similar to: R: Query an Access database based on a date attribute

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "R: Query an Access database based on a date attribute"

2007 Nov 12
Query an Access database based on a date attribute
Dear useRs, I would like to query an Access database through R based on a date attribute but, unfortunately, I fail to do so. For example, the table test_table of the test.mdb looks like: ID cd market competitor dd price 1 1 2007-11-20 atl-bos delta 2007-11-20 210 2 2 2007-11-20 atl-bos delta 2007-11-21 190 3 3 2007-11-20 atl-bos delta 2007-11-22
2007 Nov 13
Query an Access database based on a date attribute (Tudor Bodea)
Tudor Bodea asked: >In this context, I try to get all the records for which market is atl-bos, >competitor is delta and dd is 2007-11-20 (first record above). To do this I used >># channel <- odbcConnectAccess("test.mdb") >>res <- sqlQuery(channel, "select * from test_table where market = 'atl-bos' >>and competitor = 'delta' and dd =
2008 Jun 17
Insert raster image into an R graphic
Dear useRs: Is there a way to include a raster image (e.g., .gif, .jpg, .bmp) representing a company logo, a school logo, etc. into an R graphic? For example, it would be nice to be able to include the logo of the school into the charts that a student produces for her dissertation. Similarly, while working on a competitive analysis, it would be nice to be able to replace the names of the
2007 Oct 30
Place a string into the header/footer of a pdf file generated during a plot session
Dear useRs, Do you know, by any chance, if it is possible to write a string in the header/footer of a pdf file created during a plot session? To make sure that I know what R script generated a certain chart, I would like to add the path to the working directory into the header/footer of the corresponding pdf file. Thank you. Tudor -- Tudor Dan Bodea Georgia Institute of Technology School of
2008 Jul 06
Exception Handling
Dear useRs: Please provide me with your thoughts on an issue related to the design of a production level system. For example, let?s suppose that I need to run the same R script for a finite sequence of items (e.g., in the energy industry, I may need to asses the profitability of all gas stations in the state of Florida). For each of the items, the R script accesses some remote databases, gets
2008 Jul 17
Hiding information about functions in newly developed packages
Dear UseRs: I intend to write a package to handle the basic operations a revenue management analyst has to deal with on a regular basis (e.g., demand untruncation, capacity allocation, pricing decisions, etc.). Following the directions posted by Peter Rossi (Making R Packages under Windows: A Tutorial, January 2006) I was able to build an interim package that currently consists of one simple
2008 Sep 27
Append selectively to components of a list
Dear R users: Is there a way to append selectively to components of a list (if possible, loops are to be avoided)? To illustrate the point, in the example below, I would like to append 99 to vector b of the list l. > l <- list(a=c(1), b=c(2,3), c=c(4,5,6)) > l $a [1] 1 $b [1] 2 3 $c [1] 4 5 6 As you may expect, the result should look like: > l $a [1] 1 $b [1] 2 3 99 $c [1] 4 5
2006 Jun 15
help with table partition
Hi, I have a test_table where the dim is 62220 by 73 (row by col) I would like to partition the rows into 170 equal parts (170 tables where each is of dim 366 by 73), and rearrange them horizontally. The source codes I have: for (i in 1:170) { c = cbind(c,test_table[(367*i+1):(367*(i+1)),2:73]); } Unfortunately, using for loop and cbind for a table of this size
2010 Jul 16
SKYPE - Authenticate incoming call
>> >> >> Hi All, >> >> After getting licences for Skype for asterisk a while ago I finally got >> around to setting up a server with two channels and setting up a bcp on >> the skype end. >> >> The idea behind this is the following: >> >> Users can dial into the PBX, get authenticated and only after> >>
2008 Sep 23
Samba 4 installation problem
Hello, I'm trying install Samba 4 by this link . The step 2 compile and step 3 install completed, but step 4 provisionhas following error: [root@samba4 setup]# ./provision --realm=sfa.local --domain=sfa --adminpass=5555 --server-role='domain controller'Traceback (most recent call last): File "./provision", line 32, in ?
2007 Mar 13
Timed Out or Disconnect Errors on emails with attachments
Hello all, I've migrated our Maildir system from Courier-IMAP-SSL to Dovecot with SSL and now we're getting "Connection to <server> Timed Out" errors when sending mail with attachments. The mail gets sent, however it doesn't save the mail in the user's "Sent" folder. Our IMAP and SMTP servers are different. So the client sends to the SMTP server
2013 Aug 09
a fast table() for the 1D case
Hi, table1D() below can be up to 60x faster than base::table() for the 1D case. Here are the detailed speedups compared to base::table(). o With a logical vector of length 5M: 11x faster (or more if 'useNA="always"') o With factor/integer/numeric/character of length 1M and 9 levels (or 9 distinct values for non-factors):
2013 Apr 25
Stochastic Frontier: Finding the optimal scale/scale efficiency by "frontier" package
Hi, I am trying to find out the scale efficiency and optimal scale of banks by stochastic frontier analysis given the panel data of bank. I am free to choose any model of stochastic frontier analysis. The only approach I know to work with R is to estimate a translog production function by sfa or other related function in frontier package, and then use the Ray 1998 formula to find the scale
2001 Feb 22
afx.h... configure: error: Could not find the MFC includes
This is driving me nuts. I'm trying to compile an MFC application using WINE. I can specify the location of the ATL includes and configure is quite happy but it chokes when I give it the MFC includes in the same way: ./configure --with-atl-includes=/home/wade/VC98/atl/Include --with-mfc-includes=/home/wade/VC98/mfc/Include Wassup? I'm using Winemaker 0.5.5 And wine
2011 Apr 08
Rpart decision tree
Dear useRs: I try to plot an rpart object but cannot get a nice tree structure plot. I am using plot.rpart and text.rpart (please see below) but the branches that connect the nodes overlap the text in the ellipses and rectangles. Is there a way to get a clean nice tree plot (as in the Rpart Mayo report)? I work under Windows and use R2.11.1 with rpart version 3.1-46. Thank you. Tudor ...
2008 Feb 12
regular expression for na.strings / read.table
Dear all, I am working with a csv file. Some data of the file are not valid and they are marked with a star '*'. For example : *789. I have attached with this email a example file (test.txt) that looks like the data I have to work with. I see 2 possibilities ..thast I cannot manage anyway in R: 1-first & easiest solution: Read the data with read.csv in R, and define as na strings
2005 Apr 22
IAX help
I am trying to send calls from (telx-NY17S) to (telx-nyc) via an IAX2 channel. However the call is being rejected on the (telx-nyc) server. See error below copied from telx-nyc CLI> Apr 22 13:56:57 NOTICE[147465]: chan_iax2.c:5390 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from I have icluded the following conf files 1. extensions.conf (telx-nyc) 2. iax.conf (telx-nyc) 3.
2006 Feb 27
rails activerecord
i found model allway query this sql: SHOW FIELDS FROM test_table if my code needn''t know table structure, how to remove it? -- Posted via
2010 Jun 15
Skype for SIP
By the way, I am currently testing this product from Skype. I would like to be able to receive calls ona Skype name on our pbx. 1) It works beautifully and you don't have to do anything in particular. 2) It's disproportionally expensive which is why I want Skype for Asterisk to work. SfS costs $5 per month per channel just to test the beta! I find that insane, but I wanted to test it.
2010 Jun 12
mob (party package) question
Dear useRs: I try to use mob from the party package (thanks Achim and Co.!) to model based recursive partition a data set. The model is a logistic regression specified with model=glinearModel and family=binomial(). Running mob results in a few warnings of the type: In ... algorithm did not converge. As I speculate that this may be due to an insufficient number of iterations I am