similar to: unable to install package ff

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "unable to install package ff"

2013 Apr 26
speed of a vector operation question
Hello, I am dealing with numeric vectors 10^5 to 10^6 elements long. The values are sorted (with duplicates) in the vector (v). I am obtaining the length of vectors such as (v < c) or (v > c1 & v < c2), where c, c1, c2 are some scalar variables. What is the most efficient way to do this? I am using sum(v < c) since TRUE's are 1's and FALSE's are 0's. This
2010 Feb 05
maximum elements in an ff object?
Hello all, I hate to add to the daily queries regarding R's handling of large datsets ;), but... I read in an online powerpoint about the ff package something about the "length of an ff object" needing to be smaller than .Machine$integer.max. Does anyone know if this means that the # of elements in an ff object must be < .Machine$integer.max [i.e., that ff provides no help with
2010 Apr 25
how to make read in a vector of 0s and 1s with no space between them
Hi all, Probably a rudimentary question. I have a flat file that looks like this (the real one has ~10e6 elements): 10110100101001011101011 and I want to pull that into R as a vector, but with each digit being it's own element. There are no separators between the digits. How can I accomplish this? Thanks in advance! Matt -- Matthew C Keller Asst. Professor of Psychology University of
2007 Nov 08
skip non-sequential lines using scan?
Hi all, Is there a way to skip non-sequential lines using the "skip" argument in the scan function? E.g., I have a matrix with 100 rows and 1e7 columns. I open a connection and want to read only lines 5, 7, 9, etc [i.e., seq(5,99,2)] It might seem that the syntax to do this would be something like this (if only the "skip" allowed vectors in the same way colClasses does in
2011 May 30
ideas about how to reduce RAM & improve speed in trying to use lapply(strsplit())
hi all, I'm full of questions today :). Thanks in advance for your help! Here's the problem: x <- c('18x.6','12x.9','302x.3') I want to get a vector that is c('18x','12x','302x') This is easily done using this code: unlist(lapply(strsplit(x,".",fixed=TRUE),function(x) x[1])) So far so good. The problem is that x is a vector
2011 May 28
Changing the name of the "R" process in top
Hi all, Perhaps this is more of a unix question, but I'll give it a try here. I am running 9 different R processes at the same time (called from a shell script using R CMD BATCH). When I use the top program to monitor how they are doing, it is impossible to tell which R process is related to which R script. Is there a way to rename a specific instantiation of an R process in top with
2008 Jul 27
64-bit R on Mac OS X 10.5.4
Hi Matt Your method is the easiest way for me to install the 64-bit R. I followed the directions on your web site and then did the following: R --arch=x86_64 source("") biocLite(type = "source",lib = "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.8/Resources/RLib64") I got many errors and warnings which I copied to the attached file.
2009 May 20
how to get remote ESS graphics to work?
Hi all, My graduate student is logging onto my macpro and running R through ESS aquamacs (with Mx ssh and then Mx ess-remote). Everything is working fine until we get to graphing. We are trying to give him the ability to look at graphics interactively. The ESS manual is not too helpful: "If you run X11 (See Section 13.3.2 [X11], page 68, X-windows) on both the local and remote machines
2017 Oct 02
fwrite() not found in data.table package
Hi all, I used to use fwrite() function in data.table but I cannot get it to work now. The function is not in the data.table package, even though a help page exists for it. My session info is below. Any ideas on how to get fwrite() to work would be much appreciated. Thanks! > sessionInfo() R version 3.2.0 (2015-04-16) Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit) Running under: Red Hat
2008 Jan 15
things that are difficult/impossible to do in SAS or SPSS but simple in R
Hi all, I'm giving a talk in a few days to a group of psychology faculty and grad students re the R statistical language. Most people in my dept. use SAS or SPSS. It occurred to me that it would be nice to have a few concrete examples of things that are fairly straightforward to do in R but that are difficult or impossible to do in SAS or SPSS. However, it has been so long since I have used
2009 Jun 17
how to interpolate time series data with missingness
Hi all, I have a vector, most of which is missing. The data is always increasing, but may do so in jumps. I would like to interpolate the NAs with 'best guesses', using something like filter(), which doesn't work due to the NAs. Here is an example: > x <- c(2,3,NA,NA,NA,3.2,3.5,NA,NA,6,NA) > x [1] 2.0 3.0 NA NA NA 3.2 3.5 NA NA 6.0 NA I would like a function that
2003 May 02
stepfuns: R^2 -> R
Does anyone have any suggestions on perspective plotting of piecewise constant functions? Ideally, I would like something like plot.stepfun for functions that are piecewise constant on polygons. Even pointers to non-R strategies would be welcome at this stage. url: Roger Koenker Dept. of Economics UCL, email rkoenker at Department of Economics Drayton House, vox:
2003 Jul 21
help on barplot
Hello, I am trying to compare two histograms using barplot. the idea is to plot the histograms as pairs of columns side by side for each x value. I was able to do it using barplot before but I can't remember now for the life of me now how I did it in the past: > d [,1] [,2] -37.5 0.0000000000 2.789396e-05 -32.5 0.0001394700 5.578801e-05 -27.5 0.0019804742
2012 Jul 30
how to sort huge (> 2^31 row) dataframes quickly
Hello all, I have some genetic datasets (gzipped) that contain 6 columns and upwards of 10s of billions of rows. The largest dataset is about 16 GB on file, gzipped (!). I need to sort them according to columns 1, 2, and 3. The setkey() function in the data.table package does this quickly, but of course we're limited by R not being able to index vectors with > 2^31 elements, and bringing
2004 Apr 26
Hello. I'm writting a glx device and I've some performance problem with the eventloop registration system. The device is not refresh when there's no X event. That's problematic for animation and "smoothness" of display. Should I use threads or fork the R process to get and independant way to refresh my device ? Or do you know another way to refresh it ? Thanks
2004 Nov 22
Installing rgl in R2.0.1
I'm running R2.0.1 under Solaris 2.9 on a SunBlade 100. When I installed it, I set things up to use the Sun compilers cc, CC, f95 with the options recommended in the installation and administration guide. Until today, no worries. With all this discussion about R GUIs I thought I'd give R Commander a go. The web page said to install a bunch of packages first, so I did >
2012 Feb 21
tapply for enormous (>2^31 row) matrices
Hi all, SETUP: I have pairwise data on 22 chromosomes. Data matrix X for a given chromosome looks like this: 1 13 58 1.12 6 142 56 1.11 18 307 64 3.13 22 320 58 0.72 Where column 1 is person ID 1, column 2 is person ID 2, column 3 can be ignored, and column 4 is how much chromosomal sharing those two individuals have in some small portion of the chromosome. There are 9000 individual people, and
2017 Oct 02
fwrite() not found in data.table package
You are asking about (a) a contributed package (b) for a package version that is not in CRAN and (c) an R version that is outdated, which stretches the definition of "on topic" here. Since that function does not appear to have been removed from that package (I am not installing a development version to test if it is broken for your benefit), I will throw out a guess that if you update R
2007 Apr 21
Changing appearance of band edges in xYplot()
Dear R-helpers, I would like the bands in an xYplot() to be gray without dark edges. I've tried playing around with col.bands, but that seems not to affect the edges, although changin col.fill does change the fill as I would expect. I would appreciate pointers. _____________________________ Professor Michael Kubovy University of Virginia Department of Psychology USPS: P.O.Box
2007 Oct 11
constraining correlations
Hello, I've searched for an answer to no avail. I am wondering if anyone knows how to constrain certain correlations to be equal. I have family data with 2 twins per family plus up to 2 siblings. I would like to somehow constrain all the sibling correlations (twin-sib and sib-sib) to be the same while allowing the twin-twin correlation to be different. Here is some simulated code: