similar to: correct wording and notation for R stuff in LaTex

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "correct wording and notation for R stuff in LaTex"

2002 Nov 13
Package documentation and rd.sty
Hi all, I've got a basic question regarding package documentation and rd.sty. I wrote my first own package, and now I would like to place the documentation into the appendix of another LaTex document. Seemingly I cannot simply \usepackage{Rd}, as this will modify the page-settings of my document. Is there a minimum style file which will just define the environments and commands needed for
2013 Aug 28
Error when using buildVignettes()
Dear all, When running function 'testQAReport()', which uses function 'buildVignettes()' to create a pdf-file I get the following error: > source("testQAReport.R") > testQAReport() Error in .get_package_metadata(pkgdir) : Files 'DESCRIPTION' and '' are missing. Since I did not get this error in earlier versions of R, could you
2010 Aug 09
package names in Latex
Dear R People: When putting R package names in Latex, do we use \it or \em, please? Thanks, Erin -- Erin Hodgess Associate Professor Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences University of Houston - Downtown mailto: erinm.hodgess at
2007 Nov 28
[OT] putting URLs in Latex
Hi R Gurus! This is definitely off topic, but I thought I'd try: what is the way to put in url's into a Latex file, please? I know that you start with a \newcommand statement, with some kind of argument that will change, but I'm not sure how to set it up, please. thanks, Edna Bell
2006 Sep 25
Best use of LaTeX listings package for pretty printing R code
This is what I have been using. Does anyone have a better way? In particular I would like to see letters in comment strings not stretched so much. Thanks -Frank \documentclass{article} \usepackage{listings,relsize} \lstloadlanguages{R} \newcommand{\lil}[1]{\lstinline|#1|} \begin{document} \lstset{language=R,basicstyle=\smaller,commentstyle=\rmfamily\smaller, showstringspaces=false,%
2010 Jun 18
Latex problem in Hmisc (3.8-1) and Mac Os X with R 2.11.1
Dear all, I did post this more or less identical mail in a follow up to another question I posted, but under another heading. I try again, but now under the correct header. upon running this code (from the Hmisc library-latex function) I believe the call to summary.formula is allright and produces wonderful tables, but the latex command results in a correct formatted table but where all the
2009 Jan 28
OT: Adding verbatim R code text into LaTeX documents: texttt; verb or url?
Hi all I use Sweave extensively to mix R and LaTeX, and often have R code appearing in my LaTeX document. Just a quick question then: What is the best way to add example of R commands into LaTeX in-line? (That is, not using Sweave.) For example, suppose I wish to place in my document this instruction: done in R using the command \verb|lm( y ~ + var.two )| as follows: I
2007 Jan 15
How to format R code in LaTex documents
Hi, I am planning on putting some R script in an appendix of a LaTex document. Can anyone recommend me a way of how to format it? Is there a way to keep all line breaks without having to insert \\ in every single line? Thank you! Benjamin
2015 Feb 21
RStudio Calling C++ Visual Studio DLL
All, I'm a newbie to R and I am interested in seeing a simple example of calling a 3rd party Visual Studio generated DLL from RStudio. Does anyone have a simple example which also walks through the preliminary steps of setting up the INCLUDE path and the library path to either a DLL or LIB file ? I have tried to find an easy example, but thus far had no luck finding an example using Rcpp
2012 Nov 01
How to nicely display R code with the LaTeX package 'listings'?
Dear expeRts, What's a 'good' (nice-looking, easy-to-read) setup for the LaTeX package 'listings' to display R code? The two versions below are partly inspired by the settings of the package SweaveListingUtils and Any suggestions, comments, or improvements are welcome. Cheers, Marius ###
2018 Jan 03
Gtkcdlabel + cdlabelgen on CentOS 7 ?
Le 03/01/2018 ? 00:45, Frank Cox a ?crit : > I guess the next step would be to either find and install the missing > fonts, or re-write to use the fonts that you have > available. I did some more research, and it looks like the problem is NOT related to missing fonts. I installed a vanilla CentOS 7 desktop, activated EPEL, installed cdlabelgen, downloaded Gtkcdlabel,
2005 Aug 05
Latex error with Sweave example
I created a tex file following the example in the Sweave help which produced the following files in my working directory. Sweave-test-1-006.eps Sweave-test-1-006.pdf Sweave-test-1-007.eps Sweave-test-1-007.pdf Sweave-test-1.tex When I run latex on this, I get a latex error, log file below. I am running R 2.1.1 on Windows XP. I have installed "small MiKTeX" and I have added
2003 Dec 26
Problems converting output from Sweave to PDf
I am having trouble converting the output from Sweave into a valid PDF file. I have created a simple .Rnw file which will become a full vignette at some point, but during the intermediate testing, I got errors from texi2dvi. This is what I have done. 0) Using a Windows Xp system 1) Created a file called GeneSpring.Rnw 2) Convert this to Tex using Sweave("GeneSpring.Rnw") from within R
2006 Apr 10
"Pursuit of Happiness" ? Are you sure ?
I always kind of liked this title (the title of Davids super Rails presentation), but then I saw this quote today: "The pursuit of happiness is a most ridiculous phrase; if you pursue happiness you''ll never find it." by C.P Snow I''d have to agree with this quote. It''s the same as love... go looking for it, and you''ll never find it. Soooo... David,
2009 Mar 19
function question
Dear R Gurus: I read somewhere that functions are considered vectors. Is this true, please? thanks Edna Bell
2007 Aug 31
Bugreport on integration of Sweave and latex beamer
I think I have isolated a problem with integration between Sweave and beamer. Could you please see the file: Unfortunately, it uses some of my internal libraries, so you can't run it. When I put it through Sweave, I get: which is, of course, a generic latex file which you can read and
2012 Apr 01
How to use Latex code in R loop?
Hi, I am newbie in Latex and R. I am working on one report in which i need to read file and display content of file by formatting (adding color boxes and colorful text for each record). For this i need to use latex code in R loop. How can i use Latex code in R loop. Any example will help me a lot. Thanks -- View this message in context:
2007 Nov 26
generating .Rd files
Hi R Gurus! I have a package that I am putting together. I waited until the end to do the documentation and would like to generate a set of "empty" .Rd files. Is there a quick way to do this, please? Thanks, Edna Bell PS I can't seem to access the "Writing R Extensions" manual from 2.6.1 on Windows.
2007 Aug 27
Rmpi and x86
Dear R Gurus: Is there a problem with Rmpi on x86 with SUSE 10.1, please? I've tried everything and it still won't load. Has anyone else dealt with this please? Thanks, Edna Bell
2007 Oct 01
convert time series to data.frame
Dear R gurus I would like to take a monthly time series and convert it to a data frame without losing the tsp items, pleae I've tried and data.frame but I get the series without the time element. Any suggestions, please? tia Edna Bell