similar to: Sweaving single master file to get multiple individualised reports

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Sweaving single master file to get multiple individualised reports"

2003 Jun 17
Paste and namespace
Hi, my doubt is very simple. I'm sure I've seen someone using something like this before, but unfortunatelly my searches in the archives were useless. Well, I have some objects called after a name that has a number attached to it, varying. Let's say I have: > ls poly1 poly2 poly3 poly4 poly5 poly6 ... I would like to access these objects using a for(), in which I could do
2003 Jun 11
Multiple match function?
Hi all, I have (yet another) question about a function in R. What I would like to do is test for the presence of a certain value in a vector, and have the positions that this value is at returned to me. For example, let's say I have a vector: x <- c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4) Now I would like a function that would return positions 3 and 4 should I test for the value "2". Or 5 and 6
2013 Feb 18
odfWeave: Trouble Getting the Package to Work
Hello All, Have recently started learning Sweave and Knitr. Am now trying to learn odfWeave as well. Things went pretty smoothly with Sweave and Knitr but I'm having some trouble with odfWeave. My understanding was that odfWeave should work in pretty much the same way as Sweave. With odfWeave, you set up an input .odt file in a folder, run that file through the odfWeave function, and then
2007 Jun 05
multiple plot in odfWeave
Hello R users, I found the odfWeave package to create an odf document. It seems to be a very nice tool. So i tried to used it to create a report with multiple plot: I create an odt file with some code inside: I connect to a mysql database I get a list of projects foreach project I would like to make a plot (a map exactly) then in a R console I use the odfweave (inFile, outFile) function.
2011 Feb 22
odfWeave graphics glitch
Using R2.12.1 on Ubuntu 10.04.1 I've tried to run the following code chunk in odfWeave <<fig1, echo=TRUE,fig=TRUE,width=7,height=4>>= x<-seq(1:100)/10 y<-sin(cos(x/pi)) imageDefs <- getImageDefs() imageDefs$dispWidth <- 4.5 imageDefs$dispHeight<- 4.5 setImageDefs(imageDefs) X11(type="cairo") plot(x,y) title(main="sin(cos(x/pi))")
2009 Aug 01
odfWeave : sudden and unexplained error
Dear list, dear Max, I a currently working on a report. I'm writing it with and odfWeave. I'm working increentally : I write a bit, test (interactively) some ideas, cutting-and-pasting code to the Ooo report when satisfied with it. I the process, I tend to recompile the .odt source a *lot*. Suddenly, odfWeave started to give me an incomprehensible error even before
2009 Feb 04
odfweave sample code error
Hi R-team, I am new user of R 2.8.1 in windows 2003 environment. I use Tinn-R as code editor. When running the sample codes from odf manual the following error occured. I have winzip installed in my system. I used openoffice writer under windows to create the example1.odt file. can anybody help me out to fix the bug. the code executed is as follows: library(odfWeave) > inFile <-
2013 Apr 11
odfWeave: Some questions about potential formatting options
Hello All, Learning to use the odfWeave package. I really like the package. It has good documentation, makes some very nice looking tables, and seems to have lots of options for customizing output. There are a few things I'd like to do that don't seem to be covered in the documentation though. So I'm not sure if they're possible or not. Here's a list of some things I'd
2009 Mar 11
trying to run odfWeave()
Hi there ! I'm working with windows and R GUI and I'm trying to generate an automatic repport using odfWeave. I have taken the basic template available on line at : which is SampleOdf.odt I've imported the package "odfWeave" and the corresponding library. And then I run : >"E:/Tex/SampleOdf.odt"
2009 Jul 06
odfWeave: odt-file damaged
Dear all, I am doing my first steps with odfWeave. After running the r code (see below), I am trying to open the ODF-document with open office, but I am getting the error message: "The file is damaged, but it can be repaired". If I confirm the question and repair the file with open office, I can open it with the desired output, which seems to be fine. My system: R Version 2.9.1
2011 May 14
odfWeave 0.7.17 stutters on Debian testing 64-bit amd64 systems.
Dear list, This is a copy of a mail sent to Max Kuhn, original author and maintainer of the odfWeave package, which seems not to have received it. It reports a problem that seems to be very implementation specific (reproductible on three Debian testing amd64 machine, does *not* happen on two i686 Debian testing systems, does *not* happen on an Ubuntu 11.06 amd64 machine) and therefore not
2008 Jul 10
odfWeave problem in 7.1?
Max & Friends, I've run into a problem with odfWeave 0.7.5 running under R 2.7.1 (Windows XP, SP2) doing some monthly production reports. Under 2.7.1 I'm getting various parsing errors after Sweaving starts, e.g.: Sweaving content.Rnw Writing to file content_1.xml Processing code chunks ... Error in parse(text = cmd) : unexpected input in "" > Above case works
2009 Jan 11
Problem using odfWeave
Hi everybody, I don't get odfWeave to run properly. My odt file is as a simple as: ------------------------ Some text. <<echo=FALSE>>= print(1:10) @ ----------------------- The output I get ist the following: ----------------------------------- > odfWeave("roffice.odt", "rofficeOUT.odt") Copying roffice.odt Setting wd to
2008 Oct 23
odfWeave error
odfWeave is throwing up a cryptic error, after successfully processing a file with a large number of figures (~30) and many \Sexpr{} calls. The error is (at least to me) cryptic. I am not sure where to look to correct this problem. Here's the error: Post-processing the contents Error in .Call("RS_XML_Parse", file, handlers, endElementHandlers, as.logical(addContext), :
2009 Feb 24
odfWeave problem "Error in xmlEventParse"
Dear list, Sorry for bothering you with a pure odfSweave question, but I just ran into a problem that I cannot find the cause of. Anyonse seen this before? This file "used to work", but not anymore. Would apreciate all the help I could get. /Fredrik --------------------------------------------------------------- >
2013 May 15
still mbuf leak in 9.0 / 9.1?
Hi list, since we activated 10gbe on ixgbe cards + jumbo frames(9k) on 9.0 and now on 9.1 we recognize that after a random period of time, sometimes a week, sometimes only a day, the system doesn't send any packets out. The phenomenon is that you can't login via ssh, nfs and istgt is not operative. Yet you can login on the console and execute commands. A clean shutdown isn't possible
2009 Dec 13
odfWeave produces output file that OO can't open
Dear R-helpers, I'm trying to learn how to use odfSweave. Here is my source file (in /Users/mk/myTeach/2010-1-7720/odfWeave): **************************************** Analysis of the iris Data Created on \Sexpr{date()} <<loadLibs, echo = FALSE, results = hide>>= # I usually load the libraries first so that any output produced by loading the library does not end up in the
2010 Sep 17
odfWeave UTF-8 error and latin characters
Hello R masters, I have sent this same message to other lists and none so far could give some light. I was trying to use odfWeave to generate a report from R and Im getting an error that I think is related to latin characters. I looked around and did find some stuff related to this problem about Sweave but did not find a
2009 Jul 14
Proper Paste for Data Member
I imported a spreadsheet into a variable sh e.g. sh$aaaa, sh$bbbb, etc... doing the following: tsSource <- ts(paste("sh$",NAMEVARIABLE,sep="") ... ) fails. The paste isn't evaluating properly. What is the proper way to concatenate a data source with a member name such that they evaluate properly. actual code below: doEnv <-
2009 Jun 30
odfWeave : problems with odfInsertPlot() and odfFigureCaption()
Dear Max, dear list, I have trouble using odfInsertPlot to insert plots outside fig=TRUE chunks. My goal is to dump a bunch of (relatively uninteresting, but required) graphs from within a loop, possibly interspeded with some tables. This is not possible within a normal fig=TRUE chunk. odfInsertPlot() is able to insert a previously saved plot. When used in a fig=TRUE, results=hide chunk, it