similar to: scaling x-axis in hist function

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "scaling x-axis in hist function"

2009 Jun 06
extract rows having negative values
Hello, I have a matrix with 6 columns and 12 rows. I want to extract out those IDs (rownames) from my matrix which have a negative values. For each ID(row) if the negative value is even under 1 column it needs to be extracted out. I will be grateful for any correct suggestion. Thanks Manisha Here is the matrix that I am working on: ID A B C D E F 1 -4.18972 -3.8946
2008 Jun 10
convert characters into integers in a matrix
Hello, I will appreciate any suggestion for this simple problem. I have a matrix of characters "A", "P", "M". I want to convert those characters to integers 0,1, 1 respectively. I am using the following R statements:<-gsub("P",1,exprs) exprs.new1 <- gsub("A",0, exprs.new2 <-
2008 Feb 27
problem with creation of eSet
Hi, I am having troubles with creating an eSet and would appreciate any help on the following problem. I am trying to create an eSet using the following code pd <- read.table(file="pdata.txt",header =TRUE,row.names=1); colnames(pd) <- c("type","tumor","time","id"); pdN <- list(type =
2008 Jun 12
save workspace while running R on a cluster
Hello, I have a question about running R in a cluster environment. The shell script I am running looks like this: #!/bin/bash cd /nfs/apollo/2/c2b2/users/mb0001/Data /nfs/apollo/1/shares/software/core_facility/local/x86_64_rocks/R/current/bin/ R --save < calculate.R >& script.out I have used the "-save" command to save the R workspace (If, I understand it
2009 Jul 20
calculating median with a condition
Hello, I am trying to calculate the median of numbers across each row for the data shown below , with the condition that if the number is negative, that it should be ignored and the median should be taken of only the positive numbers. For eg: data is in Column A,B,C. Column D and E demonstrates what I want to get as answer A B C Median median value -13.6688115 -32.50914055
2009 Aug 01
how do i retain decimal values
Hello, I am trying to do a spearman correlation. My data has tied values. To overcome this issue, I am adding some random noise (values) to my original data. However when I add the random noise to the data, the final matrix does not show the new values. I guess the reason being that the noise I add is very small and the full value including the decimals gets truncated to show only the value
2008 Jan 03
help with combining matrix and list into dataframe
Problem################################################################# I am having a problem combining a matrix and elements of a list into one data frame. Data#################################################################### The matrix is ludwig.results and dim of matrix is 213,8. The list is called symbols and its length is 213. Following is an example the structure of my matrix
2009 Jun 07
Convert a lis to matrix
Hello, This is an urgent request. I want to convert a list of 3 elements into a matrix and I am not sure how to do it. The list looks like this: List of 3 $ : num [1:15364, 1] 0.133 0.622 0.588 1.024 0.583 ... ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2 .. ..$ : chr [1:15364] "6420681" "3610072" "2260458" "60689" ... .. ..$ : NULL $ :
2011 Jan 19
Pearson correlation with randomization
Hello, I will be very obliged if someone can help me with this statistical R problem: I am trying to do a Pearson correlation on my datasets X, Y with randomization test. My X and Y datasets are pairs. 1. I want to randomize (rearrange) only my X dataset per row ,while keeping the my Y dataset as it is. 2. Then Calculate the correlation for this pair, and compare it to your true
2001 Nov 27
Table Command (PR#1182)
Full_Name: Manisha Desai Version: 1.3.0 OS: UNIX Submission from: (NULL) ( There may be a bug in the table command. The value of 0 does not appear to show up (at least in this version of R). The following is an example: > blah<-c(rep(1,100),rep(0,100)) > table(blah) Gives the following: blah 1 100 Doing a summary shows that blah does contain values of 0. >
2009 Jun 08
SMACOF joint configuration plot with bread data? (Michael Kubovy)
Hi Michael, with res.uc$conf you'll get the single configurations for each rater. You can use these to produce the plot you want to have. Best, Patrick r-help-request at wrote: > Send R-help mailing list submissions to > r-help at > > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit > >
2011 Apr 29
plot several histograms with same y-axes scaling using hist()
Dear all Problem: hist()-function, scale = ?percent? I want to generate histograms for changing underlying data. In order to make them comparable, I want to fix the y-axis (vertical-axis) to, e.g., 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% as well as to fix the spaces, too. So the y-axis in each histogram should be identical. Currently, I have 100 histograms and the y-axis scales changes in each. Here is my code:
2013 Jun 25
Correct scaling of axis in persp3d plot
Hi, I want to format my axis in my persp3d plot. With my data, which I attached I created a persp3d plot with the following code, which I summarized from different code snippets I found: library(rugarch)library(rgl)library(fGarch)fd <,which ='density')color <-rgb(85,141,85,maxColorValue=255)x <-seq(-0.2,0.2,length=100)y <-c(1:2318)f
2005 Jan 05
hist.POSIXt filled bars - axis color changes
Hi all, I'm plotting a histogram of dates and would like to shade the bars, e.g. hist(.leap.seconds,"years",col='gray',freq=T) -but the axis color also changes, how do I prevent that? thx in advance Janus [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Mar 21
hist function+label second y-axis
Dear Forum, hist(x$LAN_3,col="green",xaxt='n',yaxt='n',xlab="",ylab="",main="",type="l") I?d like to craete a line not a bar in the hist function, but regrettably I get only warning messages: 1: Grafikparameter "type" ist veraltet in: title(main, sub, xlab, ylab, line, outer, ...) 2: Grafikparameter "type" ist
2009 Jan 21
A question on histogram (hist): coordinates on x-axis are too sparse
Dear R helpers: Let's say I have some data X, X <- runif(1000, 1, 10000000000) pdf('X.pdf', width=100,height=5) hist(X, breaks=1000) I find that, on x-axis the coordinates are 0e+00, 2e+09, 4e+09, 6e+09, 8e+09, 1e+10. Only five numbers, which is too sparse in a 100x5 pdf file. I want the x-axis coordinates to become more dense, e.g.
2002 Dec 12
y axis on hist
Hi: The y axis on the hist function seems to set its limits oddly. sometimes, it covers the full range of the data and sometimes it stops one major tick short. I have had this behavior with a variety of data sets, and it can easily be reproduced by just running the following several times: hist(rnorm(100000)) I have tried explicitly setting ylim to the range of values produced by rnorm
2012 Sep 14
How to specify minimum and maximum x-axis value in logi.hist.plot?
Hi guys, How could I specify minimum and maximum x-axis values in logi.hist.plot? My code is something like this: plot(mydata$Temperature,mydata$Mortality, ,xlab="Temperature",ylab="Probability of mortality") curve(predict(temp.glm,data.frame(Temperature=x),type="resp"),add=TRUE, col="red") points(mydata$Temperature,fitted(temp.glm),pch=20)
2004 Mar 25
How to add a top X-axis with a different logarithmic scale?
Hi, I am trying to put on one plot two different logarithmic scales, using the bottom and top X-axes. Below there is an example of what I am trying to achieve, using axTicks() -- and fails. I already spent few hours on that, and cannot figure out from ?par and ?axTicks what I am doing wrong. Example follows: ############################################################ #### Data x <-
2006 Nov 30
scaling y-axis to relative frequency in multiple histogram (multhist)
Hi, I'm plotting a multiple histogram using the function multhist {package plotrix}, something like: library(plotrix) mh <- list(rnorm(200, mean=200, sd=50), rnorm(200, mean=250, sd=50)) multhist(mh) In this graph y-axis represents the frequency of observations.... but I would like it to be scaled into relative frequencies, does anybody know how to do this with multhist or similar