similar to: strange `nls' behaviour

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2007 Nov 06
strange `nls' behaviour
dear list, I stumbled over the follwing strange behaviour/error when using `nls' which I'm tempted (despite the implied "dangers") to call a bug: I've written a driver for `nls' which allows specifying the model and the data vectors using arbitrary symbols. these are internally mapped to consistent names, which poses a slight complication when using `deriv' to
2004 Jun 01
swapping with data.frame
Hi there, I have some data which are convenient to enter as lists. For example: t1<-list(fname="animal1",testname="hyla",dspkr="left",res1=39.7,res2=15.0) t2<-list(fname="animal1",testname="bufo",dspkr="left",res1=14.4,res2=56.1)
2012 Jan 04
function in R for my exercise
Hi R helpers! I have a question. I'm trying to create a function for an exercise. Here are the arguments I should include: x and y are numeric z is a name ("plus","minus","multiply","divide") and swap is logical. Here is what the function should do: When z="plus", then x+y is performed and so on for the other z names. It should give a NA
2007 Nov 13
`eval' and environment question
my understanding of `eval' behaviour is obviously incomplete. my question: usually `eval(expr)' and `eval(expr, envir=parent.frame())' should be identical. why does the last `eval' (yielding `r3') in this code _not_ evaluate in the local environment of function `f' but rather in the global environment (if `f' is called from there)?
2006 Aug 18
multivariate analysis by using lme
Dear R users, I have a data structure as follows: id two res1 res2 c1 c2 inter 1 -0.786093166 1 0 1 2 6 3 -0.308495749 1 0 0 1 2 5 -0.738033048 1 0 0 0 1 7 -0.52176252 1 0
2000 Jul 05
Tukey.aov with split-plot designs
I am using R 1.1 with Redhat 6.2 and RW 1.001 with Win98 (the upkey doesn't work on my IBM either as has been previously reported by others). The function aov doesn't return either the residuals or the residual degrees of freedom for split-plot designs. If you use the following code from Baron and Li's "Notes on the use of R for psycology experiments and questionnaires"
2013 Apr 29
how to add new rows in a dataframe?
Hi, dat1<- read.table(text=" id??????????????? t???????????????????? scores 2???????????????? 0??????????????????????? 1.2 2???????????????? 2???????????????????????? 2.3 2???????????????? 3??????????????????????? 3.6 2???????????????? 4??????????????????????? 5.6 2???????????????? 6??????????????????????? 7.8 3???????????????? 0??????????????????????? 1.6 3????????????????
2010 Jul 20
p-values pvclust maximum distance measure
Hi, I am new to clustering and was wondering why pvclust using "maximum" as distance measure nearly always results in p-values above 95%. I wrote an example programme which demonstrates this effect. I uploaded a PDF showing the results Here is the code which produces the PDF file: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s <-
2007 Sep 25
non-linear fitting (nls) and confidence limits
dear list members, my question concerns computation of confidence intervals in nonlinear fits with `nls' when weigthing the fit. the seemingly correct procedure does not work as (I) expected. I'm posting this here since: (A) the problem might suggest a modification to the `m' component in the return argument of `nls' (making this post formally OK for this list) and (B) I got no
2011 Apr 12
question about optim
Dear R-users, I would like to use optim( ) to minimize a function which depends on 4 parameters: 2 vectors, a scalar, and a matrix. And I have a hard to define the parameters at the beginning of the function, and then to call optim. Indeed, all the examples I have seen dont treat cases where parameters are not all real. Here is my code, it doesnt work but its just to show you where is exactly my
2003 Aug 21
anova(lme object)
Hi, I use lme to fit models like R> res1 <- lme(y~A+B, data=mydata, random=~1|subject) R> res2 <- lme(y~B+A, data=mydata, random=~1|subject) (only difference between these two models are the sequence in which the indep variables are written in formula) where y is continuous and A, B, and subject are factors. To get ANOVA table I used R> anova(res1) R> anova(res2) and found
2011 May 19
problem with optim()
Dear R-users, I would like to maximize the function g above which depends on 4 parameters (2 vectors, 1 real number, and 1 matrix) using optim() and BFGS method. Here is my code: # fonction to maximize g=function(x) { x1 = x[1:ncol(X)] x2 = x[(ncol(X)+1)] x3 = matrix(x[(ncol(X)+2):(ncol(X)+1+ncol(X)*ncol(Y))],nrow=ncol(X),ncol=ncol(Y)) x4 = x[(ncol(X)+1+ncol(X)*ncol(Y)+1):length(x)]
2005 Jul 19
initial points for arms in package HI
Dear R-users I have a problem choosing initial points for the function arms() in the package HI I intend to implement a Gibbs sampler and one of my conditional distributions is nonstandard and not logconcave. Therefore I'd like to use arms. But there seem to be a strong influence of the initial point y.start. To show the effect I constructed a demonstration example. It is reproducible
2013 Apr 14
possible loop problem
Hi, It would be better if you provided the output of dput(dataset).? I am not sure about the structure of your dataset. Just from reading the data as is shown. dat1<- read.table(text=" separator,tissID >,>,2 ,2,1 ,6,5 ,11,13 >,>,4 ,4,9 ,6,2 ,7,3 ,21,1 ,23,58 ,25,9 ,26,4 >,>,11 ,1,12 >,>,21 ,4,1 ,11,3
2011 Aug 04
How to get the test statistic corresponding to the p-value in mtable?
Dear R-Users, I want to use mtable from package "memisc" to produce Latex-style estimation output. However, mtable() only gives me a p-value and not the corresponding test-statistic. Does anyone know how to extract it, either from a glm/anova object or mtable? Here is a short example: # Run this #################### install.packages("memisc") library(memisc) set.seed(1)
2004 Jun 03
Confidence intervals for predicted values in nls
Dear all I have tried to estimate the confidence intervals for predicted values of a nonlinear model fitted with nls. The function predict gives the predicted values and the lower and upper limits of the prediction, when the class of the object is lm or glm. When the object is derived from nls, the function predict (or predict.nls) gives only the predicted values. The and interval aguments
2011 Feb 24
MCMCpack combining chains
Deal all, as MCMClogit does not allow for the specification of several chains, I have run my model 3 times with different random number seeds and differently dispersed multivariate normal priors. For example: res1 = MCMClogit(y~x,b0=0,B0=0.001,data=mydat, burnin=500, mcmc=5500, seed=1234, thin=5) res2 = MCMClogit(y~x,b0=1,B0=0.01,data=mydat, burnin=500, mcmc=5500, seed=5678, thin=5) res3 =
2012 Aug 06
cannot find function "simpleRDA2"
Hi, I am trying to run the command "forward.sel.par," however I receive the error message: "Error: could not find function 'simpleRDA2'." I have the vegan library loaded. The documentation on "varpart" has not helped me to understand why I cannot call this function. Maybe I am missing something obvious because I am still an 'R' novice. Below is a
2007 Aug 15
Formula in lm inside lapply
I am trying to run separate regressions for different groups of observations using the lapply function. It works fine when I write the formula inside the lm() function. But I would like to pass formulae into lm(), so I can do multiple models more easily. I got an error message when I tried to do that. Here is my sample code: #generating data x1 <- rnorm(100,1) x2 <- rnorm(100,1) y <-
2023 Nov 14
data.frame weirdness
What is going on here? In the lines ending in #### the inputs and outputs are identical yet one gives a warning and the other does not. a1 <- `rownames<-`(anscombe[1:3, ], NULL) a2 <- anscombe[1:3, ] ix <- 5:8 # input arguments to #### are identical in both cases identical(stack(a1[ix]), stack(a2[ix])) ## [1] TRUE identical(a1[-ix], a2[-ix]) ## [1] TRUE res1 <-