similar to: distributing the values of data frame to a vector based on......

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "distributing the values of data frame to a vector based on......"

2006 May 11
bug report - cor (PR#8852)
Full_Name: daniel t. O'Shea Version: 2.2.1 OS: xp Submission from: (NULL) ( using the cor command in the base package. cor(x,y) x is a matrix (15 rows and 1000 columns). I did not specify a column and R crashed - shut down. error signature AppName:rgui.exe AppVer 2.21.51220.0 ModName: r.dll ModVer: 2.21.51220.0
2007 Aug 21
summing columns of data frame by group
I have a data frame and one separate vector that is a grouping variable for the data frame. I would like to take all rows of the data frame belonging to each group and then sum the columns with out using a for statement. Something like: take all rows of group 1 then apply(,1,sum), but do this without having to do it separately for each group. Any ideas? thank you. Dan
2007 Dec 30
refering to variable names in lm where the variable name is in another variable
I am trying to refer to a variable name in a lm regression where the variable name is in another variable, but it does seem to work. Here is an example: y<-rnorm(10) dat<-data.frame(x1=rnorm(10),x2=rnorm(10),x3=rnorm(10)) nam<-c('x1','x2','x3') library(gtools) com<-combinations(3,2,1:3) mod<-lm(y~nam[com[1,1]],data=dat) #error in model frame....:variable
2006 Jun 20
TDM400P bad echo problem, tried lots of things
I have a bad echo problem on my TDM400P with one FXO module installed. I have tried a few things, such as: * setting rxgain and txgain to 0 * setting echocancelwhenbridged to no / yes * settting echocancel to 64 / no / yes * setting echocanceltraining to 800 / no / yes * MG2 echo cancellation * MARK2 echo cancellation * KB1 echo cancellation * AGGRESSIVE_SUPPRESSOR option of MARK2 Each time
2006 Apr 11
Re: Received VNAK: resending outstanding frames?
Some more info: Just tried this on a server without using any NAT and no port forwarding, no masquerading, and I still have the same problem. So there goes that idea. I do not know what this VNAK error means. By the way, I am using the latest version (1.2.6) of asterisk, have also tried other versions with the same problem [1.0.9 (Ubuntu Breezy) and 1.0.7 (Debian Sarge) and 1.2.1 (Ubuntu
2007 Feb 06
installing packages and windows vista
I installed R (R-2.4.1-win32.exe) on a new computer with Windows Vista and a 64 bit operating system (hp dv9000 with intel core t7200). The base R runs fine, but I can not get any of the packages to load. From within R I choose install packages choose a site then a package. I tried installing 2 packages and get similar errors (see below), I just copied and pasted lines from R. Can anyone
2006 Jun 08
hangup lag causing the answering of already answered calls
I have a TDM-400P with one FXO module. On an incoming call, I have set Asterisk to dial my phone (exten => s,1,Dial(IAX2/carey)), which is basically the only thing in my dialplan. When the call is answered by the PSTN phone first, or when the ringing call is hung up, Asterisk keeps ringing for 5+ seconds, which causes trouble (the answering of already answered calls). I noticed in the
2009 Sep 25
grep or other complex string matching approach to capture necessary information...
Say I have the following data: house_number<-floor(runif(100, 200, 600)) water_evaluation<-c("No water damage", "Water damage", "Water On", "Water off", "water pipes damaged", "leaking water") water_evaluation_selection<-floor(runif(100, 1,6)) house_info<-data.frame(water_evaluation[water_evaluation_selection],
2009 Jul 21
Split plot analysis problems
Hello, I would be very grateful if someone could give me a hand with my split plot design problems. So here is my design : I am studying the crossed-effects of water (wet/dry) and mowing (mowed/not-mowed = nm) on plant height (PH) within 2 types of plant communities (Xerobromion and Mesobromion) : - Within each type of communities, I have localised 4 blocks - In each block, I have defined
2002 Mar 10
lattice library: xyplot and polygons
Dear R-Helpers, Is there a way to draw shaded (filled) polygons in panel graphs produced by xyplot ? I made different trials (see below) with polygon() and grid.polygon() but polygons are not drawn (probably for the same reason that prevents the use of lines, points, etc. in xyplot panels). Thanks in advance, Renaud > Water id label longitude latitude 515 21 Zone inondable
2013 May 02
multivariate, hierarchical model
Sorry for the last email, sent too early. I have a small data set that has a hierarchical structure. It has both temporal (year, months) and spatial (treatment code and zone code). The following explains the data: WSZ_Code the water supply zone code (1 to 8) Treatment_Code the treatment plant which supplies each water supply zone (1 to 4)
2007 Jun 14
"Last changed" timestamp is ignored?
Rsync's "does this file need to be updated" check can conclude "this file does not need updating" even though the "last changed" timestamp differs. This happens when the size and modify timestamp are equal. Why doesn't rsync consider the "last changed" timestamp in the same respect as the modify timestamp? Doesn't changed mean, er, changed?
2009 Feb 09
Generating new variable based on values of an existing variable
Dear R Help-Listers: I have a problem that seems like it should have a simple solution, but I've spent hours on it (and searching the r-help archives) to no avail. What I'd like to do is to generate a new variable within a data frame, the values of which are dependent upon the values of an existing variable within that data frame. Assume that I have the following data:
2011 Feb 27
accessing variables inside a function, inside a loop
dear list! I KNOW this has been answered a million times before. But, as some might remember from their "freelance" times as a statistic consultant, sometimes you're blinded by the facts. I KNOW I have seen this problem solved, but due to the mental blockade i have been suffering from the last 3 hours, I can neither find the answer on the mailing list nor on google. I wrote a
2009 Mar 17
Plastic Water Bottles
The plastics industry says polycarbonate bottles are safe. I'm sure Maggie and here friends would say ALL plastic bottles are very dangerous. This lady seems to be at a reasonable middle ground. Polycarbonate plastics the kind of bottle you bought contains BPA. "In 2006 Europe
2012 Jun 26
Zero inflated: is there a limit to the level of inflation
Hello, I have count data that illustrate the presence or absence of individuals in my study population. I created a grid cell across the study area and calcuated a count value for each individual per season per year for each grid cell. The count value is the number of time an individual was present in each grid cell. For illustration my data columns look something like this and are repeated for
2009 Mar 29
re form data for aov()?
I have data in a file named hands.dat, which is given at the end of this question. (It's from a stats textbook example on anova). I'd like to do an aov on this, which I guess would be d <- read.table("~/hands.dat", header=TRUE) aov(Bacterial.Counts ~ Water + Soap + Antibacterial.Soap + Alcohol.Spray, data=d) but this fails. Do I need to break d$Method up into columns for
2024 Apr 09
Question regarding reservoir volume and water level
Water engineer here. The standard approach is to 1) get the storage vs. elevation data from the designers of the reservoir or, barring that, 2) get the bathymetry data from USBR or state DWR, or, if available, get the DEM data from USGS if the survey was done before the reservoir was built or 3) get a boat+sonar with GPS? +lots of time and survey the bottom elevation yourself. Put the xyz
2024 Apr 10
Question regarding reservoir volume and water level
Dear all; Thank you for your reply. David has explained an interesting method. David I have DEM file of the region and I have extracted the xyz data from that. Also I can extract bathymetry data as xyz file. I have calculated the storage (volume) of reservoir at the current elevation. But the method I have used to calculate the volume is different from your method. I have crop DEM by the reservoir
2009 Oct 02
(no subject)
Dear R Community, I am running GLM's within the "MASS" library. My data are overdispersed and I am accounting for the overdispersion by using an ANOVA 'F' test instead of ANOVA 'Chisq'. You will have to forgive me because I am new at this, but I am not sure if R is conducting an ANOVA 'F' test appropriately. I was hoping to explain this using my data