similar to: Effect sizes

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Effect sizes"

2007 Jul 03
MASS library rob.cov ellipse
Hi, I used to get a really useful graph when I ran the following command using the MASS library: > cov.rob(cbind(dekeyser$AGE,dekeyser$GJTSCORE),cor=T) Besides the regular output, a graph appeared that had the classical correlation and the robust correlation, and two ellipses, one surrounding the data that would be used in the classical correlation and the other surrounding the data in the
2006 Jul 10
Counting observations split by a factor when there are NAs in the data
I am a very novice R user, a social scientist (linguist) who is trying to learn to use R after being very familiar with SPSS. Please be kind! My concern: I cannot figure out a way to get an accurate count of observations of one column of data split by a factor when there are NAs in the data. I know how to use commands like tapply and summaryBy to obtain other summary statistics I am interested
2006 Nov 07
Comparing models in multiple regression and hierarchical linear regression
I don?t know if this question properly belongs on this list, but I?ll ask it here because I?ve been using R to run linear regression models, and it is only in using R (after switching from using SPSS) that I have discovered the process of fitting a linear model. However, after reading Crowley (2002), Fox (2002), Verzani (2004), Dalgaard (2002) and of course searching the R-help archives I cannot
2006 Jul 10
Counting observations split by a factor when there are NA s in the data
Wouldn't something like table(status) give you want you want? E.g.: R> status <- factor(c("A", "B", "A", NA, "A", "B")) R> table(status) status A B 3 2 Andy From: Jenifer Larson-Hall > > I am a very novice R user, a social scientist (linguist) who > is trying to learn to use R after being very familiar with >
2007 Nov 12
MASS library rob.cov ellipse
I figured this out so I wanted to post a response to my own question. Thanks to Brian Ripley for his hint, which got me looking in the right direction. The plot I had seen before that I wanted was automatic output to the cor.plot command in the mvoutlier library. A similar tolerance ellipse can be obtained from the covPlot command in the robustbase library, using which="tolEllipsePlot"
2009 Nov 27
is there a script to find a message from a given username easily?
Hello people, I used primarily mutt and sendmail for many years. (And elm before mutt.) All my mail was saved into ~/Mail. Messages from, say, smith at foo.ber were stored in ~/Mail/smith; all mail from smith was catenated into one file, and if I wanted to find something that smith had written, I would just cd to ~/Mail and grep or egrep on a likely word or phrase. Is there a script
2012 Mar 28
discrepancy between paired t test and glht on lme models
Hi folks, I am working with repeated measures data and I ran into issues where the paired t-test results did not match those obtained by employing glht() contrasts on a lme model. While the lme model itself appears to be fine, there seems to be some discrepancy with using glht() on the lme model (unless I am missing something here). I was wondering if someone could help identify the issue. On
2013 Jan 14
Tukey HSD plot with lines indicating (non-)significance
Dear list members, I'm running some tests looking at differences between means for various levels of a factor, using Tukey's HSD method. I would like to plot the data as boxplots or dotplots, with horizontal significance lines indicating which groups are statistically significantly different, according to Tukey HSD. Here's a nice image showing an example of such a graphical
2012 Dec 05
Using multcomp::glht() with Anova object
Hello everyone, I've conducted a Type III repeated-measures ANOVA using Anova() from the car package, based on the suggestions at 3) and My ANOVA has two factors: Condition (3 levels) and Region (6 levels) and their interaction. Below is code to run the Anova
2007 Jan 09
posthoc tests with ANCOVA
dear all, I want to perform a posthoc test for my ANCOVA: a1<-aov(seeds~treatment*length) With summary(glht(a1, linfct = mcp(treatment = "Tukey"))) R tells me: "covariate interactions found -- please choose appropriate contrast" How do I build these contrasts? Ideally, I would like to have the posthoc test for the ANCOVA including a block-effect
2009 Aug 14
post hoc test after lme
Hi! I am quiet new with R and I have some problems to perform a posthoc test with an lme model. My model is the following: >lme1<-lme(eexp~meal+time, random=~1|id,na.action=na.omit) and then i try to get a post hoc test: >summary(glht(lme1,linfct=mcp(meal="Tukey))) but I get a warning message: Erreur dans as.vector(x, mode) : argument 'mode' incorrect Thank you for your
2009 Dec 06
How do i translate the old default_mail_env setting?
Hi, First, I am new to dovecot. Before my Jan '08 meltdown, sendmail was sufficient. A friend set up dovecot and since things just-worked, I was happy with that. Now I have a new mailserver and what was installed nearly two years ago fails. My pal installed things in dovecot.conf this way: default_mail_env = maildir:~/Maildir but the new mail environment is too different to be
2003 Oct 27
Jenifer sent you a greeting
Surprise! You've just received a greeting from "Jenifer" ([1]jenifer_brown at! To view this greeting card, click on the following Web address at anytime within the next 30 days. [2] If that doesn't work, go to [3] and copy and paste this code: 8272635YJKAH7
2018 May 01
Specifying priors in a multi-response MCMCglmm
Hi Bert, That was distinctly unhelpful, and your outward hostility to a field you obviously don't understand reveals a regrettable level of ignorance. By the way, my research is Anthropology despite my job title. Michelle On Tue, May 1, 2018 at 2:48 PM, Bert Gunter <bgunter.4567 at> wrote: > 1. (Mainly) Statistical issues are generally off topic on this list. > You
2013 Oct 12
export glht to LaTeX
Hi, I want to export the result of glht in R into a LaTeX table, such as that result: Linear Hypotheses: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) Group1 - Group2 == 0 -0.14007 0.01589 -8.813 <0.001 "***" Group1 - Group3 == 0 -0.09396 0.01575 -5.965 <0.001 *** --- Signif. codes: 0 ?***? 0.001 ?**? 0.01 ?*? 0.05
2011 Mar 01
glht() used with coxph()
Hi, I am experimenting with using glht() from multcomp package together with coxph(), and glad to find that glht() can work on coph object, for example: > (fit<-coxph(Surv(stop, status>0)~treatment,bladder1)) coxph(formula = Surv(stop, status > 0) ~ treatment, data = bladder1) coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p treatmentpyridoxine -0.063 0.939 0.161
2012 Jan 02
Is using glht with "Tukey" for lme post-hoc comparisons an appropriate substitute to TukeyHSD?
Hello, I am trying to determine the most appropriate way to run post-hoc comparisons on my lme model. I had originally planned to use Tukey HSD method as I am interested in all possible comparisons between my treatment levels. TukeyHSD, however, does not work with lme. The only other code that I was able to find, and which also seems to be widely used, is glht specified with Tukey:
2011 Dec 27
How to create a loop and then extract values from the list generated by cor.test
Dear all, I would like to conduct a Pearson's correlation using cor.test separately for each individual in my data set. Each individual has nine observations of the measurement variable 'Delta13C'. I can figure our how to do it manually one 'Individual_ID' at a time, but I cannot figure out how to automate the process (a loop I am guessing). In addition, I would like to
2011 Jul 26
a question about glht function
Hi all: There's a question about glht function. My data:data_ori,which inclue CD4, GROUP,time. f_GROUP<-factor(data_ori$GROUP) f_GROUP is a factor of 3 levels(0,1,2,3) result <- lme(sqrt(CD4) ~ f_GROUP*time ,random = ~time|ID,data=data_ori) glht(result, linfct = mcp(f_GROUP="Tukey") ) Error in `[.data.frame`(mf, nhypo[checknm]) : undefined columns selected I can't
2018 Mar 24
MCMCglmm multinomial model results
Hi David, Thanks for your comment. I haven't posted the data because they are unpublished and include human subjects so there are issues with sharing on a list serv, but I thought perhaps someone had encountered a similar problem and would already know the answer. I will reconsider whether my University's ethics approval would allow me to post the data and update the question if I think