similar to: partially sum variable of a dataframe

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "partially sum variable of a dataframe"

2007 Sep 27
different colors for two wireframes in same plot
Hello R, According to: g <- expand.grid(x = 1:10, y = 5:15, gr = 1:2) g$z <- log((g$x^g$g + g$y^2) * g$gr) wireframe(z ~ x * y, data = g, groups = gr, scales = list(arrows = FALSE), drape = TRUE, colorkey = TRUE, screen = list(z = 30, x = -60)) i have two wireframes in one plot. How could i change the color of the top - one to transparent (or only the grid).
2007 Oct 29
shading of curves with polygon
Hello again With the poylgon function it's possible to plot shaded areas under a curve. But somehow it connects the start and the endpoint of a line and fills whats between them. I would actually like to set the boarders of the shading by two min and max curves, but I failed. i tried stl like: polygon(min, max, border=0), where min and max are my curves plotet by plot(max) lines(min)
2007 Aug 04
Problems using "lm" in combination with "predict"
Hello everybody, I'm trying to predict a linear regression model but it does not work. My Model: y = Worktime + Vacation + Illnes + Bankholidays My modelmatrix is of dimension 28x4 Then I want to make use of the function predict because there confidence.intervals are include. My idea was: mod <- lm(y~Worktime+Vacation+Illnes+Bankholidays) newdate=data.frame(x=c(324,123,0.9,0.1))
2007 Aug 16
use AnnBuilderSourceUrls with local path insted of ftp adress
Hallo everybody. I want to build my own GO package using the function GOPkgBuilder of AnnBuilder. It uses AnnBuilderSourceUrls to collect data from different ftp sites. These data are not complete for my organism, so I would like to change the ftp adresses to a local one. The changing itself is working but when I run the script I get the following Error: Error in
2007 Sep 25
10- fold cross validation for naive bayes(e1071)
Hallo! I would need a code for 10-fold cross validation for the classifiers Naive Bayes and svm (e1071) package. Has there already been done something like that? I tried to do it myself by applying the tune function first: library(e1071) tune.control <- tune.control(random =F, nrepeat=1, repeat.aggregate=min.,sampling=c("cross"),sampling.aggregate=mean, cross=10, best.model=T,
2009 Jan 27
rsync compression (-z) and timestamp
Hi @all! Sorry about that many questions, but after searching and reading tons different web sites, I didn't find exactly what I am searching for. So, I know that with the -z Option rsync compresses the files with gzip, than the files are transfared and at the target machine uncompressed. I want to know, is there a possibility to see how big the compressed file is, which rsync generates
2009 Apr 01
Invalid or corrupt kernel image
Hi there, I try to boot tiny core linux with PXE boot (pxelinux.0) over ethernet. But during the boot I get 2 times a - Invalid or corrupt kernel image - message. The third time the bzImage boots fine. Could someone help me? /agni ____________________________________________________________________ Psssst! Schon vom neuen WEB.DE MultiMessenger geh?rt? Der kann`s mit allen:
2007 Oct 05
Installing MS Train Simulator
Hello When I try to install MS Train Simulator the setup.exe program switches to full screen mode. This full screen mode hides all other installer windows. The window that asks me if I want to install Adobe and the window that asks me to replace CD1 with CD2 are not visible. Therefore it is necessary to guess what I should do during the installation and do the input blindly. The main
2009 Mar 04
Converting file system
Hi @all! I tested what happens with a file which is saved at a FAT32 partition and then this partition is converted to NTFS. So first I transfered the file with rsync from the FAT32 partition to my Linux /home folder. Then I converted the FAT32 partition to NTFS. After the convertation I transfered the file again to see what has changed (amount of data). I was surprised!!!! Nothing has changed!!!
2009 Feb 06
¿DC won't start? "leaked file fd 5:"
Hi Gents, (apologizes, new here...) I didn't find any hint on G**gle nor in the Dovecot archieve (maybe due to the lack of a search function :), so: I installed Doovecot, but can't get it going. The logfile states: > dovecot: Dovecot v1.0.15 starting up > mail.err dovecot: auth(default): Panic: Leaked file fd 5: dev 0.10 inode 3 > mail.err dovecot: Auth process died too
2008 Sep 22
dedicated usb support
hi wine user group I try to run a model aircraft simulator (aerofly professional deluxe) with wine. the installation was a success. after that, I can start the simulator but it doesn't identify the usb game commander (at least a 4 channel usb device). but the kde desktop control center detect the right device IPACS Ikarus Gamecommander (/dev/input/js1). how I get support for this device
2009 Feb 05
The 'dbox' Format
I'd like to give the dbox format a try, but I could not find any information on how to enable it. There's information on how to set mail_location for the Maildir and mbox formats in the wiki and also in the commented configuration file, but how to set it for dbox is strangely missing. I took a guess with 'mail_location = dbox:~/dbox', but that didn't work, so it's probably
2009 Jan 09
Bash script to mark all mail read in Maildir + Dovecot
Hi, I'm writing a script to mark all new mail read, including all mail in folders, for my system which uses Maildir and Dovecot. The reason for this script is that I use Google Mail at work, which forwards to my SMTP/IMAP system at home. When I've finished my last check of GMail at work, I want to be able to quickly mark all mail as read at home too. Basically this script moves
2008 Dec 16
rsync and MD5
Hi all! I've got a question about rsync using the MD5 algorithm. I know that rsync makes blocks of a file and then compares the checksums of each block. If the checksum is unequal the block is tranfered. Otherwise it could be that the checksum is the same but the block is different. Therefor rsync uses a 128 BIT MD5 algorithm. Now, at what filesize is it better to check the whole file
2008 Nov 24
adding celt support to netjack some questions.
hi. i am currently adding celt support to netjack. very nice to see a free low-latency codec :) i currently dont require robustness against packet loss, because the sync code of netjack does not handle packet loss very gracefully. how much bandwidth is wasted for this feature ? is it sensible, to have the data downsampled berfore encoding , in order to reduce bandwidth ? i suspect that just
2008 Sep 25
usb interface support
Dear wine user group I removed the whole installation under the root path and reinstalled the application to the user directory -thanks to mr. vitamin. But the effect is the same - the usb interface has not be enabled although the driver works correctly, see jstest /dev/input/js0 -> Driver version is 2.1.0. Joystick (IPACS Ikarus Gamecommander) has 7 axes (X, Y, Z, Rx, Ry, Rz, Throttle) and
2008 Feb 11
domain member WIN2003 AD - Trusted Domain
Hi folks, we have a problem with a win2003 DC and Samba. The authentification of users from the dc works fine, but when we added users from a forest trust in a active directory localgroup, samba don't find the users... I post this problem here: Maybe you can help. Cheers Paul -- Der GMX SmartSurfer hilft bis zu 70% Ihrer Onlinekosten zu
2009 Apr 16
rsync windows acl
Hi @all! I want to backup Windows files to a Linux Server including the Windows ACLs. I found this at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On Mon, 2008-12-29 at 09:54 -0700, Michael Chletsos wrote: > Has rsync integrated windows acls into it yet? No, and the main
2008 Feb 11
OpenVPN traffic will not be routed into network / as DefaultGW traffic ... with 1 NIC
Hello! I''ve the following set-up RemoteClient1 (Win Vista), RemoteClient2 (Win XP) do both connect to my OpenVPN box. They can talk to each other, using their 172.16.1.x tun0 Address on the server. The server itself (Ubuntu gutsy, OpenVPN: 2.0.9-8, shorewall:3.4.4-1) has 1 NIC that connects the machine to a) a DSL-router (forwards several ports to this linux machine, including the
2008 Mar 26
Loop problem
Dear all, I have a problem with a loop, if anyone has any knowledge on these things I would appreciate some comments. The code below is designed to allow me to extract the top record of the data frame, and them remove rows from the data frame which have an index close to the extracted top record. topstorm<-subset(rankeddataset[1,]) ## Extracts the top storm