similar to: MASS library rob.cov ellipse

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "MASS library rob.cov ellipse"

2007 Jul 03
MASS library rob.cov ellipse
Hi, I used to get a really useful graph when I ran the following command using the MASS library: > cov.rob(cbind(dekeyser$AGE,dekeyser$GJTSCORE),cor=T) Besides the regular output, a graph appeared that had the classical correlation and the robust correlation, and two ellipses, one surrounding the data that would be used in the classical correlation and the other surrounding the data in the
2006 Jul 10
Counting observations split by a factor when there are NA s in the data
Wouldn't something like table(status) give you want you want? E.g.: R> status <- factor(c("A", "B", "A", NA, "A", "B")) R> table(status) status A B 3 2 Andy From: Jenifer Larson-Hall > > I am a very novice R user, a social scientist (linguist) who > is trying to learn to use R after being very familiar with >
2007 Oct 26
Effect sizes
I'm just curious . . . if effect sizes are so important, and possibly a better way of looking at results than p-values, since they don't depend on effect size (Kline,2004; Murphy and Myors, 2004), why don't any of the classical tests, like t.test or glht specified for Tukey's posthocs, return effect sizes? I say "classical" because I'm sure there may be packages out
2006 Jul 10
Counting observations split by a factor when there are NAs in the data
I am a very novice R user, a social scientist (linguist) who is trying to learn to use R after being very familiar with SPSS. Please be kind! My concern: I cannot figure out a way to get an accurate count of observations of one column of data split by a factor when there are NAs in the data. I know how to use commands like tapply and summaryBy to obtain other summary statistics I am interested
2009 May 12
[Fwd: Re: Problem at instaling robustbase (Rlapack)]
Dear list, I'm forwarding these 2 messages as suggested by the package developer. My system is > sessionInfo() R version 2.9.0 (2009-04-17) i486-pc-linux-gnu on Ubuntu 8.04, with r-base-core, r-base-dev and r-recommended installed from binaries through Synaptic. I normally install the rest of packages using install.packages() from within R (started from an xterminal by su) Agus
2012 Mar 16
Change in behavior of update.views()?
I haven't seen this cryptic warning before: > update.views('Robust') Warning message: In update.views("Robust") : The following packages are not available: covRobust, distr, FRB, MASS, mblm, multinomRob, mvoutlier, quantreg, RandVar, rgam, RobAStBase, robfilter, RobLox, RobRex, robust, RobustAFT, robustbase, ROptEst, ROptRegTS, rrcov, sandwich, wle >
2002 Aug 15
Behaviour of cov.rob/MCD
Dear list, here is something I do not understand about cov.rob. > dat <- rmvnorm(200,rep(0,10),diag(10)) > cov.rob(dat,method="mcd") > cov.rob(dat,method="mcd",quantile.used= floor(3*211/4)) # All fine; default for quantile.used is floor(211/2) > dat <- rmvnorm(20,rep(0,10),diag(10)) > cov.rob(dat,method="mcd") # quantile.used is floor(31/2).
2006 Feb 08
rob var/cov + LAD regression
Hi, after looking around I was not able to get info about these two questions: 1. Is there a function to have a "jackknifed corrected var/cov estimate" (as described in MacKinnon and White 1985) in a standard OLS regression? 2. Does R possess a LAD (Least Absolute Deviation) regression function? Any help? Thanks -- ======================================================== Angelo
2012 May 15
how to find outliers from the list of values
Hi, I am new to R and I would like to get your help in finding 'outliers'. I have mvoutlier package installed in my system and added the package . But I not able find a function from 'mvoutlier' package which will identify 'outliers'. This is the sample list of data I have got which has one out-lier. 11489 11008 11873 80000000 9558 8645 8024 8371 It will
2003 Oct 27
Jenifer sent you a greeting
Surprise! You've just received a greeting from "Jenifer" ([1]jenifer_brown at! To view this greeting card, click on the following Web address at anytime within the next 30 days. [2] If that doesn't work, go to [3] and copy and paste this code: 8272635YJKAH7
2006 Nov 07
Comparing models in multiple regression and hierarchical linear regression
I don?t know if this question properly belongs on this list, but I?ll ask it here because I?ve been using R to run linear regression models, and it is only in using R (after switching from using SPSS) that I have discovered the process of fitting a linear model. However, after reading Crowley (2002), Fox (2002), Verzani (2004), Dalgaard (2002) and of course searching the R-help archives I cannot
2005 Jan 27
Results of MCD estimators in MASS and rrcov
Hi! I tested two different implementations of the robust MCD estimator: from the MASS package and covMcd from the rrcov package. Tests were done on the hbk dataset included in the rrcov package. Unfortunately I get quite differing results -- so the question is whether this differences are justified or an error on my side or a bug? Here is, what I did: > require(MASS) >
2009 Nov 16
specifying group plots using panel.groups
Hi, I am trying to plot two types of data on the same graph: points and distributions. I am attempting to use the panel.groups function, but cannot seem to get it to work. I have a melted data set and put in a FLAG column to separate my data into the two groups that I would like to plot, point data (FLAG=0) and the distribution(FLAG=1). Here is the code i am using in R: stripplot(
2009 Aug 06
adding color bar to a graph
Hi everybody, I am wondering how i can add a "stretch" color bar / legend to a graph that uses colorBrewer to define the colors in it. I will try to explain my graph, but i also uploaded it at: The file is: robcor_training_pca.pdf - i will also attach this file in case some people accept attachments. So i took apart the
2012 Jun 07
- detecting outliers
Hello all, I am estimating parameters for regression functions on experimental data. Functional response of Rogers type II. I would like to know which points of my dataset are outliers. What is the best method to do this with R? I found a method via R help, but would like to know if there are better methods for my purpose. Here is the script I us now: library("mvoutlier") dat
2007 Mar 26
Problem in loading all packages all at once
Hi All Please see the Rprofile file which i have modified as follows and after that when I start R then I see that R says to me "TRUE" for all the packages implying that all loaded at once. But when i try to use commands as simple as help("lm"), it doesnt work nor any of the menu "Packages" is not working. Although the regression using lm ( Y ~ X ) is working
2000 Jul 25
Library issues (BOUNCE Non-member submission from []) (fwd)
BTW, I need a volunteer to upgrade to MailMan or the like. I'm officially sick to death of majordomo. (Or, if you want to code all the features I want in majordomo, that's fine too ;-) I'm a little bit out of time, see.... ------- Forwarded Message Sender: I just brought the FreeAmp codebase up to speed with the latest Vorbis source. In doing so,
2008 Jun 02
Missing "spline_coef" DLL and Rob Hyndmans monotonic interpolator
Hello R help I have been trying to use Rob Hyndman's monotonically increasing spline function. But like another user or two seem have a problem with a missing DLL (namely "spline_coef"). None of the previous help postings seemed to have any solutions to this problem. As per a Ripley suggestion I have deleted all previous versions of R and reinstalled R 2.7.0 and the problem
2010 Sep 05
cov.unscaled in NLS - how to define cov.scaled to make comparable to SAS proc NLIN output - and theoretically WHY are they different
I am running a 3-parameter nonlinear fit using the default Gauss-Newton method of nls. initialValues.L = list(b=4,d=0.04,t=180); fit.nls.L = nls( myModel.nlm , fData.L, start = initialValues.L, control = nls.control(warnOnly = TRUE), trace=T ); summary.nls.L = summary(fit.nls.L); I run the same analysis in SAS proc NLIN. proc nlin data=apples outest=a; parms b=4 d=.04 t=180; model Y =
2009 May 11
robustbase: cannot install
This is really odd, I've installed the binary of robustbase through synaptic on an ubuntu 8.04 machine and get: > library(robustbase) Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) : unable to load shared library '/usr/lib/R/site-library/robustbase/libs/': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Error: package/namespace load