc_rsa" -l USER" "e:/program" SERVER:dir_dest rsync answer me with: ssh: e: no address associated with name
2007 Jun 13
Removing Inf and Inf values from a fata frame
Hi, I have a csv file with empty values, when I apply the different functions (mean, std, etc.) I create a new data frame, the empty values generate Inf and -Inf values. How can I remove those Inf and -Inf values from the new data frame? I already specified na.rm in the mean and std functions, but the values are still there. Thank you, Judith
2007 Jul 02
Substitution of Variables
Hi, I need to run a script under the variable (that comes from a csv file) that is assigned to another variable. This is very a simplified version of what I want to do: data<-read.csv('name.csv') names(data)<-("VA","VB","VC") v<-VA mn(v) Thank you in advance, Judith
2008 Feb 26
Multiple lines with a different color assigned to each line (corrected code)
Sorry, I just realized I didn't type in the correct names of the variables I am working with, this is how it should be: plot(1,1,type="n") for (i in summ$tx) { points(summ$timep[summ$tx==i],summ$mn[summ$tx==i]) lines(summ$timep[summ$tx==i],summ$mn[summ$tx==i]) } Thank you, Judith ____________________________________________________________________________________