similar to: Changing steps on a graphic axes

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Changing steps on a graphic axes"

2000 Jun 02
graphical parameters in plot
I'm using plot to make a simple plot but I want to control where the tick marks go on bot axes. The graphical parameters xaxp and yaxp seem to be ignored by the plot function so I tried setting them using op <- par(no.readonly=T) par(xaxp=c(-2.4,-2.2,5), yaxp=c(-2500,10000,6)) plot(...) par(op) but they are still ignored. Next I tried to use the axis function as follows op <-
2008 Jan 05
Cumulative sum of vector
Hi, Maybe I have not been looking in the right spot, but, I have not been able to fine a command to automatically calculate the running cumulative sum of a vector. Is there such a command? Example of current code: > eig$values [1] 678.365651 6.769697 2.853783 > prop<-eig$values/sum(eig$values) > prop [1] 0.986012163 0.009839832 0.004148005 >
2010 Oct 11
(senza oggetto)
? stato filtrato un testo allegato il cui set di caratteri non era indicato... Nome: non disponibile URL: <>
2009 Jan 28
help with plot layout
It takes a lot of sweat to generate a composite plot with R ... sigh. I though I was almost done when I met the umpteenth hurdle. I cannot place a nice title on the 2nd plot (raw signal) on the layout. I do not have control on where either the "main" option of "plot" function, or "title", place the text string which keeps dysplaying chopped from above. I also tried
2003 Feb 24
exact range of axes in plots
Hello. I was wondering how one can find the exact values of the range of an axis within a plot. In xlispstat it was (send plot :range 0). Thanks much, Jason
2005 Oct 08
how to control ticks in plots with yasp or xasp
Hi, A few times I tried to control the number and position of tick marks in plots with the yasp or xasp parameters. For example, a y axis was drawn by default with tick marks at 0, 20, 40, 80 and 100. I tried to get tick marks every 10 by adding yasp=(0, 100, 10) but this had no effect at all. I know I can draw the axis and tick marks manually, but often this simple option would suffice
2004 Jan 22
Axes Ticks
Apologies, basic question on plot. y <- c(-4,3,-2,1); x <- c("time 1", "time 2", "time 3", "time 4"); plot(x,y, type="b"); of course fails. x <- 1:4 makes it succeed, but then I have too many ticks on my X axis. I want exactly 4 tickmarks. It would also be nicer if I could name the ticks. I looked at ?par and Venables&Ripley,
2007 Nov 20
Logarithmic axis
Hi there, I guess this must be a standard issue, but I'm starting to go crazy with it. I simply want a plot with the x axis being logarithmic, having labels 1, 10, 100..., and ten unlabelled ticks between each of them - just as they introduce logarithmic axis at school. I've played around a bit with log="x", xlog=T (where exactly is the difference here?), xaxp, and xaxt
2004 Dec 29
Question about setting tick mark limits in Plot
Dear R-list, I am having trouble getting the Plot function to set the tick marks the way I want, and I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Below is the code that I wrote, and I am not sure why it doesn't work. p is a vector of length 2198, containing numbers between 0 and 240. q is a vector of ones, the same length as p. I want the x-axis to have tick marks every 30 min and I want the
2009 Jun 23
subset POSIXct
Hi, I have a data frame with two columns: dt and tf. The dt column is datetime and the tf column is a temperature. dt tf 1 2009-06-20 00:53:00 73 2 2009-06-20 01:08:00 73 3 2009-06-20 01:44:00 72 4 2009-06-20 01:53:00 71 5 2009-06-20 02:07:00 72 ... I need a subset of the rows where the minutes are 53. The hour is immaterial. I can not find a wildcard
2007 Oct 15
boxplot() confuses x- and y-axes (PR#10345)
Full_Name: Bob O'Hara Version: 2.6.0 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( Using horizontal=TRUE with boxplot() confuses it as to what is an x- or y-axis. At least, xlim= and ylim= are the wrong way round, log="x" (or "y") and xaxt= work as expected, I haven't looked at anything else. Some code to see if you can reproduce the bug (or discover
2004 Feb 19
suppressing non-integer labels for plot x-axis
Dear R-helpers, I am having difficulty making R plot only integer labels on the x-axis of a simple graph. I want to plot the median values of a score on each of three occasions. Non-integer occasions are impossible. But, R keeps labelling the x-axis with half-occasions, despite my attempts to stop this using the "xaxs" and "xaxp" parameters of 'plot'. p1=c(1,2,3);
2009 Jul 15
Axes origins and labeling
I have re-labeled tick marks on the x axis. The problem is that by using axes=FALSE, the axes disappears and when they are called back using axis(side=1)..etc. the axis on sides 1 and 2 do not meet at the bottom left corner of the graph. I would also like to have the 3rd and 4th axes in there as well, all meeting in their respective corners. par(mfrow=c(1,2)) gut<-c("Full",
2009 Dec 10
global variables in a function
Y'all, I would like to have most of the variables in my function to be global instead of local. I have not found any references that tell me now to do that. If I have missed a reference please excuse me and tell me what I have missed. Thanks, Keith Jones
2004 Dec 06
barplot() options for intervals on axes
Hello, I am a beginner with R. I read many tutorials and the FAQ but I cannot solve my problem. I use barplot() to view my graph. I try to get more interval marks on y axis. I wasn't able to find options in 'help(barplot)' or 'help(par)' to do this with barplot(). I seek for another option to print y values on my bars like on the graph of the R homepage:
2007 Aug 12
How to control the number format on plot axes ?
Dear R-users, Basically, everything is in the title of my e-mail. I know that some threads from the archives have already addressed this question but they did not really give a clear solution. Here is a series of short codes that will illustrate the problem: # First a<-1:10 plot(x=a,y=a,log="y",type="p") # Second a<-1:10 myTicks<-c(1,2,5,10)
2002 Mar 10
xaxp and yaxp
Hello, I'm new to R, and I'm trying to set the number of tickmarks for a plot using xaxp, but R seems to ignore this setting completely. Maybe you've an idea what I'm doing wrong. I'm using R 1.4.1, and here's hat I'm doing: > d[,'seq'] [1] 28913 16323 13922 6237 4257 3881 4100 3781 2694 2064 1769 1550 [13] 1539 480 >
2017 Mar 03
Control statements with condition with greater than one should give error (not just warning) [PATCH]
I'd like to propose that the whenever the length of condition passed to an if or a while statement differs from one, an error is produced rather than just a warning as today: > x <- 1:2 > if (x == 1) message("x == 1") x == 1 Warning message: In if (x == 1) message("x == 1") : the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used There are
2013 Oct 10
pairs plot
my data are matrix with 3 numeric columns. would like to have pairs plot with scatterplots in the upper with hist at the diag and with correlation at the lower. actually default pairs does almost what I want but looks semi awesome. Especially, i didn't find out how to remove the axes from the lower part where I do only want to display the numeric values correlations there and somehow axes
2004 Feb 29
stripchart and axes
Hi, I'd like to remove the axes from a plot produced by stripchart(). However, when trying stripchart(..., axes = FALSE), I get the error meassage Error in stripchart(hypokvot1 ~ treatment, "jitter", pch = 1, vert = TRUE, : unused argument(s) (axes ...) using R 1.8.1 on Windows. Can it be done some other way? If not, maybe this functionality can be added to a future version of