similar to: Fixtures subdirectories

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Fixtures subdirectories"

2006 Jun 22
Domain modelling and ActiveRecords
Hi all, I am wondering if this could be a good idea to support the Object#extend method for an ActiveRecord class. Let''s say I have a customer (with a corresponding customer table in the DB). At one point, this customer becomes a "BillableCustomer" (with data in another table for billing information). Wouldn''t it be nice to write: customer.extend(Billable)
2007 Sep 27
fixture_scenarios in trunk
Hi, I saw a previous post from David answering someones question about fixture_scenarios with rspec. Following that I upgraded my rspec and rspec_on_rails to the trunk versions and then installed the fixture scenario plugin. Now whenever I run my (previously passing rspecs) I get the following error for all tests... ... 148) NoMethodError in ''Cart should show a
2011 Aug 10
How to stop Rspec loading my Cucumber fixtures
I have a bunch of fixtures designed to populate the database for my Cucumber integration tests. But at this stage I want my database to be empty when using Rspec. So, I moved the fixtures from `/spec/fixtures` to `features/support/fixtures`, and updated `features/support/env.rb` to read: Fixtures.reset_cache fixtures_folder = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, ''features'',
2008 Jan 16
[CruiseControl] RubyOnRails build 8649 failed
The build failed. CHANGES ------- Revision 8649 committed by gbuesing on 2008-01-16 20:07:10 Introducing DateTime #utc, #utc? and #utc_offset, for duck-typing compatibility with Time. Closes #10002 M /trunk/activesupport/CHANGELOG M /trunk/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/date_time/calculations.rb M /trunk/activesupport/test/core_ext/date_time_ext_test.rb TEST FAILURES AND
2006 Nov 23
TypeError on loading fixtures for integration tests
Functional tests properly load fixtures, but my integration test chokes: # def self.create_fixtures(fixtures_directory, table_names, class_names = {}) # puts("fixtures dir: "+(fixtures_directory.nil? ? "nil" : fixtures_directory)) It''s only nil for my integration tests. I''m on rails edge. Does anyone know what I''m doing wrong here? 1) Error:
2005 Nov 26
activerecord rake test_mysql
Hi (I''m resubmitting this because First question: This is the rails dev list, correct? I''d like to submit a patch and am following the steps on this page: Here''s what I did (using mysql 5.0.15-nt): created 2 databases: activerecord_unittest activerecord_unittest2 created 1 user: rails (giving all priveleges to both databases) ran
2012 Jun 08
[Rails 3.2.5] Rails: unit test fixture_path : fixture_file_upload cannot find the file ...
I am trying to perform a test unit, using FactoryGirl include ActionDispatch::TestProcess FactoryGirl.define do factory :article do ....... photo { fixture_file_upload ''/files/test.jpg'', ''image/jpg'' } end end IN mt test_helper.rb I defined the fixture_path def fixture_path File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/" #
2013 Apr 16
Hosting Omegahat package on CRAN?
Hi list! For a package providing a GUI intended in particular at R newcomers (RcmdrPlugin.temis[1]), I would like to use the Rstem package [2] by Duncan Temple Lang, which is hosted on Omegahat only. This means the package cannot be installed automatically as a dependency, which I can work around by installing the package from my code when the user needs it. But Omegahat does not provide binaries
2007 Sep 21
Do fixture_scenarios and RSpec peacibly coexist?
Railsters: I just installed fixture_scenarios ... ...into a project with some RSpec specifications. They all went kablooey. I didn''t even create a scenario; the system just started calling its version of fixtures(). The normal tests pass and the RSpec ones unanimously emit: TypeError in ''Context (verbose
2011 Jul 25
Rails 3 test database issues
I am having a problem using the test database in Rails 3. It apparently has kept track of aspects of the database that I deleted completely from my migrations at some point. I don''t always use the ''down'' part of a migration and sometimes just recreate the whole database. I did rake db:migrate:reset and rake db:test:prepare, but when I run my test it is trying to access
2009 Feb 02
looking for help with NoMethodError: undefined method `key?' for #<String:0x4795488>
Hi all, Any help with this would be appreciated. I''m using instant rails, updated to 2.2.2, on Windows XP. I''ve created my DB and scaffolded a few things and put some fixtures into place, and when I run the tests I get many errors that look like this: --------------------------------- 1) Error: test_the_truth(EntityTest): NoMethodError: undefined method `key?'' for
2006 Apr 13
Setting up Testing model, getting an error
I setup a testing model in my Depot web app from the Agile Web Development with Rails book and came up with the following errors: Loaded suite test/unit/product_test Started EE Finished in 0.050279 seconds. 1) Error: test_create(ProductTest): Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - /Users/Mike/Sites/depot/config/../test/fixtures/categories
2012 Aug 05
Find out what "native.enc" corresponds to
Hi! I'm using R2HTML in my RcmdrPlugin.temis package to output localized strings to a HTML file. Thus, I insert a simple header at the top of the file to specify what encoding is used; if I don't do that, Web browsers assume it is latin1, which is not always true. My problem is, I could not find a way to detect what encoding is used by R2HTML in the most general case. R2HTML simply calls
2006 Nov 07
Unknown column 'id' in 'field list
Hello, I''m trying to write a unit test for model that doesn''t have an ''id'' field. I created the model''s table with the following migration, making sure the primary key was set. class CreateActiveUserMetrics < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :active_user_metrics, {:id => false,
2006 Jul 18
Fixtures Max Size? SystemStackError: stack level too deep
Hello, I have a table of zipcodes that I am using in my application, so there are approximately 50,000 rows in this table. I have dumped the table to a fixture yaml file to represent this data, but when I try to load it, I get this error: SystemStackError: stack level too deep Is there a max size allowed for a fixture file..? Here is the --trace output: rake db:fixtures:load --trace **
2005 Dec 12
Using a lib in YAML fixtures
I''m using the runt library [1] to do some temporal expression matching. I want to keep the expression in a binary field in my db. I figured that then in order to do the fixtures, I''d need to do some erb in the yaml file. So I came up with this: onetime: id: 1 name: One Time description: This event occurs only one time. timex: <%= &
2006 Jun 24
Rake vs Ruby for running tests (error discrepency)
I''m having (to me) a strange problem with errors when running my tests with rake as opposed to using ruby. If I do rake test:units I get this error for several tests, but not all: 13) Error: test_player_has_game_statistics_for_season(PlayerSeasonTest): ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: Duplicate entry ''22'' for key 1: INSERT INTO positions (`name`, `id`,
2005 Dec 30
Problems with Testing (Depot) demo app in Agile Rails book
I''ve encountered a perplexing problem whilst following along the demo app in the "Agile Web Development with Rails" book. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is a brief time line of my tale of woe:- 0. Been programming (business apps) and designing/building DBs for two decades - but new to both Ruby and Rails (so I apologise in advance if I''ve made some
2007 Jun 15
Error when running functional test - Errno::ENOENT
Hello, I''m getting an error when running functional tests as follows, using Mac OSX 10.4.9, Rails 1.2.3 . When I run: ruby test/functional/campaign_controller_test.rb I get this error: Started E Finished in 0.027402 seconds. 1) Error: test_should_get_icon_data(CampaignControllerTest): Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - /usr/src/projects/myproject/
2012 Oct 18
legend of maps generated by function symbols
I generated maps with the function symbols (graphics). These are basic maps generated with : symbols(x,y,circles=myvariable) where x et y are spatial coordinates corresponding to replicates of "myvariable". I would associate legend to this kind of maps, is it possible? Regards, Marion. -- Marion Jacquot Laboratoire de Chrono-environnement UMR UFC/CNRS 6249 USC INRA Universit? de