similar to: its does not recognize POSIXct w/ both time and Date?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "its does not recognize POSIXct w/ both time and Date?"

2007 Aug 08
Error: Cannot Coerce POSIXt to POSIXct when building package
A newbie here - please forgive me if this is a basic question. We have an in house package built in R 2.2.1 (yes we're a little behind the times at our firm)and would like to rebuild it using R 2.5.1. However, when I try and build the package from source, I keep getting this error: Error in as(slotVal, slotClass, strict = FALSE) : no method or default for coercing "POSIXt"
2007 Oct 22
How to format data for time-series analysis
Hello all, I'm using R to visualize and explore the data produced by a software system. The software generates logs for many types of events. The software runs for days on end, and can possibly generate multiple events per second. What is the appropriate time format for year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond? that R can properly interpret (using zoo? or ITS?) I'll have
2006 Jun 01
date sequencing using the Fcalendar package
I am using the following command from the Fcalendar Package : x = timeSequence("1992-12-31","1994-12-31") and then y = as.character(x) is a vector of character strings "[1] 1992-12-31" "1993-01-31" "1993-03-03" "1993-03-31" "1993-05-01" etc This is very close to what I need and thank you very much to whomever wrote
2016 Feb 08
Apparent bug in with columns of Date class and NA's present
Hi all, Based upon an exchange with G?ran Brostr?m on R-Help today: there appears to be a bug in in the case where a data frame contains Date class columns that contain NA's and other columns, if present, do not. Example, modified from R-Help: x <- c(18000000, 18810924, 19091227, 19027233, 19310526,
2008 Feb 05
using image to show RGB image data ?
Hello all, I'm now using image() to show image data (in my case dumps of SOM weights) but would like to show RGB colour data, not just single "z" colour values. I've currently been using seq() to skip 4 values, so I can show the R, G or B channels separately as "z". But is there a way I can show all three channels simultaneously as a proper colour image? Thanks, B.
2009 Mar 10
puzzled by math on date-time objects
Hi, I don't understand the following. When I create a small artificial set of date information in class POSIXct, I can calculate the mean and the median: a = as.POSIXct(Sys.time()) a = a + 60*0:10; a [1] "2009-03-10 11:30:16 EDT" "2009-03-10 11:31:16 EDT" "2009-03-10 11:32:16 EDT" [4] "2009-03-10 11:33:16 EDT" "2009-03-10 11:34:16
2008 Jan 11
How to calculate the mean of all values in a list or dataframe
Hello all, I've scoured the archives and google and I can't figure out how to amalgamate a set of vectors of differing lengths in such a way as I can calculate the mean easily. The following dummy example contains vectors of length 1, but my data has vectors of various lengths. R> test = list(); for(i in 1:5) {test = append(test, i)} R> test [[1]] [1] 1 [[2]] [1] 2 [[3]] [1] 3
2008 Oct 15
Problems with R memory usage on Linux
Hello all, I'm working with a large data-set, and upgraded my RAM to 4GB to help with the mem use. I've got a 32bit kernel with 64GB memory support compiled in. gnome-system-monitor and free both show the full 4GB as being available. In R I was doing some processing and I got the following message (when collecting 100 307200*8 dataframes into a single data-frame (for plotting): Error:
2004 Apr 02
R1,9,0beta: strange summary of Date object
Hola! Any explanation of the following: > summary(as.Date(rep(NA,20))) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA NA NA NA NA NA NA's "1970-01-21" Where does this 1970 date come from? Kjetil Halvorsen
2008 Mar 23
Can not install fCalendar package under R 2.6.2
Dear R helper: When I was trying to install the fCalendar package, R report the following error and then my installation failed: * Installing *source* package 'fCalendar' ... ** R ** inst ** preparing package for lazy loading Loading required package: MASS Loading required package: fEcofin Loading required package: fUtilities Loading required package: RUnit RUnit 0.4.17 loaded.
2009 Mar 05
Problem using RMySQL and fCalendar
Hello: I am trying to use fCalendar for date arithmetic and the RMySQL package for accessing a MySQL database. The fCalendar math operations seem to work fine UNTIL I load the RMySQL package. Here is a demonstration: ean at fibonacci:~/Desktop/amCharts/rsa-metrics$ R R version 2.7.1 (2008-06-23) Copyright (C) 2008 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ISBN 3-900051-07-0 R is free
2007 Aug 20
library(fCalendar) timeDate("12.03.2005",format="%d.%m.%Y")
Dear R users, I have problem with the library fCalendar. I am not using the US standard format notations. It seems like it is not possible to have different format than the US standards. Anyone how knows a way to go around this problem? Here is the code I enter: myDate = "12.03.2005" timeDate(myDate, format = "%d.%m.%Y") And I get following error message: Error in if
2008 Sep 28
reshape package does not recognize second id variable
I am trying to use the reshape package for the first time. I have two waves of a survey, so the id variables include a subject identification number and a variable denoting the wave of the survey. I used the following arguments: library(reshape) svy.melt <- melt(svy, id=c("id", "WAVE")) svy.wide <- cast(svy.melt, id ~ WAVE + ...) and got the following error:
2012 Feb 22
Package 'fCalendar'
Dear, I'm a master student mathematics at university Gent, who's writing a thesis about vines and copula's. I'm in trouble with the package 'fCalendar' which I need for running 'QRMlib'. The problem is that 'fCalendar' doesn't have a namespace. I need to use R.2.14.1 because I also need the package 'vines' which only works for R.2.14.1. I'm
2008 May 21
Problem with R or fBasics Package (PR#11495)
I have a problem wirh R: After loding fBasics packages log funtion doesn't work like as fallow: Cenap ERDEMIR Hacettepe University Turkey > log(20) [1] 2.995732 > local({pkg <- select.list(sort(.packages(all.available = TRUE))) + if(nchar(pkg)) library(pkg, character.only=TRUE)}) Loading required package: fImport Loading required package: fSeries Loading required package: robustbase
2003 Sep 17
Date on x-axis of xyplot
xyplot doesn't seem to want to label my x-axis with dates but instead puts the day-number for each date. begdate is the number of days since January 1, 1960 and was initially created by library(date) ... polls$begdate<,begdd,begyy) I create a new dataframe (pollstack) which includes begdate. In the process begdate seems to lose its date attribute so I redo it as: >
2016 Dec 16
print.POSIXct doesn't seem to use tz argument, as per its example
>>>>> Jennifer Lyon <jennifer.s.lyon at> >>>>> on Thu, 15 Dec 2016 09:33:30 -0700 writes: > On the documentation page for DateTimeClasses, in the Examples section, > there are the following two lines: > > format(.leap.seconds) # the leap seconds in your time zone > print(.leap.seconds, tz = "PST8PDT") # and in
2016 Apr 15
Bug in by() function which works for some FUN argument and does not work for others
> On Apr 15, 2016, at 1:16 AM, Akhilesh Singh <akhileshsingh.igkv at> wrote: > > Dear All, > > Thanks for your help. However, I would like to draw your attention to the > following: > > Actually, I was replicating the Example 2.3, using the dataset > "brainsize.txt" given in Section 2.3.3 ("Summarize by group") at page 55, > of a
2016 Apr 16
Bug in by() function which works for some FUN argument and does not work for others
Dear All, I have got your core message, that it is my responsibility to determine whether any particular function in my version of R satisfies the language requirements at the time of your use. Jim Albert and Maria Rizzo must have used their code, which was permitted in the R-code of their time (2012). Therefore, I have now modified my R-code, as per R-3..2.4 version, according to my requirement
2018 May 16
Date method of as.POSIXct does not respect tz
R 3.5.0 Is it intended that the Date method of as.POSIXct does not respect the tz parameter? I suggest changing as.POSIXct.Date to this: function (x, tz = "", ...) .POSIXct(unclass(x) * 86400, tz = tz) Currently, the best workaround seems to be using the character method if one doesn't want the default timezone (which is often an annoying DST timezone). This came up on