similar to: postscript(), used from a pre R-2.6.0 workspace

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "postscript(), used from a pre R-2.6.0 workspace"

2003 Sep 10
ext3 dead after testing 2.6.0-test5
Hi! I was testing 2.6.0-test5, but got lots of journal aborted errors. Then I Sysrq-s/u/b and wanted to boot 2.4.23-pre3 or 2.4.22, but ext3 error: cannot find root fs cannot mount because of unsupported optional feature (4) after trying to mount it with ext2 (rootfstype=ext2, not working) I rebooted again into 2.4.22, this time there was just severe fs corrpution, illegal blocks, inodes,
2012 Jan 24
Failure to get compactPDF to compact a pdf file
I am failing to get compactPDF to make any change to a pdf file that, a/c to the message from the CRAN upload site, can be very substantially compacted. Any ideas what may be wrong? I have also tried recreating the pdf file. I also tried R CMD build --resave-data --compact-vignettes DAAG The data files compact alright (but I get the 'significantly better compression' warning message
2008 Apr 25
samba and openldap authentication issues!
Alight, I've been working on this for too many hours straight. Any help would be much appreciated! (I posted this online to linux questions, it could be easier to read on there... The problem is users created in smbldap-useradd can not login, unless they also are a local user. for
2014 Oct 19
Writing UTF8 on Windows
Recent functionality in jsonlite allows for streaming json to a user supplied connection object, such as a file, pipe or socket. RFC7159 prescribes json must be encoded as unicode; ISO-8859 (including latin1) is invalid. Hence I would like R to write strings as utf8, irrespective of the type of connection, platform or locale. Implementing this turns out to be unsurprisingly difficult on windows.
2008 Dec 10
Oddness with fieldnames containing an underscore
Hi all, I''m not sure if this is a cucumber or webrat thing given that I only starting tinkering with both last night for the first time (testing newb as well), but I''ve come across an oddity when trying to write a scenario to create a user. Scenario: Register new user Given I am on the new user page And I fill in "login" with "fredf"
2011 Aug 14
cant mount degraded (it worked in kernel
# uname -a Linux dhcppc1 3.0.1-xxxx-std-ipv6-64 #1 SMP Sun Aug 14 17:06:21 CEST 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux mkdir test5 cd test5 dd if=/dev/null of=img5 bs=1 seek=2G dd if=/dev/null of=img6 bs=1 seek=2G losetup /dev/loop2 img5 losetup /dev/loop3 img6 mkfs.btrfs -d raid1 -m raid1 /dev/loop2 /dev/loop3 btrfs device scan btrfs filesystem show Label: none uuid:
2008 Jul 04
Issue running .exes after Wine update
Hi- I recently updated my Wine from 9.something to the latest version. Before I updated, I could run Windows apps from a terminal command line by just entering the app name, but now I get (for example): Code: /home/johnm/bin/LINT-NT.EXE: /home/johnm/bin/LINT-NT.EXE: cannot execute binary file which I guess means it is just trying to execute the app as a 'normal' Linux app. What is it
2012 Jun 02
How can I export a paired t-test output table to an excel file?
Hi R users, Could anyone let me know how to export a paired t-test output table (see below) to an excel file? Jason, with(score2,pairwise.t.test(values,ind, + p.adjust.method="holm", paired=T)) Pairwise comparisons using paired t tests data: values and ind test1 test2 test3 test4 test5 test6 test1 1.0000 - - -
2006 Dec 12
strings as factors
Hi, To be able to match cases with a benchmark I need to have a data.frame with a character id variable. however, I am surprised why this seems to be so hard. In fact I was unable to succeed. Here is what I tried: >test1 <-expand.grid(ID = 1:2, sex = c("male","female")) >is(test1[,2]) [1] "factor" "oldClass" >test2 <-expand.grid(ID =
2010 Dec 21
Bug report 14459 -- procedure for handling follow-up issues
Although the specific behaviour that was reported has been fixed, bugs remain in Sweave's processing of comment lines when keep.source=TRUE This is in some senses a follow-up from earlier bugs. Hence the query -- what is the preferred procedure, to submit a new bug report? (Another option might be to add a comment to the web page for bug 14459.) Is there now a preference to submit via
2010 Jan 15
Using multicore with an open pdf device results in corrupt pdf (PR#14186)
The attached code produces corrupted pdfs (test2.pdf, test4.pdf and test5.pdf). The resulting pdf depends on how many cores are available on the machine. I don't see why there should be any difference between the pdfs (exept for the timestamp). Doing many operations involving mclapply can increase the size of the resulting pdf by ten times! Thank you for checking this. require(multicore)
2007 Oct 22
Video Conference
Hello All, I am looking at doing some video conferencing with SIP. I was hoping to get some early pointers from any one that is currently doing this. I have been all over goggle and voip-info and there is a ton of anecdotal information but, I was hoping for more specifics of what people are actually using that works and even some of what hasn't worked so that I can stay away. What I am
2002 Aug 26
Winbind + smb.conf -- adding "Domain Users" as a valid user
Hi all I have smb 2.2.5 and winbind installed and functioning nicely on one of our linux fileservers. The only thing I am having trouble with is adding NT groups with spaces in their name to smb.conf. For instance: I have the following test shares: [test5] path = /usr/local/test public = yes writable = yes printable = no valid users = AURAN+Test [test6] path =
2014 Sep 13
NOT able to call on local extensions while successfully call on external mobile no.(using SONETEL account)
*Dear List* Plz help, i am not much experienced with asterisk. i configured it on ubuntu 12.04. no problem when i call any mobile no(0091XXXXXXXXXX) but when i call on my local asterisk no.(101,102 or 105) it is not connecting giving error "Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/lucknow-0000006f' status is 'CHANUNAVAIL' *while when i call 200 it is playing audiofile successfully.
2013 Apr 03
snmp definitions problem
Hi, ? have a necron snmp ups. nut-scanner cant find it. i tried to add with these definition but it fails.. [test5-ups] driver = snmp-ups port = community = asdf12 desc ="test" i run driver with debugging , result is , root at upsviewer-debian:/usr/local/ups/bin# ./snmp-ups -DDDDDDD -a test5-upsNetwork UPS Tools - Generic SNMP UPS driver 0.68 (2.6.5) 0.000000
2010 Nov 15
L-shaped boxes with lattice graphs?
Can anyone suggest an equivalent, for lattice graphs, of the base graphics argument bty="l"? NB that I am leaving off the box around the strip, with a strip function: stripfun <- function(which.given,which.panel, factor.levels=as.expression(levlist), ...){ panel.text(x=0, y=0.5, lab = as.expression(levlist[which.panel[which.given]]),
2007 Nov 13
mongrel startup fails now: already initialized constant OPTIONS
I updated to ruby 1.8.6p111 last night and updated some gems and now mongrel doesn''t work: MacOS 10.4.10 $ ruby --version ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [i686-darwin8.10.1] $ gem list rails *** LOCAL GEMS *** rails (1.2.5, 1.2.4, 1.2.3, 1.2.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.0, 1.1.6) Here''s a simple test: $ rails test5 create ... $ cd test5 $ script/server => Booting
2009 Jan 02
Deprecated Realtime application, what's to be gained ???
Hi, After seeing in "pbx/ael/ael-test/ael-test5/extensions.ael" some interesting use case of RealTime to store extension data (forwardto, dnd, ...) i started to play with it. To my surprise the two applications RealTime() / RealtimeUpdate() have been deprecated in favor of the REALTIME() function. While it's not a big deal for the write part since it's only a matter a shifting
2011 Oct 24
How to create a new variable based on parts of another character variable: A generalization
... Well, this works in this simple case, but is too clumsy for a general formulation of this problem: given a "dictionary" consisting of two character vectors of unique "names" (or two columns in a data frame), x and y, how does one convert a factor z with levels in x into the corresponding equivalent with levels in y? There are likely a zillion ways to do this with various
2012 Jun 01
how to add a 'label' column
Hello R users, I'd like to ask a question about how to add a new column. So, below is my situation. In order to perform the repeated ANOVA, I first imported the following table. score=read.csv("patients_tests.csv"); subject test1 test2 test3 test4 test5 test6 test7 1 ab 0.17687 0.16715 0.17009 0.16480 0.16116 0.24502 0.17975 2 cl