similar to: seg fault with randomForest ( ... , xtest )

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "seg fault with randomForest ( ... , xtest )"

2008 Jun 15
randomForest, 'No forest component...' error while calling Predict()
Dear R-users, While making a prediction using the randomForest function (package randomForest) I'm getting the following error message: "Error in predict.randomForest(model, newdata = CV) : No forest component in the object" Here's my complete code. For reproducing this task, please find my 2 data sets attached ( data.rar ).
2012 Mar 08
Regarding randomForest regression
Sir, This query is related to randomForest regression using R. I have a dataset called qsar.arff which I use as my training set and then I run the following function - rf=randomForest(x=train,y=trainy,xtest=train,ytest=trainy,ntree=500) where train is a matrix of predictors without the column to be predicted(the target column), trainy is the target column.I feed the same data
2009 Dec 10
different randomForest performance for same data
Hello, I came across a problem when building a randomForest model. Maybe someone can help me. I have a training- and a testdataset with a discrete response and ten predictors (numeric and factor variables). The two datasets are similar in terms of number of predictor, name of variables and datatype of variables (factor, numeric) except that only one predictor has got 20 levels in the training
2012 Apr 24
Use of optim to fit two curves at the same time ?
Dear list, Here is a small example code that use optim and optimize in order to fit two functions. Is it possible to fit two functions (like those two for example) at the same time using optim ... or another function in R ? Thanks Arnaud ###################################################################### ## function 1 x1 <- 1:100 y1 <- 5.468 * x + 3 # + rnorm(100,0, 10) dfxy <-
2006 Dec 14
Stubbing constructiors
This works: class X def X.initialize( stuff ) end end X.initialize("bla") However stubbing it doesn,t: require ''test/unit'' require ''stubba'' class X def X.initialize( stuff ) end end class XTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_ X.stubs(:initialize).with("bla")
2012 Oct 22
random forest
Hi all, Can some one tell me the difference between the following two formulas? 1. epiG.rf <-randomForest(gamma~.,data=data, na.action =,ntree = 300,xtest = NULL, ytest = NULL,replace = T, proximity =F) 2.epiG.rf <-randomForest(gamma~.,data=data, na.action =,ntree = 300,xtest = NULL, ytest = NULL,replace = T, proximity =F) [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 Jan 20
random forest question
Hi, here are three results of random forest (version 4.0-1). The results seem to be more or less the same which is strange because I changed the classwt. I hoped that for example classwt=c(0.45,0.1,0.45) would result in fewer cases classified as class 2. Did I understand something wrong? Christian x1rf <- randomForest([cvtrain,]),
2006 Jul 24
RandomForest vs. bayes & svm classification performance
Hi This is a question regarding classification performance using different methods. So far I've tried NaiveBayes (klaR package), svm (e1071) package and randomForest (randomForest). What has puzzled me is that randomForest seems to perform far better (32% classification error) than svm and NaiveBayes, which have similar classification errors (45%, 48% respectively). A similar difference in
2014 Jul 23
Yeah. I agree that "Chain operand is needed if the intrinsic is reading / writing memory.”, Just don’t know where and how to set it up. like intrinsic “int_x86_xtest: “ def int_x86_xtest : GCCBuiltin<"__builtin_ia32_xtest">, Intrinsic<[llvm_i32_ty], [], []>; “ "def X86xtest: SDNode<"X86ISD::XTEST", SDTypeProfile<1, 0,
2010 Mar 30
predict.kohonen for SOM returns NA?
All, The kohonen predict function is returning NA for SOM predictions regardless of data used... even the package example for a SOM using wine data is returning NA's Does anyone have a working example SOM. Also, what is the purpose of trainY, what would be the dependent data for an unsupervised SOM? As may be apparent to you by my questions, I am very new to kohonen maps and am very grateful
2009 Apr 04
error in trmesh (alphahull package)
Hello R community, I have cross-posted with r-sig-geo as this issue could fall under either interest group I believe. I just came accross the alphahull package and am very pleased I may not need to use CGAL anymore for this purpose. However, I am having a problem computing alpha shapes with my point data, and it seems to have to do with the spatial configuration of my points (which form
2005 Aug 28
[fdo] Help! I can't fake events!
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 To: Subject: Help! I can't fake events! I am very frustrated right now. I need to be able to send an event to a program but for some, unknown, reason I have been unable to find a single way to send a event to a window without the stupid SYNTHETIC flag getting set. I do not wish to explain why I must do this (if
2003 Nov 25
RandomForest & memory demand
Hi, is it correct that i need ~ 2GB RAM that it's possible to work with the default setting ntree=500 and a data.frame with 100.000 rows and max. 10 columns for training and testing? P.S. It's possible calculate approximate the memory demand for different settings with RF? Many thanks & regards, Christian
2010 May 05
What is the default nPerm for regression in randomForest?
Could not find it in ?randomForest. Thank you for your help! -- Dimitri Liakhovitski Dimitri.Liakhovitski at
2006 Jul 26
memory problems when combining randomForests
Dear all, I am trying to train a randomForest using all my control data (12,000 cases, ~ 20 explanatory variables, 2 classes). Because of memory constraints, I have split my data into 7 subsets and trained a randomForest for each, hoping that using combine() afterwards would solve the memory issue. Unfortunately, combine() still runs out of memory. Is there anything else I can do? (I am not using
2004 Apr 15
all(logical(0)) and any(logical(0))
Dear R-help, I was bitten by the behavior of all() when given logical(0): It is TRUE! (And any(logical(0)) is FALSE.) Wouldn't it be better to return logical(0) in both cases? The problem surfaced because some un-named individual called randomForest(x, y, xtest, ytest,...), and gave y as a two-level factor, but ytest as just numeric vector. I thought I check for that in my code by testing
2012 Dec 03
Different results from random.Forest with test option and using predict function
Hello R Gurus, I am perplexed by the different results I obtained when I ran code like this: set.seed(100) test1<-randomForest(BinaryY~., data=Xvars, trees=51, mtry=5, seed=200) predict(test1, newdata=cbind(NewBinaryY, NewXs), type="response") and this code: set.seed(100) test2<-randomForest(BinaryY~., data=Xvars, trees=51, mtry=5, seed=200, xtest=NewXs, ytest=NewBinarY) The
2005 Oct 11
a problem in random forest
Hi, there: I spent some time on this but I think I really cannot figure it out, maybe I missed something here: my data looks like this: > dim(trn3) [1] 7361 209 > dim(val3) [1] 7427 209 > mg.rf2<-randomForest(x=trn3[,1:208], y=trn3[,209], data=trn3, xtest=val3[, 1:208], ytest=val3[,209], importance=T) my test data has 7427 observations but after prediction, > dim(mg.rf2$votes)
2009 Sep 15
Boost in R
Hello, does any one know how to interpret this output in R? > Classification with logitboost > fit <- logitboost(xlearn, ylearn, xtest, presel=50, mfinal=20) > summarize(fit, ytest) Minimal mcr: 0 achieved after 6 boosting step(s) Fixed mcr: 0 achieved after 20 boosting step(s) What is "mcr" mean? Thanks [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2019 Aug 28
R CMD check issue
I'm running "R CMD check" for 600+ of the packages that depend on survival, and at the end look for ??? grep Status *.Rcheck/00check.log? | grep ERROR to find any that failed.?? But by accident I just looked at the log for the Greg package, which finishes with the lines found below.? Is the final note of WARNING rather than ERROR on purpose, or an error??? If the former, will